Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1760 Burials

David Zettler died in the night of Jan. 26, 1760, and was buried on the 27th, at the age of 5 years and 5 months. Elizabeth Schneider, nee Sauftleb, about 62 year’s old, died March 13, and was buried on the 14th, 1760. John Gottlieb Lackner died March 13, in the evening, and was buried on the next day. He was 10 years, 6 months and 3 weeks old, less one day. Anna Margaret Schweiger died April 9, 1760, and was buried on the l0th at the age 0f 5 years and 8 weeks. Christian Riedelsberger, aged 45 years, died … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1760 Baptisms

Salome, daughter of Henry Meyer and his wife Mary, was born on Ogeechy River in Georgia, Feb. 1, 1758, and baptized Jan. 3, 1760. Sponsors were John Adam Treutlen, his wife and Ursula, wife of Martin Taescher. Judith, child of the same parents, born June 21, 17% 9, and baptized on the just named Jan. 3, 1760. Mar-tin Taescher, his wife and Mrs. Treutlen acted as sponsors. John George, child of John Schiehle and Anna his wife, was born early on Jan. 17, 1760, and baptized the same day. His sponsors are John George Deininger and his wife Barbara Deininger, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1759 Marriages

Jacob Gnann was united in marriage with the widow Mary Margaret Depp, Jan. 23, 1759. John Scherraus and Anna Mary Mohr were joined in marriage Feb. 20, 1759 in Goshen. Samuel Royall and Esther Williams were united in marriage here May 8, 1759. Francis Pugh and Martha Raines were united in marriage Feb. 12, 1759. John Hopkins and Sarah Thomas were united in marriage March 21, 1759. Gregory Stierle, from Purrysburg, was united in marriage here with Mary Rosina Hammer, May 16, 1759. John Lohrmann and Susanna Humbart were united in marriage May 28, 1759. John Christopher Heintz and Regina … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1759 Burials

John Michael Hirsch died in the night between Jan. 24 and 25, 1759, and was buried on the 26th. He was 50 years and 7 months old. Frederick Margaret Bollinger died March 10, 1759, and was buried on the 12th. She was 2 years and 9 months old. Anna Rau died April 10, 1759. She was 62 years old. Christian Buntz died May 4, 1759, and was buried the same day at the age of 4 days. Anna Gerber, 9 years and 11 months old, died May 13, ,and was buried on the 14th, 1759 in Bethany. Christian Oechsle, a … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1758 Marriages

James Fletcher and Margaret Pigg were joined in marriage Feb. 6, 1758 in Halifax. John Caspar Greiner was united in marriage with the widow Caroline Magdalene Bornemann, Feb. 7, 1758 in Halifax. Jacob Mohr, from Gosen, was united in marriage with the widow Elizabeth Walliser, here in Ebenezer, March 2, 1758. John Caspar Wertsch and Miss Hannah Elizabeth Gronau were united in marriage March 14, 1758. The wedding sermon consisted of the urging of beautiful passages only, which treat of the good, that believers in Christ have and enjoy here in their discipleship of the cross, as wisdom 3:9; Ecclus. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1758 Burials

Anne Mary Fredericka Thilo died Dec. 24, 1757, and was buried the next day. 1758. Solomon, a son of the deceased John Peter Schubdrein, died Jan. 6, 1758, and received Christian burial at Bethany. Paul Zittrauer died Feb. 1, 1758 of a breast disease, and was buried on the 2nd. He was 44 years old. Anne Mary Lackner, .a child of 4 years, died Feb. I, 1758, and was buried on Feb. 2 following. Israel Maurer died in the night, of Feb. 1, and was buried Feb. 1 at the age of 8 days. Mary Magdalene Weber died March 3, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1757 Marriages

Conrad Eckart of Frankfurt was joined in marriage with the widow Anna Mary Hueber, Jan. 4, 1757. Text, Luke 11:28. Nehemiah Dindal was united in marriage with Elizabeth Miller of Halifax, Jan. 3, 1757. Thomas Walker of Briar Creek was united in marriage in the presence of witnesses with an unmarried woman of Briar Creek of the name Rebecca Emmanuel, Jan. 27, 1757. Michael Daumer and the widow Waldpurga Oechsse were joined in marriage March 22, 1757. Jacob Kuhn, a German from Charlestown of Lutheran confession, was united in marriage with Barbara Bandle, a Reformed widow from Purrysburg, June 27, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1757 Burials

Adam Straube died in the night between Jan. 2 and 3, 1757, and was buried the next day. Christopher Kronenberger, a child of 1 year and 9 months, died Jan. 23, 1757, and was buried the next day. Mary Magdalene Mohr died July 28, 1757 at the age of 1 year and 10 months, and received Christian burial on the 29th in Bethany. Michael Walliser died in the night of July 31 and August 1, and was buried Aug. 1, 1757. He had dropsy and was in his best years when he died. John Conrad Gnann died August 18, 1757 … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Marriages

Andrew Seckinger and the widow Agnes Ziegler were joined in marriage May 17, 1756. The text was from John 16:22. On May 31, 1756, John George Mueller and the widow Rosina Schubdrein were joined in marriage. Ps. 94:19 John George Ziegler and Anna Catherine Rau were joined in marriage June 1, 1756. John Conrad Frickinger and Barbara Greuser were united in marriage June 8, 1756. The text was Ps. 143:10. Andrew Greiner and Barbara Hirschmann were joined in marriage July 26, 1756. Mathias von Alman and Anna Magdalene Folcker were united in marriage here August 6, 1756. Jacob Frederick Kiefer … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Burials

John Christopher Bunz died Jan. 17, 1756, and was buried on the 18th, the 2 Sunday after Epiphany. Barbara Heinle died March 22, 1756 of a consumptive disease at the age of 47 years. Christian Mackh, a child of 6 week, died March 25, 1756, and received Christian burial the same day. George Rahn, a child of 3 years and something over a month old, died March 26, 1756, and was buried the next day, the 27th. John Martin Rahn, a child of 8 days, died April 16, 1756, and was buried on the 18th, the first Easterday. Margaret Frank … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Baptisms

John George, son of John George Bunz and Barbara his wife, was born in the night between July 19 and 20 in Bethany, and was baptized on the 20th. The sponsors were Christian Biddenbach and Mary Michler. Fredericke Margaret, daughter of John George Bollinger and Barbara his wife, was born in Bethany, July 31, 1756, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Valentine Deppe and his wife Margaret. John, the son of John Rentz and his wife Barbara, was born Aug. 15, 1756 at Ebenezer, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Christopher Kraemer, Ruprecht Zimmerebner and Mrs. Catharine Lemcke. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1755 Marriages

Wolfgang Mackh and the widow Anna Barbara Mayerhoefer of Purrysburg were united in marriage Feb. 24, 1755 John Paulus of the 3rd Swabian Transport was united in marriage with the widow Mary Ursula Groll, April 1, 1755. John George Niess and Mary Oepl were joined in marriage June 24, 1755. Bartholomew Mackh and Mary Stand were united in marriage July 1, 1755. The text was I Peter 3:9. Caspar Klock of Purrysburg and the widow Barbara Schaeffer were united in marriage July 28, 1755. Jacob Hueter and the widow Anna Gerber were joined in marriage Nov. 19, 1755. Jacob Frick … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1755 Burials

Regina Hueber, a child of about 10 years, died in Bethany on her father’s plantation of a consumptive disease. John Leimberger, a child of 5 years, died peacefully April 30, 1755. Mary Hueber, a child of 9 years, died on the 6th of March, and was buried the next day. [A baptismal entry follows here, evidently by mistake, and is stricken out.] John Ulrich Fezer’s little son was born May 31 and received the baptism of necessity immediately after birth and then died right afterwards. Ursula Oeple, a child of almost 3 years, died June 4, 1755, and received Christian … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1754 Marriages

Christian Desher and Anna Christine Mayer were joined in marriage Feb. 19, 1754. An address was delivered on Ps. 119:105. John George Haid and Eleanor Kurtz entered into holy matrimony with each other March 4, 1754. Heb. 2:18. John Martin Paulitsch and Ursula Schwinthofer were united in marriage April 22, 1754. Their wedding verse was John 15:14. On the same day also George Rieser and the widow Anna Dorothea Mayer entered into holy matrimony with each other. John Caspar Beth and Eva Maria Zegler were joined in marriage the first Tuesday after Whitsunday, 1754. He lives in Goshen. John Rentz … Read more

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia

Jerusalem Lutheran Church

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia: Built in Effingham County, GA in 1767 – 69 by Lutheran Protestants who came to Georgia in 1734 after being exiled from Catholic Salzburg in Europe, the church is officially named Jerusalem Church. It stands on the site of a wooden building probably erected soon after the congregation moved from Old Ebenezer to New Ebenezer in 1738. During the Revolution the British used the Church as a hospital and stable and the metal swan on the belfry still bears a bullet hole. Though the town of Ebenezer no longer exists the Church has an active congregation of about 450 members. It’s original congregation came from St. Anna’s Lutheran Church in Augsburg, Germany. The Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the oldest surviving intact building in Georgia. This collection contains the baptismal, marriage and death records from Old Ebenezer Church dating from the years 1754-1781.