Biography of William Gregg Andrews

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

William Gregg Andrews, a prosperous farmer of Sutton, Merrimack County, N.H., was born July 7, 1834, on the farm upon which he now lives. His father was Nathan Andrews, Jr., a native of Sutton; and his paternal grandfather was Nathan Andrews, Sr., born in Danvers, Mass., in 1767, a son of Samuel Andrews. He came to Merrimack County when a young man, and in 1795 he married Hannah Gregg and at once settled upon a farm at Fishersfield. His wife was a daughter of James and Janet (Collins) Gregg, and, though lame from childhood, was energetic and industrious, and lived to the age of ninety-four, a very bright and interesting old lady. In 1811 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Andrews, Sr., built a frame house in Sutton, which with other buildings was burned in 1834. They then built a brick house, which was destroyed by fire on August 28, 1890. Mr. Andrews passed to the higher life September 7, 1853. Mrs. Andrews died April 7, 1866.

Their son, Nathan, Jr., was born in Sutton, March 30, 1802, and died March 16, 1883. He married Dolly Sargent Pillsbury, who was born February 16, 1801, and died June 29, 1883. In early years they attended the Congregational church at Bradford Centre, but were later identified with the Baptist church at Bradford Mills Village. Uncle Nathan, as he was called, was a very strict Baptist, very decided in his opinions, and almost Puritanical in his methods of training his family. He was a very well-read man, intelligent and a great student of the Bible as well as of other literature; and his wife, Aunt Dolly, was a most lovable, gentle woman. Mr. Nathan Andrews, Jr., was a very successful farmer, owning his farm over fifty years, and was engaged in general agriculture, besides for many years being a brickmaker.

William Gregg Andrews had one sister-Hannah J., the wife of Hilas Dickey, of Manchester, N.H., who died in 1885; and five brothers, namely: Thomas F. and George H., pioneer merchants of Minneapolis, Minn., the former of whom died in 1891; Captain James G., who died in Memphis, Tenn., in 1882; Frank, who died in childhood; and Horace E., a resident of Memphis, Tenn., where he had William G. received his education in the schools of Sutton and at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H. At the age of twenty he began his mercantile life as clerk in a store at Manchester; and two years later he became junior member of the firm of Adams & Andrews, continuing in the grocery business for five years. He and his brother James were engaged in a general mercantile business in Concord, N.H., for seven years, after which Mr. Andrews went to Boston, where he associated himself with S. M. Pennock under the firm name of Pennock & Andrews, wholesale dealers in hops and malt. While in Boston Mr. Andrews incurred those severe physical afflictions which changed the tenor of his life, compelling him to sacrifice the business to which he had devoted the energy of twenty years, and causing him to alter many plans in hopes of restoring his health. A year was spent at Hot Springs, Ark., in vain attempt at a cure of muscular rheumatism. Much time was occupied in efforts to restore failing eyesight.

Although science was powerless to restore health, Mr. Andrews has accomplished, with his disadvantages, more than many in health have tried to do. Returning to Sutton, he built a commodious brick residence on the site of the old house which had been destroyed by fire and in fac-simile of the first one. This he invited his parents to share with him. He then energetically set about improving the old farm, which had much deteriorated. With modern improvements and well-directed efforts the fields are restored to more than former fertility, and a large herd of Jersey and Holstein cows, many of which are registered, have been bred by him, he being the first in town to raise Holstein stock and register the same. The farm, with its excellent appointments, is one of the best and most flourishing in Merrimack County.

In 1866 Mr. Andrews was married to Miss Lucinda J. Currier, in whom he has found a wife of rare energy and beauty of character, remarkable not only for her ability in her home, but for her value in the community. She was born in Manchester, N.H. Her parents were Charles and Eliza W. (Cram) Currier. The former was one of the pioneer cotton manufacturers of Manchester, going there in 1842, and associated until his death, in 1880, with the Amoskeag Mills. Mrs. Currier, a bright old lady of eighty-three years, makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. The education which Mrs. Andrews received at the Manchester schools was supplemented by a thorough musical training. Since her residence in Sutton she has been especially interested in the schools. She is serving her second term as member of the School Board, and as Chairman she has helped to perform a notable work in elevating the town’s schools and in placing them among the best in the State. One of her efforts was the purchase of national flags for the school-houses and the cultivation of patriotism among the scholars. Mrs. Andrews by her musical gifts has also been of benefit to the community as member of the choir of the Bradford church. As wife, mother, hostess, and social leader, she has united with her husband in the improvement of the town and community.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews have two sons. The elder, James Currier, is with the Pillsbury & Washburn Flour Mill Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., in the capacity of shipper, leaving college and entering their employ in 1888. While he is devoted to his business, he is also greatly interested in the military affairs of the State. During his service of seven years in Minnesota, which position he now holds. He was married to Miss Harriet L. Blake, youngest daughter of Edwin W. and Sarah (Gage) Blake, of Manchester, N.H., in 1894. The younger son, Harry Howard, has personal charge of a large business of feed shippers, in which he is associated with his father under the firm name of Andrews & Co., having an office in Guaranty Loan Building in Minneapolis. This firm shipped the first solid train load of bran that was ever exported from the Queen Flour City (Minneapolis), which has resulted in establishing a large export trade of this commodity.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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