Biography of C. W. T. Weldon

Of Ladonia, this county, is one of the few southern men whom the misfortunes of the war failed to place upon the roll of codfish aristocracy, notwithstanding the fact that he suffered considerable loss. After four years service in the confederate ranks, during which time he was made a federal prisoner when the siege of Fort Hudson was raised he returned to his home to find his handsome property an utter waste. His natural good sense and judgment told him that the “milk was spilled and grief was useless. He laid his shoulder to the wheel, and success attended his efforts to replace losses, His known integrity and business capacity, enabled him to borrow a little money, with which he began business, and he has since built up a business, the gross annual receipts of which are about $95.000, outside of his banking interests.

Mr. Weldon was born in Virginia in 1830. He came to Texas in 1852, 22 years old, and began his career as a dry goods clerk. The habits of industry and economy of the dry goods clerk has been Mr. Weldon’s stake and stay as the man of business. Experience and maturer years have given him better business judgment; arid perhaps greater caution, but the traits of character essential to success, was formed in his younger days.

Mr. Weldon is president of the First National Bank of Honey Grove, and a large stockholder in the First National Bank of Bon-ham. He is probably the most extensive banker in the county. Whenever an enterprise of merit is to be assisted, Mr Weldon can be found to the front, ready with his means and superior judgment to aid and forward it. There are scores o f men in Fannin County who can attest his readiness to accommodate and befriend men who are worthy of his confidence, and who are ready to say “long may he live to enjoy what his indomitable energy, pluck and industry have lain aside for himself and family.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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