Biography of George Scarborough

Born in Brooklyn, Conn., July 28th, 1806. His parents were Samuel and Molly Cleaveland Scarborough. worthy representatives of respected ancestors. For twentythree years George Scarborough lived the farmer’s life, early entering on its arduous labors and working from April to December fifteen hours a day. His educational privileges were such as four winter months each year in a country school could afford. This school he attended until he was sixteen years of age, when he became an instructor instead of pupil, working hard through spring, summer and autumn, and teaching during the winter. In his twenty-fourth year, while still teaching and doing his farm work, he began his study of Latin and Greek. In 1832 he went to the distinguished scientific school in Troy, N. Y.-the ” Rensselaer Institute “-in which- he passed nearly two years. In 1834 he entered the Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass., to prepare for the Christian ministry, but at the end of a year of diligent study in the Hebrew and other departments, impaired health compelled him to leave New England and seek a milder climate.

In November of 1835 he started for New Orleans, but when the steamboat, on which he had taken passage at Pittsburgh, Penn., reached the mouth of the Ohio, the Mississippi was so blocked with ice from its more northern tributaries that the captain felt obliged to retrace his way as far as Cincinnati. On this return trip Mr. Scarborough left the boat at Owensboro’, Ky. On conversing with some of the most intelligent citizens he found that the town offered an opportunity for an earnest and persistent teacher. He immediately opened a school for girls and boys, in which he gave instruction in English literature, the classics, mathematics and in natural science and natural history. The school was of high order, the instruction very thorough, the discipline firm and kind, entirely without corporal punishment, and the whole mental and moral influence such as to win the gratitude and command the respect not only of the pupils but of the whole community. For twenty years Mr. Scarborough continued this admirable school. In 1857 and 1858 he made a long tour abroad, traveling through most of the central and southern countries of Europe, visiting Egypt, Palestine and Syria, and returning through Greece. After reaching home Mr. Scarborough was chosen Professor of Chemistry ” in the ” Eclectic Medical School ” at Memphis, Tenn., but on account of the troubled state of our country at the time he did not accept the position. In 1860 he removed from Owensboro’, Ky., to Atchison, Kansas, where he lived eight years, and then went to Vineland,. N. J., where he resided from 1868 to 1381, when he went to Brooklyn, N. Y., whence he removed in 1887 to his native town, which he had never ceased to regard with affection, and which is no less dear to him now, 1889, in his eighty-third year, than it was in early days.

All through his life Mr. Scarborough has been a close observer and loving student of nature, and gradually had formed a fine herbarium and valuable mineralogical and geological cabinet, which, during his residence in Brooklyn, N. Y., he gave to the Long Island Historical Society, of which he was a member, and by which his most generous gift-the “Scarborough Collection “-is highly-appreciated.

Wherever he has lived, Mr. Scarborough has taken a deep interest in all that pertained to the mental, moral and spiritual welfare of society. A thorough-going temperance mana Total Abstinence ” man-from early manhood, always a firm, unshrinking friend and advocate of freedom, to no good cause has he been indifferent. During his many years in Owensboro’ and Vineland he superintended a Sunday school, and never was away from his post, except because of sickness or absence from the country. Few ” public ” lives have been richer in deep and abiding influence-and influence of the best kind, most helpful to noble manhood and womanhood, to true citizenship-than the modest, unostentatious life of this faithful, accomplished educator, this loyal son of Windham.

The genealogy of the Scarborough family (in part):

1. John Scarborough of Roxbury, Mass., married May 13th, 1640, Mary, sister of Robert Smith of Boston, Mass., formerly of London, Eng.

2. Samuel, son of John, born January 20th, 1646.

3. Samuel, born 12th October, 1680; married Theoda Williams February 5th, 1706.

4. Jeremiah, son of Samuel’, born 12th November, 1713; married Miss Holbrook of Abington.

5. Samuel, son of Jeremiah, born August 3d, 1740; married Mary Amidon of Mendon, Mass., October 23d, 1 770.

6. Samuel, son of Samuel’, born 13th March, 1773; married Molly Cleaveland Gilbert October 7th, 1803. He served his native town of Brooklyn faithfully for many years as one of the selectmen, town clerk and justice of the peace.

7. His children were David, born 13th December, 1803; George, born 28th July, 1806; Perrin, born September, 1808, and Edwin, born 21st February, 1811.



Windham County CT,

History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889. Additions and corrections © by

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