Biography of Ethel Lynn Eliot Beers

Ethel Lynn Eliot Beers. Goshen’s Sweet Singer, Mrs. Ethel Lynn Eliot Beers, who wrote under the nom de plume, of “Ethel Lynn,” was born at Goshen, Orange County, N. Y., in 1825 and died at Orange, N. J., in 1879. Mrs. Beers who was a woman of rare literary gifts, was a frequent contributor to the leading periodicals of her time. Perhaps her best known poem is “All Quiet Along the Potomac,” written during the civil war, which attracted wide attention, and occupies a permanent place in standard poetical literature. “All Quiet Along the Potomac” was first published in Harper’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sutton, M.W.

M. W. Sutton, attorney at law, of the firm of Sutton & Wenie. Mr. Sutton first came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., in May, 1872, and practiced law until December of same year, when he went to Medicine Lodge, Barber County, and continued his profession until June 1,1876, thence located permanently in Dodge City, where he has since practiced law. He was County Attorney for Barber County two years and resigned; County Attorney for Ford County from November 1, 1876 until March 1882. He was born in Orange County, N. Y., 1848, and was raised in Tompkins County, living there … Read more

Biography of Col. Granville O. Haller

COL. GRANVILLE O. HALLER, U.S.A., Retired. – Granville Owen Haller was born in York, Pennsylvania, January 31, 1819. His father, George Haller, died when he was but two years of age, leaving a pious and most devoted mother in charge of four young children, who, with limited means, but with industry and thrift, had the satisfaction of seeing her eldest son graduate at the Jefferson Medical College of the University of Pennsylvania. She was very desirous of sending Granville to the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to be fitted for the ministry, but conscientious doubts on his part prevented him … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. F. Morse, M. D.

L. F. Morse, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Canterbury, N.Y. Feb. 5, 1839; his father was a farmer, and his early life was that of a farmer’s son; at the age of 14, he went to live with an uncle; in the winter of 1860, he began the study of medicine, under the supervision of Dr. L. T. Weeks, of Canterbury; after an extended course of reading, he attended a course of lectures in the Burlington Medical College, at Burlington, Vt.; in June, 1862, he was engaged in the Government hospital at Washington, as Contract Surgeon; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert L. Ireland

Ireland, Robert L.; with M. A. Hanna & Co.; born, Stratford, Conn., Aug. 20, 1867; son of John B. and Adelia Duane Ireland; educated, Stamford, Conn., Newburgh, N. Y., and Yale, graduating in 1890; married, May 2, 1894, Kate Benedict Hanna; issue, Robert Livingston Ireland, Jr., born Feb. 2, 1895, and Elizabeth Ireland, born Oct. 30, 1898; business career, with the Cleveland Hardware Co., Hackney Bicycle Co., Globe Iron Works, Ship Owners Dry Dock Co., Cleveland Dry Dock Ca.; instrumental in the consolidation of the shipbuilding interests of the Great Lakes; organization being known as the American Ship Building Co.; … Read more

Biography of Joel Tyler Headley

Historian and journalist, was born Dec. 30, 1813, at Walton, Delaware County, N. Y. He died at Newburgh, N. Y., in 1897. He was the son of a Presbyterian minister settled at Walton. Early in life he determined to follow the ministry as a life work, and after graduating at Union College in 1839, he took a course in theology at Auburn Theological Seminary. After being admitted to the ministry he was settled over a church at Stockbridge, Mass. His health failing shortly after he was compelled to relinquish his chosen profession, and in 1842 traveled in Europe. His “Letters … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles E. Linderman

Not the good that comes to us but the good that comes to the world through us is the measure of our success, and judged by this standard as well as by the ratings of the business world Hon. Charles E. Linderman was a most successful man. He was numbered among the prominent, valued, honored and respected citizens of southwestern Iowa and left the impress of his individuality for good on its substantial development and improvement. He stood for high ideals in citizenship, in business affairs and in private life, and the nobility of his manhood made him most honored … Read more

Establishment of Fort Smith in 1817

Quapaw Cession Map

The white population in Arkansas in 1817 had increased to several thousand, whose protection, as well as that of the Cherokee people living in that territory, from the continued hostilities of the Osage, required the establishment of a military post at the western border dividing the white settlements from the Osage. From Saint Louis came further news of threatened hostilities by the Osage near Clermont’s Town, and a report that Major William Bradford with a detachment of United States riflemen, and accompanied by Major Long, topographical engineer, had left that city for the purpose of establishing a military post on … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Buchanan

CHARLES J. BUCHANAN AN industrious and accomplished Albany lawyer, who has already gained no little distinction in the legal profession, and whose record in our civil war was most honorable, is Charles J. Buchanan, now of the well-known firm of Moak & Buchanan. Of Scotch-Irish ancestry – an ancestry noted for its strong mental and physical powers – he was born at New Berlin, Chenango County, N. Y., on the 27th of December, 1843. In the common schools of his native town, and in the New Berlin academy, amidst the richness and quietude of rural life, his school-boy days were … Read more

Biography of Belden D. Burt

The subject of this sketch is one of the pioneer merchants of Riverside, and is the senior member of the firm of B. D. Burt & Brother. This is now the oldest mercantile firm in the city, having been established in 1875, and been continuously in business since that time. The first brick block erected in Riverside was that occupied by Mr. Burt, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. For many years he conducted a general mercantile business, but in the later years, has confined his business to dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr. Burt’s partner … Read more

Biography of Allen Becker Richards

Allen Becker Richards, a native of Pennsylvania, who served in a New York regiment during the civil war, is now (1910) a retired business man of Geneva where he has resided for nearly sixty years. Michael Richards, father of Allen B. Richards, was born in Maxatawny, Pennsylvania, in 1800, was a lifelong resident of that state and died in 1880. His wife, Ada Richards, was also a native of the Keystone state, born in 1809, died in 1899. Children: 1. Allen Becker, see forward. 2. Azuilla, born in 1832, now (1910) the widow of Unie Zeigler, who died in 1901 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. T. Kilner

G. T. Kilner, druggist, Mattoon; was born in Manchester, Eng., Nov. 18, 1820; at the age of 15 years, he was left an orphan, and, in 1836, emigrated to America, and first settled in Waterbury, Conn.; here he engaged in the sale of drugs six years; he then moved to Newburgh, N. Y., where he engaged in the same business; in the spring of 1860, he came West and located in Mattoon, opened up his business here; his is the first drug store established in the city; he took a partial course in medicine and practiced some years in connection … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Barker Odell

Benjamin B. Odell, thirty-seventh Governor of the State of New York, was born at Newburgh, N. Y., January 14, 1854. He was the son of Benjamin Barker and Ophelia (Bookstaver,) Odell. He graduated from Newburgh Academy in 1874, and entered Bethany College, in Bethany, W. Va., the same year. He remained there one year, after which he entered Columbia College, New York City, where he continued until 1877. He married Estelle Crist, of Newburgh, April 25, 1877; she died in 1888. His second wife was Mrs. Linda (Crist,) Traphagen, a sister of his first wife, whom he married in 1891. … Read more

Biography of Job W. Massey

Job W. Massey, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Cheshire, England, June 28, 1822. He married Miss Sarah Gould Dec. 4, 1847; she was born in North Molton, Devonshire, England, Feb. 23, 1827, and died Aug. 8, 1877. They had six children, viz., William H., now living; Job Francis died at the age of 17, child died in infancy, Nannie now living, George E. died at 18 months of age and Joseph Charles died in his 18th year, from the kick of a horse. He lived in England about six years, when, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward L. Harris

Harris, Edward L.; asst. supt. of schools, Cleveland; born, Delavin, Wis., December, 1852; son of David Franklin and Lucretia E. Rowley Harris; educated at Wayland Academy. Beaver Dam, Wis. and Syracuse University (A. B., Ph. B).; married, Beaver Dam, Wis., December, 1878, Eva E. Gould; issue, Fred Gould, Ray Gould, Eva Lucile (deceased, 1896); principal high school, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1878-1880; teacher in Cleveland High Schools, 1880-1887; principal West High School 1887-1889; principal Central High School, 1889-1912; asst. supt. of schools, September, 1912, to date; member National Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); State Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); North … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward M. Ruttenber

Journalist and historian, was born in the Town of Bennington, Vt., July 17, 1824. He entered the office of the Vermont Gazette as an apprentice to the printing business in 1837, and removed to Newburgh in 1838, where he became an indentured apprentice in the office of the Newburgh Telegraph, of which he became the owner in 1850. He was thereafter connected with Newburgh journalism as editor and publisher during his entire life, dying at the advanced age of 83 years on December 4, 1907, at Newburgh, N. Y. As a historian he was thorough and exhaustive, and to him, … Read more

The History of Moultrie County and Sullivan, Illinois

Northside of Courthouse in Sullivan Illinois

Robert Eden Martin has created a web site dedicated primarily to the history of Moultrie County, a small county in east-central Illinois, and the city of Sullivan, the county seat. This website also contains information about several families who have lived in the area for 150 or more years: the Martins, Edens, Pifers, Taylors, Whites and Davises and related families, from which Eden descended. Much of what appears on the site was last updated in 2011 – including the county newspapers, high school yearbooks and the information about the Edens, Pifers, Taylors, Whites and Davises. This is a treasure trove … Read more

Resnik, Stanley E. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Stanley E. Resnik, 56, a long-time Baker City resident, died peacefully at his home on May 4, 2002. Visitations will be Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. There will be a vigil service at 7 p.m. Friday at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. Mass of Christian burial will be said at 10 a.m. Saturday at the cathedral. The Rev. Robert C. Irwin will celebrate. There will be a reception to celebrate Stan’s life for family and friends after the Mass. Stan was born at Port … Read more

Free New York Genealogy Websites

1910 New York Census Map

For decades the world wide web has had individuals who have placed online abstractions, transcriptions, and images of genealogy information for specific counties. This collection of websites are the current ones we can find currently online.