Biographical Sketch of Robert L. Ireland

Ireland, Robert L.; with M. A. Hanna & Co.; born, Stratford, Conn., Aug. 20, 1867; son of John B. and Adelia Duane Ireland; educated, Stamford, Conn., Newburgh, N. Y., and Yale, graduating in 1890; married, May 2, 1894, Kate Benedict Hanna; issue, Robert Livingston Ireland, Jr., born Feb. 2, 1895, and Elizabeth Ireland, born Oct. 30, 1898; business career, with the Cleveland Hardware Co., Hackney Bicycle Co., Globe Iron Works, Ship Owners Dry Dock Co., Cleveland Dry Dock Ca.; instrumental in the consolidation of the shipbuilding interests of the Great Lakes; organization being known as the American Ship Building Co.; was vice pres. until 1903; partner in the firm of M. A. Hanna & Co.; identified and officially connected with many corporations; member advisory board of The Citizens Savings & Trust Co., and the Cleveland Trust Co.; member Union, Tavern, Athletic. Hunt, Roadside, Gentleman’s Driving, and Mayfield Country Clubs, of Cleveland, and University, and Yale Clubs, New York City.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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