History of Fannin County Texas
This collection represents the 24 biographies from the History of Fannin County, Texas – History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County.
Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.
This collection represents the 24 biographies from the History of Fannin County, Texas – History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County.
President of the Masonic Female Institute, this city, was born raised and educated in Louisiana. He left the Pelican state in 1877, to make his home and his name in Texas. He has done both. Shortly after his arrival in Bonham, he took charge of the Bonham Male and Female Academy, over which the presided for five years. At the end of this period he became tired of the principalship of a mixed school, and. at a great sacrifice, financially and obtained a charter for the college over which he now presides. In 1882, he leased the grounds and buildings … Read more
Is a native of Kentucky, born in Louisville, in 1841, and raised manhood by his grand-parents, in Harrison County of that state. In 1872, he resigned his seat in the senate of Kentucky to come into this state, and the loss of Kentucky proved the gain of Texas. He came direct to Bonham and opened his Law Office people of North Texas are acquainted with his history from that time. Before he went into public life in Kentucky, he completed a thorough course of study in the law-office of Elmore, Keys & Gunter, at Montgomery, Ala., after which he was … Read more
Mr. Woodson is a good lawyer, a conscientious officer and a vigorous and successful prosecutor. Of this county, was born in Columbia, South Carolina, in 1825. He began the study of law in the law office of Judge Warner, and was admitted to the bar by a special act of the legislature at the age of 18 years. He moved to Fannin County in 1844, and his abilities as a ‘lawyer were soon recognized, and. he was employed upon one side or the other of every important suit; both criminal and civil, in the county. In a few years, his … Read more
Of Ladonia, this county, is one of the few southern men whom the misfortunes of the war failed to place upon the roll of codfish aristocracy, notwithstanding the fact that he suffered considerable loss. After four years service in the confederate ranks, during which time he was made a federal prisoner when the siege of Fort Hudson was raised he returned to his home to find his handsome property an utter waste. His natural good sense and judgment told him that the “milk was spilled and grief was useless. He laid his shoulder to the wheel, and success attended his … Read more
Mr. Bramlette, of this city, is from the “Blue Grass” state, though, raised in Lamar County, Texas. He began the study of law in the office of Hon J. C. Hodges, of Paris, and was admitted to the bar in 1876, twenty-one years old. He moved to Bonham in 1880, and opened his law and abstract office. He has reduced the land law, and titles to a fineness, that perhaps no other lawyer or notary, in North Texas has ever done. ‘His abstract of land titles is as near perfection as possible; his knowledge of the law regulating and settling … Read more
The Artist of Bonham, is from the “buckeye” state, originally, but latterly from Shell City, Mo. -Mr. Thompson east his lot with the people of Fannin County, in July 1885, having just married one of Illinois daughters to share his fortunes in the south-west.. While his life may be said to have just begun in Fannin County, it is not so with his profession. For fifteen years has he applied himself to his profession, keeping pace with all the improvements in the art of photography and painting, and samples of his work in Bonham will convince the most skeptical that … Read more
Of this city, was born in 1850, and raised in the state. While Mr. Davis is not, nor ever was a veritable “Cow Boy,” he was raised on a stock-farm and ranch, and followed that business, until a few years ago. Early in life he married a daughter of this state, and they two have presided over the “Crockett House,” since 1883. This commodious and well furnished hotel, is situated on South Main street, one block from the square, and has very justly acquired the reputation of being a favorite retreat, for the tired and hungry public. Two years of … Read more
Proprietor of the Perkins House, of this city, was born in Georgia in 1841, and came to this state in 1856. His first occupation in Texas was that of farming. He followed this business in Lamar County, until in 1878, when he moved to Paris, and opened a hotel. He remained in Paris only a year, then moved to Marshall, Texas, with his family, and opened a large house at that place. At Marshall the “Perkins House” was very popular, and Mr, Perkins did a good business. Early in 1885, he came to Bonham, purchase d a very desirable lot, … Read more
Of Honey Grove, was born in South Carolina, in 1845, and moved to this state in 1866. He followed farming, until 1873, when he went into business at Honey Grove. He commenced a small business with a limited capital, $300 but by superior business judge merit and close application, steadily increased his capital and credit in the commercial world, until the twelve years of mercantile life has placed him on a solid financial footing. His is a general merchandise business, and as is generally the case with that kind of a business, is very popular. His annual gross business is … Read more
In the life of this man, up to date, is afforded an example to the youth of this country. Of course all of them cannot be bank cashiers, as is the case with him, but in whatever position in life, fate or circumstances may place them, by an observance of the traits of character which have characterized the subject of this sketch, success, in every respect, will, attend them. Mr Cole was born in 1861, raised and educated in the state. The first, and perhaps the only business he ever entered into, was the banking business. He is cashier of … Read more
Principal of the High School at Dodd City, this county, is a native of Tennessee, and was educated at Washington and Greenville Colleges, having graduated at the latter in 1857, and afterwards received the degree of M. A., from the University of that state. In 1870, he was granted license by the Presbyterian Church, to preach the Gospel. For a number of years he was proprietor and principal of the high school at Morristown, Tennessee. From 1875, to 1881, he was president of’ a female college of that state. He came to Texas in 1881, and has lived at Dodd … Read more
Mr. Reich is an American of German decent, and not a German as his name would indicate. He. was born in North Carolina in 1828, came to Texas in 1850. He is a brick mason, and out of his trade has acquired a nice little sum in money and lands. Like most of men who have made money in Texas, he came here with a few dollars and by economy, industry and promptness, has put himself in a condition to pass his old age in ease and comfort, if not luxury. Mr. Reich is owner of the addition to Bonham, … Read more
The live grocer of Post office Row, in Bonham, is “to the manor born.” He was born in Fannin County, in 1859, and raised a farmer’s boy. At the age of nineteen he contracted marriage with Miss Mollie E. Carr, of this county, who is also a native of the state. In the fall of 1880, he went into the grocery business at the stand he now occupies, with a small capital. Many of his friends predicted that his free-heartedness and generous disposition would be detrimental to his chosen business, but their predictions have fallen to the ground. He has … Read more
Proprietor of the “Palace Livery Stables,” of Bonham, was born and raised to the age of 14 years, in the state of Arkansas, in 1839. He came to Texas in 1863, penniless, and went to work on a farm at six dollars per month, and followed that occupation for six or eight years. His wages were increased very little as he grew older, but during this time he managed to save about six hundred dollars, with which, and a little outside assistance, in 1860 he went into the livery business, with what success, the tax rolls of this county will … Read more
President of the Fannin College, was born in Virginia in 1860, and educated at the university of that state. He came to this state and county in 1883, just after the college of which he is` president was incorporated. He was at once chosen by the board of directors as principal and entered upon his duties as such. The two years he has had charge of this institution have proven beyond question, his thorough qualifications for the responsible position. The session of 1883-4 gave such satisfaction among his patrons as to increase the number of matriculations from 99 to 140, … Read more
Is a native of Tennessee. He came to Texas in 1870, and like many other young men who came west to grow up with the country, followed various avocations, until early in 1885, when he settled down in business as the local and permanent agent for the “New Home Sewing Machine” Co. His office is situated on Post-office Row in Bonham; and he keeps a large stock of machines, organs, etc. Mr. Fryar has made himself popular by his fair dealing and gentlemanly conduct, since he has been in business in Bonham. His pleasant and agreeable address and the merits … Read more
County Clerk was born in Sabine County, Texas, in 1851. He removed to Fannin in ’18G8 ; attended school at Carlton College one session, and was appointed deputy clerk of court in 1873, in which capacity he faithfully served until November, 1884, when he was elected Clerk of the. County. Court. Mr. Noble is one of the most popular men in the county, having gained the good will and esteem of every person who has had business in the clerk’s office. As evidence of his popularity, in the primary election of 1884, he defeated, by a handsome majority, one of … Read more
The dry goods merchant prince of Bonham, is a native of Berkely County, Virginia, and has been a merchant all his life. He left Virginia at the age of fourteen, for Elizabethtown, Ky., from this place a little later, he moved to Greensboro of the same state, and from there to Missouri. In 1869-70, he was in the wholesale dry goods business at Chicago, but was fortunate enough to sell out his interest there, just before that city was burned in 1871. In 1875, he removed to Bonham, and opened a dry goods business, with a $1 0.000 stock of … Read more
J. B. Ryan was born in Kentucky of Irish parents, in 1854, and moved to Fannin County, Texas, in 1866, a mere lad, brought nothing with him, stopped at the town of Honey Grove, and by honest toil, prompt action, and natural intelligence, got his start. In 1877, with a small capital, he opened up a drug business in Honey Grove, which under his business eye and careful management, soon grew into a large, safe and paying business. Alive to the rapid strides of improvement all around him, M r. Ryan invested his surplus earnings in real estate, as fast … Read more