Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Baptisms

John George, son of John George Bunz and Barbara his wife, was born in the night between July 19 and 20 in Bethany, and was baptized on the 20th. The sponsors were Christian Biddenbach and Mary Michler.

Fredericke Margaret, daughter of John George Bollinger and Barbara his wife, was born in Bethany, July 31, 1756, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Valentine Deppe and his wife Margaret.

John, the son of John Rentz and his wife Barbara, was born Aug. 15, 1756 at Ebenezer, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Christopher Kraemer, Ruprecht Zimmerebner and Mrs. Catharine Lemcke.

Johanna Fredericke, the daughter of Frederick Helfensteiner and his wife Blandina Magdalene, was born Aug. 28, 1756 in Haberkorn, and was baptized Sept. 2 the same year. Sponsors were John Staehli, sen. and his wife.

Jonathan Gottlieb, the son of John Ulrich Fezer and Barbara his wife, was born Aug. 30, 1756 in Ebenezer, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Ulrich Neidlinger and his wife and Simon Reuter.

Anna Margaret, the daughter of Paul Fincke and his wife, was born Sept. II, 1756, and baptized on the 12th. Sponsors were Louis Weidmann and his wife.

John Deris had his daughter baptized on Sept. 23. [This entry stricken out.]

William, the son of McDanell and an unmarried German woman, was born at Hallifax, March 14, 1756, and was baptized here in Ebenezer Sept. 26 the same year. Sponsors were Matthias Zettler and Mrs. Cath. Bornemann.

Mary, the daughter of Joseph Schubdrein and Mary his wife, was born Oct. 2, 1756 in Ebenezer, and baptized on the 3rd. Sponsors were Thomas Geschwandel and Sybilla his wife.

Catharine, the daughter of Joachim Hartstein and his wife Hannah, was born in Purrysburg, Oct. 12, and was baptized on the 18th, 1756 in Ebenezer. Sponsors were John George Mengersdorf and his wife and Catherine Rheinauer.

Samuel Leberecht, the son of Christian Riedelsperger and his wife Mary, was born Oct. 2o, 1756, and baptized on the 22nd in Zions Church. Sponsors were Mr. John Mar-tin Bolzius and his wife Gertraut.

Andrew, the son of George Fischer and his wife, was born Oct. 27, 1756 in Bethany, and baptized the following day. Sponsors were John Caspar Wertsch and Weinkauf.

Mary, the daughter of Henry Meyer and his wife, was born at Big Ogeechee, Jan. 3, 1753, and was baptized Oct. 19, 1756 in Jerusalem Church. Sponsors are Martin Daescher and his wife and Ursula Paulitsch.

John Henry and Daniel, twin children of the parents just named, were likewise born at Ogeechee, Oct. 3, 1755, and baptized Oct. 19th. Sponsors were Thomas Schweighofer and Martin Daescher and his wife.

Susanna, the daughter of James Waston and Elizabeth his wife, was born Jan. 23, 1756, and baptized Oct. 17th. The father took the place of a sponsor.

George Jacob, the son of Jacob Kuebler and Catherine his wife, was born in Goshen, Nov. 14, and was baptized the 17th, 1756. Sponsors were George Scherraus .and his wife; Jacob Kusmaul and his wife.

N. B: Dec. 16, 1756 the baptized were written to Mr. Broughton.

Unity, the daughter of John McCollom and Susannah his wife, was born Nov. 5, 1756 at Mount Pleasant, and was baptized Dec. 13 the same year at Ebenezer. The father and mother together with Michael Connor took the place of sponsors.

Mary, a Negro girl, was born on Theobald Keefer’s plantation, Dec. 14, and baptized in his house the following day.

Dorothea, the daughter of Martin Lackner, junior, and his wife Catherine Barbara, was born Dec. 19, 1756, and baptized on the 20th. Sponsors were Mr. John Martin Bolzius and his wife and Margaret Kalcher.

Christian, the son of Mr. John Louis Meyer and his wife Barbara, was born Dec. 21, 1756, in the evening on his plantation, and baptized on the 22nd. Sponsors were Mr. John Martin Bolzius, Mr. Herman Henry Lemcke and Anna Barbara Rabenhorst.

Effingham County GA,

Voigt, A. G. Ebenezer Record Book: Containing Early Records of Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Effingham, Ga., More Commonly Known as Ebenezer Church. Savannah, Georgia: C.A. Linn, 1929

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