Biographical Sketch of Lake Wilson

Last Updated on May 24, 2013 by Dennis

Proprietor of the “Palace Livery Stables,” of Bonham, was born and raised to the age of 14 years, in the state of Arkansas, in 1839. He came to Texas in 1863, penniless, and went to work on a farm at six dollars per month, and followed that occupation for six or eight years. His wages were increased very little as he grew older, but during this time he managed to save about six hundred dollars, with which, and a little outside assistance, in 1860 he went into the livery business, with what success, the tax rolls of this county will show. For twenty-five years he has followed this business, giving universal satisfaction to his patrons. He was a member of the 15th, legislature of this state, and served in that capacity with perfect satisfaction to his constituents. He has raised, and educated a large family. Mr Wilson, while in good circumstances, makes no display of his possessions, but is plain and agreeable in his ad-dress, and upright in his business transactions.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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