Wisconsin Gold Star List – Winnebago County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Winnebago County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Adams, George Frederick, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 127inf; Oise-Aisne, defsec, Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 11, ’18.

Anunson, John 0., 25, m, Larsen; pvt inf unasgnd casco400; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 19, ’18.

Arneman, Rudolph Herman, 30, Neenah; pvt lcl 26inf; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Bach, James Nicholi, 21, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; 2Marne; kia Jy 20, ’18.

Bamman, Fred W., 29, Oshkosh; pvt 354inf; Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Nov 11, ’18.

Barnard, Minor, 23, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt lcl 127inf; kia Aug 4,’18.

Beck, Harold J. P., 28, Menasha; pvt 342inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 9 ’18.

Beglinger, Henry A., 31, m, Oshkosh; capt 340inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Mch 6. ’19.

Bergeron, Urban, 23, Menasha; WNG; pvt 26inf; Soissons; dw Jy 26, ’18.

Brabazon, Vernon Andrew, 26, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 127inf; Sergy, Aisne-Marne, defsec; kia Aug 1,’18.

Bradley, David L., 26, Omro; pvt 109mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 24, ’18.

Brandow, Henry J., 24, Neenah; corp hqtn 91div; overseas; k (motorcycle accident) Sept 16, ’18.

Bryant, Clifford A., 25, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt lcl 127inf; Sergy; kia Aug 5 ’18.

Bullis, Elmer W., 45, m, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 150mgbn; Champagne, Marne, Aisne-Marne, defsec; dw Aug 3, ’18.

Casford, Earl Edgar, 26, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 120mgbn; kia Aug 30, ’18.

Conley, Fred Sumner, Oshkosh; hqdet 16engnrs; d Jan 12, ’19. [Entered at Detroit, Mich.]

Cook, Atley H., 24, Oshkosh; rct CAC, Ft. Totten, N. Y.; U. S.; dd (endocard) May 27, ’18.

Delorme, Thomas Edward, 28, Menasha; WNG; corp 131mgbn; kia Sept 14, ’18.

Deyoung, Cornelius, 26, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt fsbn SigC; Sommedieu, Chateau Thierry, near Soissons; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Durant, Leo Frank, 22, Oshkosh; pvt Auto Schl tngdet, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Fabrycki, Frank P., 22, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 128inf; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, defsec; k (rr accident) Feb 5, ’19.

Fauck, Paul, 25, Oshkosh; pvt 150mgbn; overseas; d (accident) June 8, ’18.

Foth, Herman, 22, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; dw Jy 28, ’18. Foth, William Frederick, 25, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; kia Jy 21, ’18.

Friday, Fred W., 27, Oshkosh; pvt CAC unasgnd 15rctco, Jefferson Barracks; U. S.; dd (pneu) Mch 30, ’18.

Fuller, Ralph Theodore, 20, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Soissons, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, defsec; kia Sept 2, ’18.

Gage, Harry Richard, 21, Menasha; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 27, ’18.

Garrow, William, 22, Menasha; WNG; pvt 26inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Gatza, Frank, 23, Menasha; pvt 121fa; Rougemont, 2Marne, Soissons, Argonne; dw Oct 9,’18.

Gertsch, Adolph, 25, Oshkosh; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 28, ’18.

Graf, Kurt, 27, Black Wolf; WNG; stable sgt 150mgbn; AisneMarne, defsec; kia Jy 28,’18.

Gruetzmacher, Richard William, 25, Oshkosh; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 27,’18.

Gullickson, Harvey Andrew, 24, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Hannes, John, 22, Oshkosh; pvt infrpldrft, Camp Shelby, Miss.; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 13, ’18.

Hawley, James P., 22, Neenah; WNG; sgt lsnsq MD 32div; kia (sinking of Tuscania) Feb 5, ’18.

Heisinger, Charles R., 34, Oshkosh; maj 160depbrig; U. S.; dd (cholelithiasis) Mch 28,’19.

Holden, Vernon A., 42, Neenah; 1Lt 9mgbn; Champagne, Marne; kia Jy 16, ’18.

Hubbard, Joseph James, 26, Neenah; WNG; sgt 128inf; 2Marne, Juvigny; kia Nov 10, ’18.

Hurlbut, Charles E., 25, Oshkosh; 2Lt 23inf; Aisne-Marne; kia Jy 18 ’18.

Jensen, Nels A., 24, Menasha; pvt 121fa; U. S.; dd (Ludwite’s angina) Apr 2, ’18.

Johnson, Peter, 28, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 127inf; Sergy; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Kaczor, Edward F., 28, Neenah; pvt 317inf; Argonne, Verdun; w Nov 5, ’18; dd (pneu) Jan 3,’19.

Kalenofske, Leo, 26, Menasha; sup sgt 37inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 18 ’18.

Kellerman, John G., 22, Oshkosh; pvt 9inf; Argonne; dd (neph) Feb 6, ’19.

Knoke, Harvey A., 22, Oshkosh; WNG; corp 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Verdun; kia Oct 11, ’18.

Koslowski, Paul A., 26, Menasha; mec 53inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 6, ’18.

Kregel, Berthold F., 24, Larsen; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 20, ’18.

Kressig, Herman, 25, m, Oshkosh; pvt 158depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Kruse, Richard W., 82, Oshkosh; pvt 1cl VH16; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 15 ’18.

Lampert, James G. B., 32, m, Oshkosh; Lt Col 2armyhqengnrs; Isle de France, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; DSM; dd (pneu) Jan 6, ’19.

Lange, Edwin A., 27, Oshkosh; pvt 312inf; kia Oct 23, ’18.

LaSage, Floyd A., 19, Menasha; pvt 5cav; U. S.; dd (leukemia) May 22, ’17.

Lemke, John william, 23, Neenah; mec 128inf; overseas; dd (diph) Mch 25, ’18.

Lengenfeldt, John, 27, Menasha; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Lenz, Henry, Jr., 21, Menasha; wag 18fa; kia Jy 15, ’18.

Lorenz, Joseph, 23, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 1cl 150mgbn; dw Nov 21, ’18.

Lothman, Louis, 27, m, Oshkosh; pvt AS Mec Schl det, St. Paul, Minn.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12, ’18.

Luedtke, Alfred Paul, 24, Neenah; pvt 344inf; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Luker, Walter Myron, 26, Rush Lake; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 2, ’18.

Mand, Nicholas, 28, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; kia Aug 2, ’18.

Marmes, Paul, 26, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; kia Jy 18,’18.

Melbourne, Harry, 22, Neenah; pvt supco 128inf; U. S.; dd (mening) Mch 23, ’18.

Melchert, Arthur C., 21, Neenah; pvt 9inf; overseas; dd (dys) Nov 13, ’18.

Miller, Frank, 22, Oshkosh; pvt 9inf; U. S.; dd (mening) Apr 25, ’17.

Nelson, Archie Fred, 28, Oshkosh; sgt co17 TC; overseas; dd (tuberc) June 5, ’18.

Noe, Sebastian A., 30, Oshkosh; pvt inf Camp Hancock Sept rpldrft; dd (pneu) Oct 15, ’18.

Obersteiner, Frank, 22, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 150mgbn; w Jy 15; kia Oct 22, ’18.

Ogden, Burr Henry, 22, Oshkosh; pvt mgtngcntr, Camp Hancock, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Olson, Edgar Bernard, 24, Larsen; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (sc fev) Nov 20, ’18.

Pechman, William, 26, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 150mgbn; Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dw Oct 24, ’18.

Peterson, Chris. I., 29, Neenah; Beloit College tngdept; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Peterson, Louis A., 28, Neenah; pvt auxremdep331; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 8, ’18.

Pfeil, Henry Joseph, 19, Oshkosh; WNG; corp 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Verdun; kia Oct 11, ’18.

Phillips, Frank, 29, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt lcl 150mgbn; kia Jy 29, ’18.

Picard, Gerald J., 22, Neenah; sgt 128inf; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Apr 11, ’18.

Priebe, Clarence S., 22, Oshkosh; pvt 127inf; Roncheres to Fismes, Soissons, occupation of Kriemhilde-Stellung; dd (septicemia) Nov 19, ’18.

Procknow, Richard, 21, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 150mgbn; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Provost, Addison John, 55, m, Oshkosh; capt A&N GH; U. S.; dd (septicemia) Jy 7, ’18.

Pruchnofski, Frank, 27, Menasha; WNG; sgt 128inf; Marne, Juvigny; kia Sept 1,’18.

Ream, Ward H., 32, Oshkosh; 1Lt 305engnrs; Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 1, ’18.

Retelle, Rolland S., 23, Oshkosh; pvt mgbn Camp Hancock Sept rpldrft; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 15, ’18.

Rhyner, George, 29, Oshkosh; pvt VH9; overseas; dd (endocard) Dec 28, ’18.

Romberg, John, 21, Allenville; pvt infrpl, Camp Shelby, Miss,; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 25, ’18.

Romme, Thomas C., 25, Larsen; pvt 331inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 16, ’18.

Ryan, James J., 30, Winneconne; pvt 69engnrs; overseas; dd (pneu) Dec 18, ’18.

Scholz, Arthur E., 28, Oshkosh; pvt 354inf; Verdun; kia Nov 1,’18.

Schroeder, Leonard H., 21, Larsen; pvt Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Schultz, Albert R., 34, Oshkosh; WNG; wag 127inf; Roncheres to Fismes, near Soissons; dd (pneu) Oct 20, ’18.

Schultz, Arthur F., 25, Oshkosh; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 20, ’18.

Schumacher, William Herman, 22, Oshkosh; pvt Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 16,’18.

Sczenski, Walter, 21, Neenah; corp 26inf; Toul sec, Cantigny, Geniis Park, Saczerais, Montdidier-Noyon, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Sells, Otto Bernard, 23, Oshkosh; corp 127inf; Fismes sec; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Sieberz, Peter A., 27, Oshkosh; corp 7inf; kia June 20, ’18.

Skole, Walter C., 25, Oshkosh; mec 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 3, ’18.

Smith, David A., 27, Neenah; pvt Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Smith, Earle A., 24, Oshkosh; avsq; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 12, ’18.

Smith, Harold, 20, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; dw Jy 29, ’18.

Smith, Howard L., 26, Oshkosh; 1Lt fa atchd to 3tnhq∓ Aisne; dw June 6, ’18.

Smolinski, Ignatius, 22, Neenah; WNG; pvt 26inf; dw Jy 21, ’18.

Spaedtke, Otto, 19, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; dw Jy 30, ’18.

Spiegelberg, Emil Herman, 25, Larsen; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 21, ’18.

Steckbauer, Edward C., 24, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; kia Jy 30 ’18.

Stecker, Harold W., 20, Neenah; 2Lt 128inf; U. S.; dd (perito) Jan 31, ’18.

Stich, Harvey, 22, Oshkosh; pvt lcl 150mgbn; Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse; dd (pneu) Dec 27, ’18.

Strieck, John Herman, 22, Omro; pvt Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 5,’18.

Stuhser, Frank H., 28, Menasha; pvt 311inf; kia Oct 30, ’18.

Suess, Louis, 29, Oshkosh; WNG; pvt 1cl 150mgbn; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Szylobrit, Alex. S., 23, Oshkosh; b Russian Poland; pvt 353inf; Romagne; kia Oct 31, ’18.

Terry, George Edward, 30, Omro; pvt 148inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 25, ’18.

Thelen, Alfred A., 28, Oshkosh; corp 354inf; St. Mihiel, Verdun; dd (pneu) Nov 24, ’18.

Thomas, Ruby Arthur, 32, Oshkosh; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Thompson, George Daniel, 24, Oshkosh; pvt lcl 354inf; St. Mihiel, Verdun, Gesnes; kia Oct 27, ’18.

Thompson, Isaac Tipler, 24, Allenville; pvt cascol tkc; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Thorne, Walter, 21, Oshkosh; WNG; corp 150mgbn; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Timm, John August, 22, Neenah; WNG; pvt lcl 26inf; Soissons; dw Jy 20, ’18.

Timmerman, John A., 24, Oshkosh; pvt 146mgbn unasgnd; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 17, ’18.

Turner, James C., 24, Oshkosh; pvt 354inf; St. Mihiel, Verdun; kia Oct 26, ’18.

Wells, Cooper D., 26, m, Oshkosh; WNG; sgt 107mobordrepsh; overseas; dd (mening) Apr 18, ’18.

Williams, Morgan, 23; sgt farplregt; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dec 8, ’18.

Wilson, Irving F., 24, Oshkosh; pvt 353inf; Argonne-Meuse; kia Nov 2, ’18.

Winchester, Glenn H., 21, Oshkosh; pvt 3fa; overseas; dd (pneu) May 11,’19.

Zarter, Karl, 24, Oshkosh; corp 343inf; dd (pneu) in English hospital, Sept 30, ’18.

Zindler, Edward, 26, Oshkosh; WNG; wag 150mgbn; Champagne (Suippes); kia Jy 15,’18.


Ahrens, Albert George, 23, Oshkosh; d (lost at sea, USS Cyclops) June 14, ’18.

Callies, Albert August, Jr., 23, Oshkosh; mus 2cl; d Naval Hospital, Hampton Roads, Va., Apr 24, ’18.

Daum, Harry Julius, 28, Oshkosh; cm 3cl; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I., Sept 25, ’18.

Day, Harold Sylvester, Oshkosh; elecn 3cl; d Eighth Naval District, John Seely Hospital, Galveston, Tea., Dec 6, ’18.

Fahrbach, Clarence, 24, Menasha; fireman 3cl; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Hampton Roads, Va., Oct 2, ’18.

Ihrig, Lester Herman, Oshkosh; seaman 2c1; d Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Cal., Feb 24, ’18.

Machtmann, Joseph John, Oshkosh; fireman 3cl; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 27, ’18.

Oaks, John Harold, 28, Oshkosh; ldsm yeoman; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 23, ’18.

Strehle, Carl August, 55, Oshkosh; bndmstr; fell unconscious and d New York, Jan 23, ’19.


Barnett, Maurice Edward, Jr., 21, Neenah; 2Lt USMC; MeuseArgonne offnsve (Champagne), Argonne Forest; dw Nov 1, ’18. Croix de Guerre, two bronze stars. Citation for bravery commanding as 2Lt 79co 6regt 20div Aug 1 at Chateau Thierry; mentioned for bravery at Bouresche, June 6, Fourragere. The citation accompanying the Croix de Guerre says “He displayed qualities of leadership and great coolness in conducting patrols to their posts under a violent machine gun fire (then sergeant).” An additional bronze star was awarded under an order dated Feb 16, ’19, from General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following: “During the period of attacks at Blanc Mont he displayed decision in replacing with rare leadership his disabled company commander. He gave an example of the greatest bravery, never hesitating to risk his life.”

Russell, Arthur, 40, Oshkosh; sgt 5,regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 6, ’18.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Winnebago County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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