Wisconsin Gold Star List – Lafayette County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Lafayette County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Anderson, Oscar, 27, Argyle; pvt 47inf; kia Aug 7,’18.

Arnot, James, 30, Argyle; pvt 7inf; Argonne; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Bates, Harold R., 23, Darlington; pvt 1cl 7inf; 2Verdun; kia Oct 9, ’18.

Bishell, Alford C., 29, Darlington; corp 127inf; k (accidental gunshot wound) June 14, ’18.

Burns, Francis L., 24, Blanchardville; corp mgtngcmp, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 11, ’18.

Copeland, Glen Lyndon, 24, Benton; pvt 7inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 25, ’18.

Dobson, Herbert, 23, Blanchardville; pvt 28inf; Cantigny, Am sec, Amiens front; kia May 28,’18.

Gillie, Philip Henry, 20, Gratiot; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 28, ’18.

Hartwick, Frank S., 18, South Wayne; pvt 164depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6, ’18.

Hendrickson, David, 19, Blanchardville ; pvt 28inf; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Henzeler, -, 28, Darlington; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 5, ’18.

Hinkins, William G., 26, Belmont; pvt 123mgbn; Cote le Mont; kia Oct 4, ’18.

Huntington, Clifford, 23, Darlington; pvt prvnlco Camp Hancock Sept drft; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 11, ’18.

Larson, Charles N., 24, Woodford; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 17, ’18.

Leary, Leo F., 22, Gratiot ; pvt 127inf; Sergy, Fismes ; kia Aug 3, ’18.

McCann, Fred, 25, Shullsburg; pvt 127inf; near Cierges; kia Jy 31, ’18.

McCann, George, 21, Shullsburg ; corp 127inf; near Fismes ; kia Aug 5, ’18.

Maddrell, Jesse H., 25, South Wayne; pvt 16inf; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Mason, Murray, 19, Blanchardville; pvt 1cl 127inf; kia Cierges, Jy 30, ’18.

Nelson, Carl E., 23, Darlington ; pvt hqco 7inf ; Bois de Belleau, 2Marne, Argonne; dd (pneu) Nov 2, ’18.

Orwicki, John, 28, New Diggings ; pvt 107amtn; overseas ; drowned Jy 17, ’18.

Parkinson, Homer M., 26, Blanchardville; WNG; corp 127inf; Roncheres, Verdun; kia Oct 19, ’18.

Parkinson, Lee N., 23, Blanchardville; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Cierges, Fismes, Juvigny ; dw Oct 4, ’18.

Shager, Theodore, 29, South Wayne; corp 310inf; in advance line

Champigny, Neville Farm, Oct 15-20; kia Oct 20,’18.

Shea, Augustus, 00, New Diggings; pvt 1cl 337inf; dw Oct 22, ’18.

Stauffacher, Leroy A., 23, Blanchardville ; pvt 128inf; dw Oct 5, ’18.

Whalen, Peter J., 22, Argyle; Auto Schl tngdet, Kansas City; U. S.; dd ( sc fev and pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Wiseman, Milton D., 24, Benton; pvt 7inf ; Argonne; dw Oct 11, ’18.


Peck, Helene, 27, Darlington; yeoman lcl; d Georgetown Hospital, Washington, D. C., Nov 13, ’18.


Price, David Francis, 24, New Diggings; corp avdet 3sq 1MAF, Miami, Fla.; dd (pneu) Nov 3, ’18.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Lafayette County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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