Biography of Charles L. Green

CHARLES L. GREEN. – The farmers and stockmen and orchardists of Union county are a prosperous class of people and are noted for their enterprise and progressive methods, while the wealth of the county that has been produced by these industrious people is sufficient comment for their ability and thrift. As one of the substantial ones among this class we may mention the gentlman whose name is above, and who deserves a place in any record of the county’s leading men. Charles L. was born in Knox county, Illinois, on August 16, 1856, being the son of Ezra and Mary … Read more

Biography of Texas Angel

Since the town of Hailey was hardly more than a collection of tents Texas Angel has been numbered among its citizens and has successfully engaged in the practice of law, winning many notable lawsuits wherein he has demonstrated the possession of legal powers of high order. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Angelica, New York, October 19, 1839, and is a representative of one of the oldest families of New England. Hardly had the Mayflower deposited its precious cargo upon the shores of America, at Plymouth Rock, when the ancestors of our subject, people of Welsh … Read more

Wyatt, Alan W. – Obituary

Durkee, Oregon Alan W. Wyatt, 51, of Durkee, died July 2, 2002, while falling timber on the Durango, Colo., fire. There will be a celebration of his life at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Durkee Grange. The celebration will include a dessert potluck. Alan was born Aug. 28, 1950, at Sacramento, Calif., to Albert and Merrilee Boncher Wyatt. He spent his entire young life at Orangevale, Calif., fostering his lifelong love of the sport of rodeo and cattle ranching. On April 25, 1970, he married Victoria Lennberg at Citrus Heights, Calif., They began their life together ranching at Elk Grove, … Read more

Wilkinson, Virginia – Obituary

Mary Virginia Wilkinson, age 52 years, wife of Andrew Wilkinson, died at her home in North Union at 11 p.m. Thursday, March 27, after a short illness. Mrs. Wilkinson was the mother of Mrs. Jas. Webb, of Union, Mrs. Clara Lee of Baker, and E. E. Wilkinson of Nicola, B.C., and has been a resident of this section for many years. The funeral will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. from the residence. The funeral of Mary Virginia Wilkinson, took place Sunday last at 1:30 p. m., as announced in the Republican, and was largely attended. Mary Virginia Lamere was … Read more

Biography of Olney N. Morse

The subject of this sketch, who was one of the argonauts of 1849, was born in Westfield, Chautauqua county, New York, December 4, 1826, and is the son of William and Lydia Ford Morse. During his early years he resided on his father’s farm, and received his education at the common schools until the spring of 1849. In that year he organized a company with nine other young men to cross the plains to the gold fields of California. Being elected secretary and treasurer of the party, he was sent to St. Louis in advance, and purchased the outfit and … Read more

Booker, Elaine Anne Shuck Mrs. – Obituary

Elaine Anne Booker, 78, a former Baker City resident, died Feb. 16, 2007, at her home in Sacramento, Calif. Elaine was born on Nov. 13, 1928, at Baker City to Lesley and Anne Shuck. She was raised at Baker City and was a 1947 Baker High School graduate. She moved to Sacramento in August 1972 with her husband, Leslie Booker. Elaine was a friend to everyone and truly loved children of all ages. The walls of her home are covered with pictures of all of her family. She had a knack for remembering birthdays and anniversaries and always had a … Read more

Kleitch, Joseph P. “Benny” – Obituary

Joseph P. “Benny” Kleitch, 73, of Baker City, died April 24, 2006, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. Recitation of the rosary will be at 7 o’clock tonight at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Deacon James Watt of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will preside. Mr. Kleitch’s funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the funeral home. Pastor Dennis Sams of the Boise Uclid Church of The Nazarene will conduct. Vault interment will be at 2 p.m. at Hillcrest Cemetery in La Grande. Visitations for Mr. Kleitch will be until 6 o’clock tonight at the funeral home. Joseph P. … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Leonard

Into the bosom of the earth the hand of nature placed many rich mineral deposits, and the great value of these, together with the magnificent forests and rolling lands of Idaho, have gained for the state the well deserved title of the “Gem of the Mountains.” Its mines are now yielding a large output of gold and silver, which adds to the wealth and prosperity of the country as well as of the individual mine owners. Among the enterprising and prominent business men who are now engaged in the development of the rich mineral resources of the state is Robert … Read more

Biography of Gen. Morton Mathew McCarver

GEN. MORTON MATHEW McCARVER. THE FOUNDER OF BURLINGTON, IOWA, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA AND TACOMA, WASHINGTON,- General McCarver was born near Lexington Kentucky, January 14, 1807. Of an independent, roving spirit, determination, courage and enterprise that knew no bounds, he quit his home at the age of eighteen years and went to Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, and not finding anything congenial to his tastes returned and settled in 1830 at Galena, Illinois, where he was married to a Miss Mary Ann Jennings. He served in the Black Hawk war, and after the surrender of the great chief of the Sacs and Foxes, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Allan R. Powers

The thriving industrial center and model city of South San Francisco exerts a strong attraction upon the professional man as well as the captain of industry and business man. This is exemplified by the coming to this community of Dr. Allan R. Powers and other capable professional men who saw an excel field wherein to build up a desirable practice. Dr. Powers was located at Rio Vista, Solano County for two years before coming to San Mateo County Before he took up his study of medicine he was in the United States Forest Service. Dr. Powers received his university education … Read more

Biography of Belden D. Burt

The subject of this sketch is one of the pioneer merchants of Riverside, and is the senior member of the firm of B. D. Burt & Brother. This is now the oldest mercantile firm in the city, having been established in 1875, and been continuously in business since that time. The first brick block erected in Riverside was that occupied by Mr. Burt, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. For many years he conducted a general mercantile business, but in the later years, has confined his business to dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr. Burt’s partner … Read more

Tally, Zella Odelia Wallace Mrs. – Obituary

Haines, Baker County, Oregon Zella Odelia Tally of Sacramento, Calif., formerly of Pendleton and Central Point, Ore. died suddenly and quietly on Jan. 6, 2006, after a short illness. Zella was born in Haines, Ore., on Aug. 2, 1905, to Henry and Ada Jane Williams Wallace an old pioneer farming family. She was 100 years old. On July 15, 1926, she married the late Eugene Tally. Together they had four sons, Kerwyn E., Richard L Tally of Myrtle Point, Ore., Howard B. Tally of Sacramento, Calif., and Robert W Tally (deceased). Other survivors include 12 grandchildren, 34 great grandchildren, 18 … Read more

Biography of Jesse H. Arnold

Jesse H. Arnold, Prominent among those who have been most active in advancing the interests of Orange County, stands the gentleman whose name heads this sketch – the pioneer merchant of Orange. He is a native of Howard County, Missouri, born July 15, 1842, and son of John and Margaret (Heard) Arnold. His father died in Howard County, Missouri, January 30, 1870, aged about seventy-four years; his mother died at his residence in Orange, September 19, 1889, aged eighty-seven years, three months and twenty days. At the time of his mother’s death, Mr. Arnold wrote the following obituary, which not … Read more

Kit Carson, His Life and Adventures – Indian Wars


The subject of this sketch, Christopher “Kit” Carson, was born on the 24th of December, 1809, in Madison County, Kentucky. The following year his parents removed to Howard County, Missouri, then a vast prairie tract and still further away from the old settlements.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William Ansyl Brooke

Dr. Brooke was born 52 years ago at Dranion Springs, a little town near Placerville in El Dorado County. He studied medicine at Cooper Medical College in San Francisco, and practiced first in Sacramento, as intern in the City and County Hospital, later moving to Alameda. He came to Halfmoon Bay, eleven years ago, and has resided there ever since. He is a member of the San Mateo Medical Society, State Medical Society and American Medical Association. He was appointed Coroner and Public Administrator on April 7, 1915, which term he is now serving. His personal popularity and professional ability … Read more

Biography of Samuel Alder

Samuel Alder is one of the pioneer mechanics of Riverside, having established the first carriage making, and general blacksmithing ever founded in the city. No history of the manufacturing and business enterprises of Riverside could be considered complete without a mention of Mr. Alder, and his association with the building up of the city and colony. The subject of this sketch was born in Wiltshire, England, in 1845, son of Samuel and Ann (Chivers) Alder, both being natives of that county. His father was a weaver by occupation and the family was dependent upon his wages alone for support. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Kayler

THOMAS H. KAYLER. – Mr. Kayler, a gentleman of wide reputation, was born in Lenox county, Canada, in 1856, and resided on his father’s farm sixteen years, and afterwards learned the drug business at Napanee. In the spring of 1876 he came to California, and made his first location in Sacramento, where he found employment in the drug store of Justice Gates & Co. The following year he removed to Santa Rosa, coming soon afterwards to Portland. The next summer, in company with Peter Graham, he drove with teams to the Palouse country, and located on three hundred and twenty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Davis

John F. Davis, justice of the Peace in the first township and City Attorney of Burlingame, is one of the county’s promising young lawyers. He has practiced for the past eleven years, the last seven of which have been in the courts of this county. As City Attorney of Burlingame Mr. Davis has played an important part in the growth of that city. He has done all the legal work in connection with hundreds of thousands of dollars that Burlingame has spent on sewers, sidewalks and street improvements, the municipal water system and the extension of the city’s boundaries. During … Read more

Bennett, Ida Belle Bowman – Obituary

Death Certificate Info: Died in Sacramento, Sacramento County; Dead on arrival at Emergency Hospital; No social security number; Female; White; Widowed; Husband: Rodman F. Bennett; Born on August 8, 1875; 67 years 8 months 8 days; Born in Illinois; Housewife; Father: Bowman; Mother: Unknown; Informant: John H. H. Bennett, 1121 O Street, Sacramento, CA; Sent to Enid, Oklahoma; Funeral Director: James R. Garlick, 2001 P Street, Sacramento; Usual residence: Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma; Died on April 16, 1943, at 8:30 p.m. Cause of death: Coronary occlusion; asthma; There was no autopsy performed Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Svetich, Corinne Josephine – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Corinne Josephine Svetich, 78, of Walla Walla, died June 29 at her home. A graveside service will begin at 11 a.m. Friday at Skyview Memorial Park in Pendleton. Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Svetich was born Jan. 4, 1928, to Charles and Francis Butler in Sacramento, Calif. She grew up in North Port, Wash., and graduated from La Grande High School in 1946. She took business courses at Eastern Oregon Normal School for two years. On March 10, 1950, she married Matthew Svetich in Pendleton. She worked as a teller at U.S. … Read more