Fairfield County, Connecticut Census

1790 Fairfield County, Connecticut Census Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1790 Fairfield County, Census (images and index) $ Free 1790 Census Transcription (partial) Brookfield Township Hosted at Census Guide 1790 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Fairfield County, Connecticut Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Fairfield County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Fairfield County, Connecticut Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Fairfield County, Census … Read more

Arthur Stanley Todd of Greenwich CT

Arthur Stanley Todd8, (William S.7, David6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 15, 1881, in Ridgefield, Conn., married in Sept., 1910, Nellie H., daughter of James H. Hopkins, of Oxford, N. Y. He entered the public schools at Ridgefield, Conn., in 1889; in 1895, he entered the High School at Norwalk, Conn. In 1897, he secured a position as clerk of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company at New Haven, Conn. One year later he entered the employ of Bronson & Townsend Company, who were hardware dealers in New Haven, Conn. Thence he went to Greenwich, … Read more

Charles Todd of Ridgefield CT

Charles Todd8, (Abraham7, Abraham6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 28, 1826, in Goldens Bridge, N. Y., died April 8, 1870, in Ridgefield, Conn. He was twice married both wives being sisters, first, in Nov., 1850, Mary Ann, daughter of Lyman and Delilah (Wescott) Knapp, who was born Nov. 18, 1832, died May 24, 1861, second, in June, 1861, Eliza Jane Knapp, a sister to his first wife and who was born Dec. 29, 1834, died April 10, 1910, at the old home in Ridgefield. During the first Mrs. Todd’s last sickness, she had her younger sister come to … Read more

Biography of Henry Seeley Taylor

HENRY SEELEY TAYLOR – Thirty-three years have passed since the death of Henry Seeley Taylor caused universal sorrow in the city of Pittsfield, yet many residents of the present day recall his fine face and distinguished figure, both in the clothing store of which he was long the head, and in his activities as a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. As a business man Mr. Taylor was above reproach, his kindly courtesy and considerate interest in his customers having been only the outgrowth and evidence of an integrity which governed every act of his life. Friend of all, … Read more

William Sheridan Todd of Ridgefield CT

William Sheridan Todd7, (David6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 1, 1840, died Feb. 19, 1893, in Ridgefield, Conn., married, May 6, 1873, Mary J. Conklin, who was born Oct. 6, 1841. She is now (1911) living with her eldest son in Greenwich, Conn. He attended the public schools in the various towns to which his father was called, he being a Methodist minister. When twenty years of age he entered Wesleyan University graduating in the class of ’64. He then took up teaching becoming the classical teacher in the Peter Parley School in Ridgefield, Conn. Later he decided … Read more

Western Niantic Tribe

Western Niantic Indians. An Algonquian tribe formerly occupying the coast of Connecticut from Niantic bay to the Connecticut river. De Forest concluded that they once formed one tribe with the Rhode Island Niantic, which was cut in two by the Pequot invasion. Their principal village, also called Niantic, was near the present town of that name. They were subject to the Pequot, and had no political connection with the eastern Niantic. They were nearly destroyed in the Pequot war of 1637, and at its close the survivors were placed under the rule of the Mohegan. They numbered about 100 in … Read more

Biography of Dwight Morris Billings

DWIGHT MORRIS BILLINGS, of Amherst, Massachusetts, treasurer of The Hills Manufacturing Company, producers of hats, was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, February 17, 1866. (I) His ancestry in America probably goes back to Richard Billings, who received a grant of six acres of land in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1640. In 1659 he signed a contract with Governor Webster and others to remove to and settle at Hadley. The removal was made in 1661, and he lived in that part of the town which became Hatfield. He died March 3, 1679. He married Margery, surname unknown, who died December 5, 1679. (II) … Read more

Isaac Todd of Wakeman OH

Isaac Todd7, (Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 18, 1808, possibly in Newtown, Conn., died July 17, 1890, in Wakeman, Ohio, married June 13, 1830, Fanny Booth, who was born Oct. 26, 1805, died Sept. 28, 1887, in Wakeman, Ohio. The following sketch is taken from a History of Huron County, Ohio. “In the year 1827 Isaac Todd, then a young man of 18 came into the township and the year following bought the farm where he now lives. There was no improvement east of him at that time. In 1830 he married Fanny Booth. Mr. Todd seems … Read more

Samuel Mills Todd of Greenwich CT

Samuel Mills Todd7, (Washington6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Feb. 21, 1801, died Feb. 7, 1884, married Dec. 28, 1825, Sarah Ann Finch, who was born May 5, 1810, died March 12, 1891. Resided at Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut. Children: 1138. Louisa Todd, b. April 6, 1827, d. Feb. 4, 1908, m. Sept. 20, 1845, William Holoway. 1139. Susan Todd, b. Oct. 13, 1828, d. July 21, 1911, m. Sept. 20, 1848, George Weeks. 1140. Washington Todd, b. Oct. 21, 1830, d. Nov. 20, 1890. 1141. Charlotte Eliza Todd, b. April 27, 1833, d. Sept. 28, 1912. 1142. George W. … Read more

Gabriel Hubbard Todd of Adrian MI

Gabriel Hubbard Todd7, (John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born in 1805, at Stamford, Connecticut, died Oct. 31, 1892, at Adrian, Michigan, married in 1827, Mary P. Ireland, who was born in 1807, died Nov. 10, 1892. Early in life, Mr. Todd learned the blacksmiths trade which he followed in New York City until 1833, when he removed to Adrian, Michigan, making the journey by way of the Erie Canal to Buffalo. At Buffalo, he chartered a schooner to carry his family and household goods to Toledo, Ohio. The journey from Toledo, Ohio, to Adrian, Michigan, occupied five days. Arriving … Read more

Biography of George Musalas Colvocoresses

George M Colvocoresses

Born in Scio, Grecian Archipelago, October 22, 1816. During the Greek Revolution the Turks invaded that island in 1822, and after narrowly escaping the massacre that followed, George with his mother and two young sisters were carried captives to Smyrna. Through friends in that city he was ransomed and sent in an American brig to Baltimore; much kindness was shown him by members of the Greek Relief Committee, and the story of his misfortunes excited the sympathy of Captain Alden Partridge, head of the military academy then at Norwich, who offered to receive and provide for young Colvocoresses as his … Read more

Ambrose Seymour Todd of Stamford CT

Ambrose Seymour Todd7, (Ambrose6, Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 6, 1798, died Jan. 22, 1861, married Oct. 3, 1821, Elizabeth, daughter of Gen. Andrew Hull, of Cheshire, (Conn.?). He was ordained deacon of the Episcopal Church July 15, 1820; priest June 20, 1823; he was rector of St. James Church at Stamford, Conn., for thirty-eight years. “With more than ordinary ability in the pulpit, he showed great tact and wisdom in his pastoral oversight of his charge. Few men have secured more universal esteem. Few pastors have won so much regard and confidence at the same time from … Read more

Stamford , Connecticut Bells

Francis Bell, with his wife Rebecca, was among the first settlers of Stamford in 1640. He was a lieutenant of the militia in 1643 and a representative to the general court. Died January 8, 1689 . Children: Jonathan, September, 1641, the first white child born in Stamford ; Rebecca, August, 1643; Mare or Mary, May, 1646.

Emerett Almeda Todd Curley of Bridgeport CT

CURLEY, Emerett Almeda Todd9, (Henry8, Ezra L.7, Ezra L.6, James5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 17, 1857, in Waterbury, Conn., died May 25, 1915, in Bridgeport, Conn., married at the John Street M. E. Church, in New York City, Dec. 24, 1890, John J. Curley. They lived in Bridgeport, Conn., where their children were born. Children: I. Francis Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1892. II. Howard John, b. April 21, 1898.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas, farming; P. O. Mattoon; the subject of this sketch was born in Carnarvonshire, North Wales, Great Britain, Dec. 18, 1832. He married Miss Sarah L. Worden Dec. 12, 1853; she was born in Fairfield Co., Conn., March 13, 1836; they had seven children, five living, viz., Robert A., Laura A., Annie May, Mary Alice and Lizzie. He lived in Wales about fifteen years, when he came to the United States with some relatives and settled in Oneida Co., N. Y., where he engaged in farming, remaining about three years, when he moved to Fairfield Co., Conn., where he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge Peter Betts

Judge Peter Betts came in as early as 1803 and settled at Bettsburgh, to which place he gave his name. He was a large land-holder, and opened there in 1805 the first store in the town, which he kept till his removal to Bainbridge, about 1820-’25, where he was also engaged in mercantile business. He represented this county in the Assembly in 1804-‘5, again in 1808, and again in 1811. He was born in Norwalk, Conn., January 17, 1772, and died in Bainbridge, June 19, 1849. Eliza, his wife, died February 9, 1819, aged 40. His children were: Peter, Sally, … Read more

Genealogy of Washington Todd of Stamford CT

Washington Todd6, (John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Aug. 11, 1774, died April 4, 1819, married Charlotte Mills. He resided in Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut. Children: 542. Sallie Todd, d. when about two years of age. 543. Samuel Mills Todd, b. Feb. 21, 1801. 544. William Todd, m. (1) Prudence Miller; (2) Eliza Lyon. 545. Eliza Todd, married first, (???) Lounsbury; second, John Call Patchen. Children by John C. Patchen: I. John Seymour Patchen, b. 1837, m. Gertrude(???)and had issue: (1) Gertrude Patchen, b. 1885; (2) Grace Patchen, b. 1891. II. Andrew Patchen, b. 1835, m. Elizabeth(???)had issue: (1) Nellie Patchen, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Leonard, Rt. Rev. D. D.

Leonard, William Andrew, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Ohio; born, Southport, Connecticut, July 15, 1848; educated, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, St. Stephen’s College, Annadale, N. Y., and Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained May 31, 1871, degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen’s College, and Washington and Lee University, Virginia; Rector the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1880; St. John’s Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-1889; consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889; in charge of the American Episcopal churches on the continent of Europe, 1897-1906; one of the founders of the University Club; Chaplain Ohio Society of … Read more

John Todd Jr. of Stamford CT

John Todd5, (John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Jan. 8, 1731, died Aug. 29, 1814, married Jemima,daughter of Daniel and Jemima (Lownsbury) Hoit, born Aug. 13, 1735, died Feb. 3, 1826. She was a descendant of Simeon Hoyte who settled in Charlestown, Mass. in 1629. The name had numerous variations such as Hoyt, Haight, Hait, Hayt, etc. Simeon Hoyte died at Stamford, Conn. There is an account of the family in Bolton’s History of Westchester County, New York, as well as a history of the Hoyt family of Stamford. About 1700, certain members of the family changed the spelling of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XI) John (5), son of William (4) Carpenter, was born in England about 1628, died May 23, 1695. He came from England with his father, and when about seventeen went to Connecticut. For several years he lived in different towns in the latter state, and worked at his trade as carpenter. He was in Stratford, Connecticut, in 1646, and in 1660 bought land in Hempstead, Long Island. He was chosen townsman of Hempstead in 1663, and was made freeman of the state of Connecticut, May, 1664. He bought land in Jamaica, Long Island, in 1665. In 1673 he was made … Read more