Wisconsin Gold Star List

Liberty Bond
Liberty Bond

This comprehensive roster of casualties from Wisconsin details the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

The initial data for this compilation was provided by the War Department in Washington, which gathered information from original official reports and records. These documents included lists—though inevitably incomplete—of officers and enlisted men from Wisconsin who perished while serving with the American Expeditionary Force. Accompanying these lists was a letter from the Adjutant General of the Army to the Adjutant General of Wisconsin, requesting that the lists be cross-checked with existing casualty cards and any discrepancies reported. The Wisconsin Adjutant General’s office meticulously followed this procedure, merging the data from Washington with its own records and creating a card index. This index has been instrumental for the Service Recognition Board in administering the Wisconsin bonus law and has significantly aided the current task.

The Washington lists categorize soldiers by their branch of service—whether Regular Army, National Guard, Enlisted Reserve Corps, or National Army—with the National Army list further divided by enlistment or induction. In Wisconsin’s card-index roster, names are organized by county. Additionally, a card index of Wisconsin bonus applicants and the Board’s decisions has been used to refine this list, which has also been cross-referenced with numerous honor rolls from patriotic organizations and local records.

The Adjutant General’s office in Wisconsin holds separate official records from Washington for the Marine Corps, sailors, and nurses, though these are less complete than the Army records. Nevertheless, the information from these records has been fully utilized.

Many Wisconsinites who died in World War I were not in U.S. service or were not identified as Wisconsinites. Some served in Canadian units or with British or French forces. For example, residents of Wisconsin with Polish or Italian heritage might have enlisted in the Polish Legion or the Italian Army. Others from Wisconsin who were in different states at the time of enlistment might appear in records from those states instead. Consequently, names of these individuals are often absent from this list, as are those who were discharged after the war but later died.

The compilation of this list involved more than just selection and transcription; it required significant research and time. Reliable information was sometimes hard to obtain, especially for soldiers who had been separated from their original units. Some individuals, thought to have died, were later found to have survived and returned to service. Conversely, many bodies were discovered years after the war, leaving some fates shrouded in mystery.

For example, Lieutenant Oliver Julian Kendall, who was reported missing in May 1918, was later found to have been captured by the enemy and executed after refusing to give information. His bravery is commemorated as the Nathan Hale of the World War. Although he was from Fond du Lac, he is not listed with Wisconsin’s soldiers because he entered the service from another state. His story illustrates how some soldiers’ names may not appear in the records.

Similarly, Sergeant Roy F. Lee, initially known under an assumed name, was later identified as Roy Puffer, a former school teacher from Sturgeon Bay. Private Frank John Schmidt, killed in action in 1918, was posthumously known by several names, including Paul Dobrovnik and Frank Smith, causing confusion in records. Captain A. E. Gaartz, reported as Milwaukee’s highest-ranking officer killed, is listed under Milwaukee County despite confusion over his legal residence.

Numerous cases involved individuals claimed by multiple localities in Wisconsin. This list aims to include everyone and avoid duplication, though achieving complete accuracy has proven challenging.


Note: The figures immediately following the name of a soldier indicate his age.

Army Abbreviations

b, born
m, married
d, died
dd, died of disease
dw, died of wounds
k, killed
kia, killed in action
w, wounded

append, appendicitis
bronch, bronchitis
diph, diphtheria
dys, dysentery
endocard, endocarditis
erysip, erysipelas
hem, hemorrhage
inflam rheum, inflammatory rheumatism
influ, influenza
mastoid, mastoiditis
meas, measles
mening, meningitis
myocard, myocarditis
neph, nephritis
neur, neuritis
pericard, pericarditis
perito, peritonitis
pleur, pleurisy
pneu, pneumonia
puhnon, pulmonary
sc fev, scarlet fever
tuberc, tuberculosis
typh, typhoid

bglr, bugler
bkr, baker
bndldr, bandleader
capt, captain
cfr, chauffeur
ck, cook
elk, clerk
Col, Colonel
corp, corporal
gen, general
hs, horseshoer
Lt, Lieutenant
maj, major
mec, mechanic
mstr elec, master electrician
mus, musician
pvt, private
ret, recruit
sdlr, saddler
sgt, sergeant
wag, wagoner

AA, Anti-aircraft
AAS, Anti-aircraft Service
AEF, American Expeditionary Force
aerconstrsq, aerial construction squad
aersq, aero squadron
AGD, Adjutant General’s Department
Am, American
amb, ambulance
amtn, ammunition train
A&N, Army and Navy
arty, artillery
AS, Air Service
ASC, Air Service Corps
ASFS, Air Service Flying School
asst, assistant
atchd, attached
aut, automatic
auto, automobile
aux, auxiliary
av, aviation
bcks, barracks
bdr, border
bet, between
BH, Base Hospital
bkry, bakery
bin, balloon
bn, battalion
butch, butchery
brig, brigade
by, battery
c, corps
CAC, Coast Artillery Corps
cand, candidates
cas, casual
cav, cavalry
CH, Camp Hospital
cl, class
cmdg, commanding
cmp, camp
cntr, center
constr, construction
co, company
COTS, Central Officers’ Training School

Navy Abbreviations

app, apprentice
asst, assistant
av, aviation
bndmstr, bandmaster
capt, captain
CG, Coast Guard
CGA, Coast Guard Artillery
chf, chief
chfbnm, chief boatswain’s
ck, cook
cl, class
cm, carpenter’s mate
Com, Commander
CQM, Chief Quartermaster
d, died
dd, died of disease
diph, diphtheria
elec, electricity
elecn, electrician
engnr, engineer
hosp, hospital
influ, influenza
jg, junior grade
k, killed
ldsm, landsman
Lt, Lieutenant
mach, machinist’s
meas, measles
mening, meningitis
mus, musician
pneu, pneumonia
SS, steamship
USN, United States Navy
USNTS, United States Naval Training Station
USS, United States ship
wtdr, water tender

Army Abbreviations Continued

DSC, Distinguished Service Cross
DSM, Distinguished Service Medal
dvlpmtbn, development battalion
EH, Evacuation Hospital
engnrs, engineers
enlstd, enlisted
ERC, Enlisted Reserve Corps
evac, evacuation
fa, field artillery
fbn, field battalion
FH, Field Hospital
fremsq, field remount squad
fsbn, field signal battalion
gd, guard
GFCo, Guard and Fire Company
GH, General Hospital
gr, group
gremsq, guard remount squad
grnds, grounds
hq, headquarters
hospco, hospital company
hvfa, heavy field artillery
inf, infantry
infrc, infantry reserve corps
instn, instruction
lab, labor
launco, laundry company
ltd, limited
Mar, Marines
MC, Medical Corps
MD, Medical Department
medco, medical company
Mex, Mexican
mg, machine gun
mgtngc, machine gun training
MM, Motor Mechanics
mob, mobile
MOTC, Medical Officers’ Training Camp
MP, Military Police
msuptn, motor supply train
MT, Motor Transport
MTC, Motor Transport Corps
mtrk, motor truck
NA, National Army
NG, National Guard
NOS, Noncommissioned Officers’ School
obsn, observation
offnsve, offensive
offers, officers
opns, operations
Ord Dept, Ordnance Department
Ord Maint&ILep Schl, Ordnance Maintenance and Repair School
OTC, Officers’ Training Corps
pioninf, pioneer infantry
pk, pack
provogd, provost guard
prsnr, prisoner
prvnl, provisional
QMC, Quartermaster Corps
rdregt, road regiment
reg, regular
regt, regiment
regtl, regimental
reinfemt, reinforcement
rein, remount
rep, repair
res, reserve
ROTC, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
rpl, replacement
rr, railroad
ry, railway
salv&repco, salvage and repair company
SATC, Student Army Training Corps
sbn, signal battalion
schl, school
sec, sector
sect, section
serv, service
sh, shop
SigC, Signal Corps
SigRC, Signal Reserve Corps
sne, sanitary corps
sndet, sanitary detachment
snsq, sanitary squad
sntn, sanitary train
Sp, Spanish
sq, squad
ss, steamship
sup, supply
TC, Transportation Corps
td, transportation detachment
tech, technical
telbn, telegraph battalion
tk, tank
tmbn, trench mortar battalion
tmby, trench mortar battery
tn, train
tng, training
tr, troop
trans, transportation
trk, truck
unasgnd, unassigned
USA, United States Army
USG, United States Guards
UW, University of Wisconsin
VC, Veterinary Corps
vet, veterinary
VH, Veterinary Hospital
VTS, Veterinary Training School
WNG, Wisconsin National Guard

Marine Abbreviations

AEF, American Expeditionary Force
append, appendicitis
av, aviation
bcks, barracks
brig, brigade
Centl Rec Div, Central Receiving Division
chf, chief
co, company
corp, corporal
d, died
dd, died of disease
defnsve, defensive
dept, department
det, detachment
div, division
DSM, Distinguished Service Medal
dw, died of wounds
GO, General Order gy, gunnery
hq, headquarters
influ, influenza
kia, killed in action
Lt, Lieutenant pharm, pharmacist’s
MAF, Marine Aviation Field
MB, Marine Barracks
MC, Marine Corps
MCR, Marine Corps Reserve
mgbn, machine-gun battalion
pneu, pneumonia
QM, Quartermaster
regt, regiment
rplbn, replacement battalion
sgt, sergeant
SOS, the letters signified by the signal of distress prescribed by the International Radiotele graphic Convention of 1912 for use by ships calling for help
sq, squad
supco, supply company
USMC, United States Marine Corps
w, wounded

Note: The names of ships are italicized. The figures immediately following the name of a marine or sailor indicate his age.

Unknown County

Theiss, Emil; capt; d Naval Hospital, Washington, D. C., Sept 24, ’17.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

World War 1,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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