Biography of Henry Drach

HENRY DRACH. It is gratifying to be able to present in this publication individual mention of so appreciable a percentage of the representative citizenship of Anderson, and to such recognition Mr. Drach is well entitled, as he is a loyal and public-spirited citizen and is the able and popular incumbent of the office of superintendent of the city water works. Mr. Drach was born in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, on the 4th of August, 1868, and is a s0n of Jacob W. and Maria (Hechler) Drach, both natives of Germany and representatives of stanch old families of that great … Read more

Biography of Forrest J. Hill

FORREST J. HILL. Two of the important industrial enterprises that are lending commercial prestige to the city of Anderson, are those represented in the Hill Machine Company, and the Hill-Tripp Pump Company. Of the first named, Forrest J. Hill is secretary and treasurer, and of the latter he is treasurer, as he also is of the Hill Stage Company. Mr. Hill is one of the aggressive business men and public spirited citizens of Madison County, where he is well known and held in high esteem, so that there are many reasons why he should be given specific recognition in this … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Shepherd

ROBERT C. SHEPHERD. When the late Robert C. Shepherd died on November 5, 1904, he was the possess0r of one of the finest farm homes in Madison County, Indiana, where he had lived for many years and reared his family. Probably no man in Madison County betrayed a deeper interest in farms and farming than did he, and it is certain that few if any, reached the pinnacle of success as an agriculturist that be attained. The study of that subject was long one of the most engrossing interest to him, and he possessed a deeper insight into it and … Read more

Biography of W. C. Scott

W. C. SCOTT. Few men who find pleasure in country life realize more solid enjoyment from their work than does W. C. Scott, well known farmer and stock breeder of this community, His work is his recreation alike, and in it he exercises every faculty in his possession. As a breeder of fine horses Mr. Scott is known throughout the state, and he is especially well known as the owner of Dan R., one of the fastest horses of the country, with a registered speed of 2:011/4. As a general farmer, too, as well as in his capacity of breeder, … Read more

Biography of Alonzo D. Norris

ALONZO D. NORRIS. Holding prestige as the leading fruit grower of Adams Township, Alonzo D. Norris has also the distinction of belonging to that class of men who have achieved their success through personal effort, as he entered upon his career without financial backing or influential connections and has worked his way to the front by steady application, untiring industry and constant perseverance. From modest beginnings he has built up a business which adds to the importance of Madison County as a fruit-growing center, and at the same time has identified himself with all movements which have gone to make … Read more

Biography of John T. Starr

JOHN T. STARR. Adams Township can boast of some of the best regulated farms in Madison County, and here are also to be found some of the most progressive agriculturists of this part of the state. Many of these men have been the architects of their own fortunes, and, appreciating their success because it has been self-gained, take a pardonable degree of pride in their own achievements and those of their community, and are striving earnestly in behalf of the public welfare. Prominent among this class stands John comas Starr, who has not only won an enviable position in agriculture, … Read more

Biography of James J. Netterville

James J. Netterville

JAMES J. NETTERVILLE. It is highly probable that there are few residents of Madison County who are unfamiliar with the name of James J. Netterville. His is the name of a man, essentially self-made and the term in this instance is used in the broadest application possible, being that of one who in early life determined to win success if industry :Ind good management might be held as factors in the ultimate realization of his ambition. With neither the prestige of family nor the open sesame of money to aid him, he has made his way to the front ranks … Read more

Biography of Ernest M. Conrad, M. D.

Ernest M. Conrad

ERNEST M. CONRAD, M. D. One of the old and honored families of Madison County, members of which have been prominently identified with agricultural pursuits, commercial and industrial activities, and the various learned professions since the advent of the first pioneer is that of Conrad. Among the worthy representatives of the name is Ernest M. Conrad, M. D., physician and surgeon of Anderson, whose native ability and devotion to his calling have won him high distinction in his profession. Dr. Conrad was born near Lapel, Madison c0unty, Indiana, February 20, 1870, the younger of the tw0 sons of Zachriah and … Read more

Biography of Silas R. Mauzy

SILAS R. MAUZY. The career of Silas R. Mauzy, of Adams Township, is illustrative of what may be accomplished by the man of energy and industry, for from small beginnings he has built up a business that has grown to such proportions as to give him the distinction of being the largest shipper of livestock in Madison County. Not only has he gained prestige in the business world, but in public life and social circles he has won equal prominence, and no man in his section stands higher in general public esteem. Mr. Mauzy was born on a farm in … Read more

Biography of Lewis Johnson

LEWIS JOHNSON. Prominent among the highly esteemed agriculturists of Madison County who have won success through the medium of energy, industry and well-applied exertion, Lewis Johnson, of Adams Township is deserving of more than passing mention in a work of this nature. He has been a lifelong resident of this Township, and has witnessed and participated in the remarkable growth and development of its interests, which have changed it during this time from what was little more than a wilderness into one of the most flourishing and prosperous sections of the Hoosier State. Mr. Johnson was born in Adams Township, … Read more

Biography of Amos Underwood

AMOS UNDERWOOD. About the best means by which a man can establish the highest credit for integrity and good citizenship, is to maintain a long residence in one locality, where all his neighbors know him under a great variety of circumstances, test his reliability and still continue to sustain him as a valued and valuable citizen. It is through this test that Amos Underwood has been judged one of the leading agriculturists of Adams Township, while his reputation as a citizen is equally high. He is now the owner of a well-cultivated property, situated on the northeast one-quarter of section … Read more

Biography of Samuel Quincy Markle

SAMUEL Q. MARKLE. During the past twenty years Adams Township has been the field of endeavor of Samuel Quincy Markle, a man of energy and push, who has been influential in business, political and social circles, and who has added materially to the growth and development of this section of Madison County. He belongs to one of the old and honored families of this part of the state, whose members have been noted for their honesty, their integrity, as well as for their prominent connection with commercial, agricultural and professional activities. As a worthy representative of this name, he is … Read more

Biography of John W. Lambert

JOHN W. LAMBERT, originator of the famous Lambert Patented Friction Transmission, and treasurer and general manager of the Buckeye Manufacturing Company. The “Sage of East Aurora” has said: “To achieve fame, seek out an unpopular cause that you kn0w is right; then work for it, live for it, die for it.” There is something reflecting this thought underlying the struggles of those pioneers of industrial progress who have had the hardihood to disagree with established ideas and processes and substitute for them new methods and revolutionary inventions. Through years of discouragement and ridicule, Alexander Bell brought his telephone to final … Read more

Biography of Henry P. Hardie

HENRY P. HARDIE. Among the capable public officials of Madison County who are discharging the duties of high public positions with fidelity and efficiency, none is held in higher esteem than Henry P, Hardie, the postmaster of Anderson, a man who has long been identified with the business interests of the city. He is a native of England, born at Woolwich in County Kent, in February, 1868. His parents were Henry and Mary (Johnson) Hardie, natives of England, the former being for a number of years employed in the Illinois Steel Company’s works at Joliet, Illinois. He came to Anderson … Read more

Biography of C. B. Pendleton, M. D.

C. B. PENDLETON, M. D. Among the men of Madison County who have won positions of prestige in various lines of endeavor through the exercise of native ability, good judgment and constant integrity, Dr. C. B. Pendleton, of Adams Township, holds prominent place. A member of a family that had been connected with the growth and development of this section for more than eighty years, he has steadfastly maintained the family reputation for public spirit and personal probity, and no man stands in higher esteem in the medical profession, in agricultural affairs or in public life. He was born on … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jenkins Doty

THOMAS JENKINS DOTY, a well known farming man and a pioneer resident of Green Township, Madison County, was born near the place where he now makes his home, on August 25, 1838. He is the son of John and Sarah A. (Parsel) Doty, both natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Madison County some time prior to 1838, and here lived the remainder of their lives. John Doty entered government land and established a home on the virgin soil of Indiana, ultimately gaining a prominent place in the agricultural activities of the County in which he located with his family. He … Read more

Biography of John H. Raymer

JOHN H. RAYMER. No more honored and respected citizen might be pointed out in Green Township than John H. Raymer, who has been a resident of the County since about 1860, or since he was eighteen years of age. He was born in Maryland, on September 20, 1843, and is the son of W. P. and Lena (Prior) Raymer, both of whom were born and reared in Maryland. They came to Montgomery County, Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, which had been devoted to the business of farming. W. P. Raymer was a \ran of prominence in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. S. Raymer

C. S. RAYMER, post master of the town of Ingalls and one of the prominent young men of the town, was born in Green Township on June 7, 1869, and is a son of John H. and Emma L. (Scott) Raymer, of this Township, concerning whom detailed mention is made in another sketch appearing in this biographical work. Further facts with regard to the parentage and ancestry of the subject are therefore unnecessary at this juncture. Mr. Raymer was the eldest of the family of his parents, and he was reared on the home farm, where he was early trained … Read more

Biography of Martin Luther Goodykoontz

Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Goodykoontz

MARTIN LUTHER GOODYKOONTZ. A native son of Anderson Township who has spent his entire career in this section of Madison County, Mr. Goodykoontz stands in the front rank of the agriculturists of his community, and through his work in developing his present fine property of one hundred and forty-five acres is entitled to mention among the men who have contributed to the prosperity of their Township and County. He was born on the 25th of March, 1858, just one mile east of his present farm, on a property which his grandfather, Jacob Goodykoontz, had entered from the government. He is … Read more

Biography of Wesley White Jr.

WESLEY WHITE, JR. For more than half a century the White family has been identified with Madison County, and always with the larger activities of farming and country life. Wesley White, Jr., is one of the Grand Army men still living in this County and has a splendid country home in Green Township. He has known Madison County since before the war, and has not only witnessed practically every important phase in the development of the region from the wilderness, but has borne his individual share of the labors and responsibilities in this work. Wesley White, Jr., was born on … Read more