Biography of C. A. Sander

Last Updated on June 8, 2012 by

C.A. SANDER. – This is one of those redoubtable men from Prussia who have helped to make our country great. He was born in 1840. At the age of twenty-five he came to America. He first engaged in milling in Florida. He followed the same business in New York and Kansas. He followed the same business in New York and Kansas. In 1868 he was in Arizona at work in the quartz mines for about fifteen months. He was next prospecting in British Columbia in the Peace river country. He then came down to The Dalles in Oregon, and worked a winter at milling, from which point he came to Kittitass county and located permanently on the ground where he now has a ranch and mill. For the first seven years after coming thither, Mr. Sander took whatever work came to hand and which promised a living, while he was accumulating means to build a home and to establish his mill. He now, owns eight hundred acres of the very best land in the county, has his own mill property free from incumbrances, and also enjoys his own residence and elegant property in Ellensburgh, Washington. The mill of which we speak has a capacity of seventy-five barrels per day, and now uses the roller process. More than half of his ranch is under cultivation, and has been made very handsome.

Mr. Sander is enterprising and industrious, always ready to advance the general interests of the territory and of his county in particular; and he has done much already to open up and stimulate trade in Ellensburgh. He was married to Miss Olive Clemmens of Yakima county in 1881, and has now a family of three children, one boy and two girls.

We hear much said about the necessity of “capital.” The career of the gentleman before us shows that the capital which we most need is brawny hands, clear heads and honest heart. These will create the other kind.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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