Biography of Orlando T. Prout

Last Updated on August 23, 2012 by

It is quite fitting that in a volume purporting to chronicle the lives of the leading citizens of Wallowa county, there should be mention of the esteemed gentleman, named in this article, and who has demonstrated his ability to do the work of the pioneer in a manner that is quite becoming that worthy class; for years also he has shown qualifications for bringing success to his hand in the ventures of agricultural life, displaying, meanwhile, those characteristics of moral worth and integrity that are priceless to the really true and noble man.

Mr. Prout was born in Branch County, Michigan, July 12, 1854, being the son of Silas and Betsy (Prine) Prout, natives respectively of New York and Wales. The father was a contractor and builder in Michigan and was of note in his vicinity. During the Civil war he enlisted in the Fourth Michigan Cavalry and from exposure there received in service he perished, and his remains sleep in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The mother has since been laid to rest also. When sixteen years of age, our subject stepped upon the arena of life’s battles to do duty individually, his first venture being to the lumber woods where he served five years. In 1875 he came west, stopped in time in Nebraska, then pushed on to Colorado, where five years were spent, and then he came direct to Wallowa county, and in the following year, 1863, he took his present place, two and one-half miles north and one-half mile west from Joseph. He has steadily given his attention to farming and stock raising, principally the latter, since his advent here, and as the result of his industry, enterprise, and wise manipulation of business affairs, he enjoys good prosperity and the abundance of this world’s goods that makes life pleasurable.

Mr. Prout married Miss Sarah, daughter of W.P. and Catherine (Lindford) Cole, and a native of Nebraska, on December 6, 1885, and the fruit of the union is the following children, Jasper A., Eva E., Roy A., Earl E., and Clarence O. Mr Prout is considered one of the substantial men of the county, has ever demonstrated that sagacity and prudence which, coupled with enterprise and skill, such as he possesses, are sure to place success in his hands. His uprightness and integrity and broad public sprit have made him admired and esteemed by all, and he ever shows that interest in the affairs of government and in the welfare of all that is commendable and praiseworthy.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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