Biography of William A. Morris

WILLIAM A. MORRIS. Among the prosperous farming estates of Stony Creek Township that of which William A. Morris is proprietor is by all means one of the most attractive viewed in its superficial aspects and also one of the most profitable as a business enterprise. Mr. Morris is a general farmer and stock raiser, owns one hundred and four acres in his own homestead, and is engaged in the operation of more than two hundred acres of land in this County. William A. Morris was born in Miami County, Indiana, October 19, 1860, a son of Isaac and Nancy (Haney) … Read more

Biography of Charles Poindexter

CHARLES POINDEXTER. Farming in Madison County has always been a most profitable general occupation, and though within recent years manufacturing has become so important a part of the productive activities, agriculture is likely to remain through all the years as the most substantial pursuit to which man’s attention can be given here or elsewhere. In Stony Creek Township Mr. Poindexter is a farmer who for a number of years had experience in the industry, and finally retired to an estate in the country where his enterprise has been put to excellent use, so that he now owns one of the … Read more

Biography of Owen Huffman

OWEN HUFFMAN. Farming, with all its branches, has been considered a good line of business since the beginning of the world, but within the last quarter of a century it has been developed in a remarkable degree and at this time offers exceptional field for the man of energy, perseverance and ability. One of the excellent representatives of this modern progressive class of young farmers in Madison County is Owen Huffman, of Stony Creek Township, who has spent all his life in this County, and as the fruit of his own industry and good management has acquired an excellent homestead. … Read more

Biography of Archie C. Anderson

Archie C. Anderson

ARCHIE C. ANDERSON. In farming and stock raising and the general business activities of Fall Creek Township, Mr. Anderson is one of the leaders, and has occupied a prominent place for many years. He is a native of Madison County, has spent practically all his life here, and by persistent and honorable industry has been successful far beyond the average. Archie Clifton Anderson was born in Fall Creek Township, Madison County, September 7, 1855, a son of John A. and Elda (Hiatt) Anderson. The founder of the family in Indiana was grandfather Wright Anderson, who came to this state in … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Day

THOMAS E. DAY. Some thirty years ago Thomas E. Day took his bride into Stony Creek Township while the wilderness conditions still prevailed and with a strong arm and courageous heart began the work of clearing out a home for himself and family. By dint of hard labor and thrifty management he has prospered, until today he is not only one of the most substantial, but also one of the most influential men in his section of the County. Thomas E. Day is a native of the state of North Carolina where he was born April 15, 1858, and from … Read more

Biography of John L. Givens

JOHN L. GIVENS. A resident of Madison County for sixty-five years, Mr. Givens represents the progressive rural citizenship of Stony Creek Township, where he has a fine farm of sixty-two acres, with excellent improvements and a comfortable home for himself and family. John L. Givens was born in Green Township, Madison County, November 30, 1848, a son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Shawl) Givens. Andrew Givens, the father was born in the state of Michigan, came to Indiana and was married in Madison County, his wife being a native of this state. He continued to reside in Madison County until his … Read more

Biography of Verling Stanley

VERLING STANLEY. A man who is well known to the citizens of his community by reason of his former connection with work of a journalistic nature, Verling Stanley has for a long period been prominently identified with the farming and stock raising interests of Stony Creek Township, where he is the owner of a well-cultivated farm of 260 acres. Mr. Stanley was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, June 16, 1857, and is a son of Isaac and Hannah (Nuby) Stanley. Isaac Stanley was born in Clinton County, Ohio, and was about sixteen years of age when brought to Hamilton County, … Read more

Biography of Oliver E. McClintock

OLIVER E. MCCLINTOCK. The roster of agriculturists of Madison County who have participated prominently in the movement which have served to bring about the great progress and advancement of this section of the State during the past half a century would be incomplete indeed did it not contain the name of Oliver E. McClintock, of Stony Creek Township, who, although now a resident of the town of Lapel, has for many years been interested in farming and stock raising in Stop, Creek and Jackson Townships, where he is the owner of large property. Mr. McClintock belongs to that class of … Read more

Biography of John B. Cragen

JOHN B. CRAGEN. Every branch of commercial and industrial activity is represented at Lapel, for this locality is not only a flourishing community, but furnishes a large contiguous territory that looks to it as a base of supply, For this reason many progressive men who seek the best locality for the prosecution of their lines of endeavor have settled here, confident in the future of the place and in their ability to make their mark upon its advancement. The men who succeed here, as elsewhere, in forging their way to the front ranks have to possess more than the average … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles W. Biddle

HON. CHARLES W. BIDDLE, Elected in 1910 and now representing Madison County in the state legislature. Hon, Charles W. Biddle is one of the ablest members of the agricultural community of this County and state. He was born and reared in the Township where he makes his home, has been steadily progressive both in business and in his civic ideas, and has the complete confidence of his fellow citizens, in any public capacity. Mr. Biddle resides in Adams Township, in a very attractive and valuable farm homestead on section eighteen, six miles southeast of Anderson 0n the Columbus Pike, He … Read more

Biography of Wilson T. Trueblood

WILSON T. TRUEBLOOD. Now living virtually retired in the attractive village of Chesterfield, Mr. Trueblood was for many years one of the representative merchants of his native County and is a scion of one of the sterling and honored pioneer families of this section of the fine old Hoosier state, His career has been marked by earnest and effective endeavor and he has at all times maintained secure place in the confidence and esteem of his fellow men, so that he is specially entitled to specific recognition in this publication. On the old homestead farm of his parents, in Adams … Read more

Biography of Walter Isanogel

WALTER ISANOGEL, Special interest attaches to the career of this well known and highly esteemed citizen of Chesterfield, for he is a native of Madison County, a representative of one of its sterling pioneer families and has been prominently concerned with civic and business activities in the County which has ever been his home. Mr. Isanogel was born on a farm in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana, on the 3rd of January, 1863, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Goheen) Isanogel, whose names are prominently identified with the annals of Madison County, where they took up their abode … Read more

Biography of Seneca Chambers

SENECA CHAMBERS. Madison County is essentially an agricultural community, and is noted no less for the excellence of its farms than for the public spirit and enterprise of the agriculturists who till them, One of these successful farmers, a resident of the County for more than half a century, and still engaged in active pursuits, is Seneca Chambers, the owner of sixty-three acres of excellent land located on the Alexandria pike, in Richland Township, Mr. Chambers was born on the farm which he now occupies, February 24, 1861, and is a son of John H. and Julia A. (Drybread) Chambers. … Read more

Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall

CURRAN “JACK” BEALL, Modern agriculture holds out many inducements to the industrious, progressive worker, especially when he has been trained to farming from boyhood, It is natural for such a man to capably perform the duties pertaining to this class of work, and, having had wide experience, he is able to recognize and appreciate the various advantages offered by new methods, Again, having passed through instructive experiences, he is not to be easily deceived with relation to the true value of proposed innovations, nor is he apt to decline advantageous propositions, The demands of his neighborhood are known to him, … Read more

Biography of Michael Striker

Michael Striker

MICHAEL STRIKER, When the Striker family first located in Ander-son son much of what is now within the city limits was open country covered with hazel brush or wood, and Eight Street, now one of the busiest thoroughfares of the County seat, wound in and about the trees which still cumbered its course. Various members of the family have been well known in this city and County and Mr. Michael Striker was for a long number of years successful as a butcher and wholesale and retail dealer in meats, but is now living retired. Michael Striker was born in Cincinnati, … Read more

Biography of Miron G. Reynolds

Miron G. Reynolds

MIRON G. REYNOLDS. In the person of Miron G. Reynolds, of Anderson, is found another splendid example of the self-made manhood of which this country is so proud. Commencing life without advantages, working with his hands and climbing the familiar but difficult road of poverty, meeting with obstacles and overcoming them as they arose, he today finds himself in the ranks of Anderson’s and many other cities successful business men, and as president of the Central Heating Company, vice-president of the Indiana Silo Company and proprietor and manager of the Reynolds Gas Regulator Company, he is recognized as one of … Read more

Biography of Neils P. Sailing

NEILS P. SAILING. The largest local enterprise of Anderson is the lumber and coal business conducted under the name of N. P. Sailing. The yards of this business are located on Home Avenue between Bronnenberg and Twelfth Streets. Mr. Sailing, who has the largest lumber yards and planing mills in this section of the state, furnishes to the trade all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, sash, blinds, doors, frames, mouldings and wood turned work. Mr. Sailing is a native of Denmark, born in the city of Viborg in 1858. He is one of the men of foreign birth who came … Read more

Biography of Joel B. Benefiel

JOEL B. BENEFIEL. In Madison County where he has spent his entire life, and where his ability as a farmer and business man and citizen is highly appreciated, Joel B. Benefiel is now serving as incumbent of the important County office of auditor. His residence is in Pendleton, and his name has been known in the southwestern section of the County since 1889. Of all the old and respected families of Madison County, it is doubtful if any has played a more important part than the Benefiels, in the settlement, development and the business and civic activities of this section. … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Henderson

CHARLES A. HENDERSON. The oldest drug store in Madison County is that now conducted by Charles A. Henderson, at Anderson, which has been used as a pharmacy for more than forty-five years, and has an old and well-established trade. Mr. Henderson, who is widely and favorably known in Anderson; is a veteran of the Civil war, and both in times of war and peace has justified the confidence that has been placed in him, and has ably and faithfully discharged his duties as both soldier and citizen. He was born near Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio, January 28, 1844, and is … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Hennings

JOSEPH E. HENNINGS. One time owner of the Grand Hotel of Anderson and now manager of the Grand Opera House and the Anderson Posting Advertising Company, Joseph E. Hennings has been identified with the business interests of this city since 1890. His first connection with the commercial affairs of Anderson was as salesman and solicitor, and he gained a local reputation for progressive ideas and genuine business capacity that has stood him in excellent stead through all the years of his operation. Born in New York City, May 10, 1865, Joseph’ E. Hennings received his early training in the schools … Read more