Harvey Scott’s classic work on the History of Portland Oregon is this basis behind this collection. Written at the turn of the century while Oregon was still young, Harvey heard figurative bands of progressive people marching through Oregon and moving it toward modernity, but also wanted to hold onto that old pioneer flavor that had made the region unique. In this manuscript you will find the history of this city of Portland, written by somebody who has been deemed one of the most qualified writers of Pacific Northwest historical material.
For the genealogist, check out the biographies found in the Men of Portland section. Also there are brief sketches of early settlers, important businessmen, etc.
- Men of Portland
Biographies of the leading men of Portland Oregon. - Advent of Ben Holladay
- Advent of the Missionaries
- Causes of Litigation Over the Lownsdale Estate
- Commencement of Construction of the West Side Road
- Commerce of the Northwest Pacific Coast
- Continued Improvements in Portland Oregon
- Early Sailing Vessels Which Visited Portland
- Early Settlers of Portland Oregon
- Efforts to Build a Road to the Atlantic States
- End to the Portland Land Title Controversy
- Establishment of a Civil Government in Portland
- Founders of Portland Oregon
- Geographical Position of Portland Oregon
- Growth, Power and Purposes of British Fur Companies
- History of Early Portland Newspapers
- History of Portland Manufacturing
- History of Portland Oregon Boys and Girls Aid Society
- History of Portland Oregon Churches
- History of Portland Oregon Commerce
- History of Portland Oregon Educational Institutions
- History of Portland Oregon Financial Institutions
- History of Portland Oregon Hotels
- History of Portland Oregon Jewish Churches
- History of Portland Oregon Presbyterian Churches
- History of Portland Oregon Unitarian Churches
- History of Portland Oregon’s Educational Institutions
- History of Portland Oregon’s Fire Department
- History of Portland Oregon’s Press
- History of Portland Oregon’s Settlement
- History of Portland Railroads
- History of The Oregon Weekly Times
- History of the Portland Banks and Insurance Agencies
- History of the Portland Proprietors
- Incidents in the Administrations of Justice During Territorial Period
- Independent Pacific Ships and Their Owners
- Leading Events in the History of Oregon
- Names and Character of Early Pacific Steamships
- Natural Advantages of Portland Oregon
- Oregon in Control of Hudson’s Bay Company
- Other Settlers of Portland Oregon
- Portland Commercial Growth and Development During Recent Years
- Portland Excursions, Public Festivities and Celebrations
- Portland Land Title Controversies
- Portland Oregon – Increase in Population and Wealth
- Portland Oregon Buildings and Improvements from 1886 to 1889
- Portland Oregon City Charter and Government
- Portland Oregon Geographical Position and Topography
- Portland Oregon Growth and Improvements
- Portland Oregon Natural Disastors
- Portland Oregon Parks
- Portland Oregon Social Features and Noted Public Events
- Portland Oregon’s Bench and Bar
- Portland Oregon’s Growth and Improvements
- Portland Oregon’s Growth of Foreign Commerce
- Portland Oregon’s Natural Advantages for Commerce
- Portland Oregon’s Ships and Commerce
- Portland Plan and System of Management
- Portlands Commercial Growth and Development During Recent Years
- Position and Advantages of Portland
- Present Development and Importance of Portland
- Prominent Railroad Managers of Portland
- Provisions of the First Railroad Bill
- Reorganization of the Judicial System after the Creation of Oregon Territory
- River Navigation
- Statistics of Portland Exports
- Status of the Courts Prior to Territorial Government
- The Holladay Cases
- Value of Portland Oregon Property
- Value of the Labor of the Oregon Pioneers