Biography of Moses Lore

Last Updated on March 29, 2012 by

MOSES LORE. – It is with especial pleasure that we respond to the invitation to say a few words relative to the career of the estimable gentleman and distinguished pioneer whose name is at the beginning of this article because he is perhaps the oldest resident of Union county, and also because he has been a potent factor in developing not only the resources of this county, but of other frontier regions in his long and eventful life. The whole range of frontier life, as trapping, mining, fighting Indians, beating off robbers, and breaking up the virgin soil, and establishing homes, and in assisting in handling the affairs of the community in its incipiency, have all been experienced by him and it is matter of great regret that we have not more space to devote to the interesting details of the thrilling adventures of his life.

But, turning more definitely to the specific matters in hand. Mr. Lore was born near Montreal, Canada, in October, 1804, nearly one hundred years ago, being the son of Henry and Margaret Lore, who were agricultural people, natives of France, and early settlers of Canada. He was occupied in his younger days on the ranch with his father and in the winter went to the timber and rafted down to Quebec for two springs. When he arrived at the age twenty-six years he went to St. Louis and there worked on a boat for one winter and in the spring engaged as overseer of the stock with the American Fur Company, which was starting an expedition to the Rocky Mountains. For two years, he was with this company traversing the wild regions of the mountains in search of fur, and trapping and hunting. He became very expert in these arts and also while enjoying the thrilling adventures attendant thereupon was well acquainted with the hardships and dangers that so thickly bestrew the path of the hunter and trapper. At the end of his two years service he engaged with a party led by one Jarvey to go to the mountains near Salt Lake, but on account of the uprising among the Indians the trip was abandoned and our subject, in company with Jaquerie, a member of the former party, trapped and hunted for two years more in the territory adjacent to Fort Hall, in Idaho. They were within one hundred miles of this station and were successful in their endeavers. They went north from there to the Payette river country and hunted buffalo, then returned to Fort Hall and wintered, then went to the Clearwater country and on to the Flathead territory, all the time hunting and trapping. Then they started for California, but the partner became afraid of the Indians, and so the trip was abandoned, and Mr. Lore went to work for the noted Henry Spalding where he continued for ten months. After this he crossed the Cascades and took up a ranch of six hundred and forty acres in the Willamette valley and remained twelve years or until 1852, when he went to California and operated in the mines but without much success except to incur the discomfort and pain of enduring an attack of fever and ague and the scurvy, after which he returned to the Willamette valley, sold his ranch, took up another and bought enough more to make five hundred acres in all.

There he remained until 1862, when he crossed the Cascades to Union county and was occupied for a time in peddling among the miners, and once was attacked by robbers when he was returning home. For two years he wrought here and then sent for his family from the Willamette valley and bought his present place of one-quarter section, where he has given his attention to farming and stock-raising. Success has attended his efforts and he is now enjoying a competence that his thrift and energy gathered for him.

In 1853, the marriage of Mr. Lore and Mary Ann Sanders was solemnized and to them have been born six children, one of whom is living. Joseph, who resides with his parents on the farm. Mrs. Lore is seventy years of age. Mr. Lore is over ninety-seven, and is active and takes interest in the farm and in business generally. He is highly esteemed by all and in a county where many pioneers dwell there is perhaps not another with so extended and interesting a career as has been passed by the worthy and venerable gentleman who is now spending his golden years in the county where he has labored long and faithfully.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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