Biography of R. G. Winston

Many of the substantial and thrifty citizens of this western county of Wallowa have come from the east as is the case in many of the other adjacent counties, and here these pioneers have found a home, while they have taken hold of the resources given by nature and have wrought out wealth and the comforts of civilization. Notable among this number is the esteemed and genial citizen whose name is at the head of this paragraph and to whom we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of our county, since he has labored here from the early days of its existence and has materially augmented its wealth, while he has ever lifted his voice and vote for those principles that are wholesome and upright.

Mr. Winston was born in Taylor County, Kentucky, in 1835, and there spent the days of his minority, starting for himself when he was twenty-one years of age. He followed farming in Shelby County, Missouri, until 1882, and then determined to visit the western country and see its opportunities and prospects. He landed first in the Walla Walla valley, near Milton, and there and in the vicinity spent two years coming to Wallowa County in 1884. Immediately upon looking over the country here he took a homestead, the property being located twenty miles northeast from Joseph. He engaged in stock raising and prosperity attended his efforts because of his thrift, industry and good, practical management, and he came to be one of the opulent stockmen of the county. Five years since he removed to a fine residence that he owns in the suburbs of Joseph, both to give better school facilities for his children and also to enjoy the fruits of his labor that his energy and ability have accumulated.

Mr. Winston was married in 1856, Miss Mary Caroll becoming his wife at that time. She was a native of Missouri and bore to her husband one child, Joseph. In 1862 Mrs. Winston was called to pass the river of death, her remains being buried in the Boston chapel, in Shelby County, Missouri.

In 1865 Mr. Winston contracted a second marriage, Miss Angelety Caroll becoming his bride this time, she also a native of Missouri. To this union there have been born the following children, Dora, John W., Lizzie, Frank, Thomas, Jessie, Edward, James and Louis, who died in 1869 and was buried in Shelby County, Missouri. Mr. Winston is a genial, upright and enterprising citizen, who carried the esteem and confidence of all of his fellows, and is a valuable and talented member of society, being especially endowed with that practical judgment and keen foresight, which are so essential to success in the affairs of men.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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