Biographical Sketch of O. A. Reich

Mr. Reich is an American of German decent, and not a German as his name would indicate. He. was born in North Carolina in 1828, came to Texas in 1850. He is a brick mason, and out of his trade has acquired a nice little sum in money and lands. Like most of men who have made money in Texas, he came here with a few dollars and by economy, industry and promptness, has put himself in a condition to pass his old age in ease and comfort, if not luxury.

Mr. Reich is owner of the addition to Bonham, in his name. His addition is in Southern part of the city, and certainly contains some of the most desirable property within the corporate limits. It is regularly laid off and is selling rapidly, for South Bonham is building up faster than any part of the city. These lots are sold in any size and on terms to suit purchasers.

If all of the land owners in and around Bonham, were as much alive to the growth and improvement of the town, and would realize that the sale of one lot greatly enhances the value of the adjoining ones, a marked change would soon be noted in city improvements. The vast amount of people pouring into Bonham, would consult their interests by seeing Mr. Reich, for he is posted on town property and its value.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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