Biography of Henry Weinhard

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

Henry Weinhard, the leading and oldest brewer of Portland, was born in Lindenbroun, Wurtemberg, Germany, February 18, 1830. After serving a regular apprenticeship and working at the trade of a brewer in Stutgart and other places in Germany he came to the United States in 1851. He first secured employment at his trade in Philadelphia where he remained a year. He then went to Cincinnati and at the end of two years removed to St. Louis, where he remained until 1856, when he came to California and for a short time was located at Sacramento City. In March, 1857, he entered the employ of the John Meney a brewer at Vancouver, Washington Territory, and superintended the erection and fitting up of a new brewery. In 1859 Mr. Weinhard bought the brewery from Mr. Meney, and for some four years successfully carried on the business at that point. In the meantime, in 1862, he bought out the Henry Saxer Brewery, the first established in Portland, and soon after, in partnership with George Bottler, established his present brewery, having at the time a controlling interest in the three breweries in this section of the country. In 1864 he sold out his brewery in Vancouver, and from that time has exclusively confined his operations to Portland. In 1866 Mr. Weinhard bought the interest of Mr. Bottler, and immediately c commenced to improve and enlarge the plant, and from that time to the present has constantly been increasing his facilities for meeting the demands of his trade. Refrigerating machines, malt and brew house and cellars are models of their kind, and in their arrangements throughout are as perfect as in any establishment in the country. The buildings are all of brick, and present a handsome and imposing appearance. The brewery occupies a whole square, and is the largest plant of its kind on the Pacific Slope north of San Francisco. In 1870 the output was less than 2,000 barrels, while for 1889 the total output was 40, 000 barrels. With the exception of six years, when William Dillenger was a partner, Mr. Weinhard has been sole proprietor of 1866.

Mr. Weinhard was married in 1859 to Louisa Wagenblast. They have two daughters, the eldest of whom is the wife of. Paul Wessinger, who is connected with Mr. Weinhard in the management of the brewery. As a business man Mr. Weinhard has been very successful. He is a member of the Masonic Order, and of various German societies in the city which are maintained for social purposes, and for the relief of distressed countrymen. He is a man of generous impulses, and toward every benevolent enterprise cheerfully contributes. Among his own countrymen his popularity is very great. Every project to advance the interests of Portland finds in him a warm friend.


Biography, History,

Harvey Whitefield Scott. History of Portland, Oregon: with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers. Portland, Oregon. D. Mason & Company, 1890.

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