Wisconsin Gold Star List – Milwaukee

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Ashland County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Abe, Edward A.,’24, North Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Adamczak, Stephen J., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 105inf; Somme offnsve, Ypres-Lys, defsec; w in action Sept 28; d (suicide) Dec 23,’18.

Albrecht, Louis J., 28, Milwaukee; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Anderson, Leonard, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 168inf; Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 28, ’18.

Anderson, Morgan M., 27, Milwaukee; 2Lt 16inf; Argonne ; kia Oct 5,’18.

Andreski, Joseph, 30, South Milwaukee ; pvt 4inf ; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Augustine, Arthur, 24, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Roncheres, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Bach, Philip Frederick, 21, Milwaukee; pvt SATC, Bradley Polytechnic Institute; U. S.; dd (mening) Oct 13, ’18.

Badura, Peter, 27, Milwaukee; pvt 148mgbn; overseas; dd (acute myocard) Oct 29, ’19.

Baldwin, Eden J., 22, Milwaukee; 2Lt 90aersq; d (rr accident near Orleans) Dec 5, ’18.

Banks, William J., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 129fa; Charpenterie; dd (pneu) Oct 6, ’18.

Barber, Raymond, 32, Milwaukee; pvt 6engnrs; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 5″18.

Barnes, Harvey A., 22, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Basel, Otto A., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Alsace sec; kia Jy 30,’18.

Beckman, August, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 26inf; Cantigny; kia May 28, ’18.

Beczkowsky, Steve H., 30, Milwaukee ; corp 311inf ; Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Oct 20, ’18.

Bederman, Anton F., 31, Milwaukee ; pvt 343inf; overseas ; dd (pneu) Sept 28,’18.

Behling, Emil, 27, Milwaukee; corp 47inf; near Verdun; kia Oct 7, 18.

Belkowski, Ignatz, 25, Milwaukee ; pvt MD USGH21, Denver, Col. ; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Aug 25, ’18.

Beno, Stanislaus, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 166inf; dw Oct 28, ’18.

Beyer, Andrew, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 39inf; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Beyerlein, Gregor, 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 353inf ; dw Oct 30, ’18.

Beyers, Frederick R., 33, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl CAC, Ft. Winfield Scott, Cal. ; U. S.; dd (cirrhosis of liver) Apr 13, ’19.

Biever, Henry, 28, Milwaukee; corp 2AAby CAC; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 30, ’18.

Billings, Elmer Edwin, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 343inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Bleibaum, Irving Otto, 32, Milwaukee; pvt 165depbrig; overseas; dd (sunstroke) Jy 1,’18.

Block, Frank A., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Cierges; kia Aug 1, ’18.

Bock, Ferdinand, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 148inf; kia Nov 4,’18.

Boetel, William E., 24, Cudahy; pvt 1cl 47inf; kia Aug 10, ’18.

Bogdajewicz, Henry, 28, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 126inf; Marne; dw Aug 7, ’18.

Borzyck, Michael, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 11mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 26, ’18.

Bottoms, Thomas J., 19, Milwaukee; pvt 134inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 24, ’18.

Bracken, Edwin J., 43, Milwaukee; tngcmp, Camp Gaillard, Canal Zone; dd (heart disease) June 6, ’18.

Branbach, Arthur C., Milwaukee; pvt 122mgbn; dw Oct 22,’18.

Brandenburg, Arthur C., Milwaukee; pvt 122mgbn; dw Oct 2, ’18.

Brandlock, Elmer, 25, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 128inf; dw Aug 7, ’18.

Braust, – , 21, Milwaukee; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Bresler, Edward, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 6cav; overseas; dd (perito) May 19, ’19.

Briganski, John J., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 39inf; Aisne-Marne, St.

Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Oct 9, ’18.

Brigham, Albert Egbert, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 128inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, near Soissons, near Verdun; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Brizzi, Nicolo, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 9inf; Argonne; dw Nov 12,’18.

Brown, Orley, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 107fsbn; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Brumaghim, Ralph E., 26, Cudahy; corp 340inf; overseas; dd (tuberc) Apr 10, ’19.

Bruss, George Gustav, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Bub, Elroy, 19, Milwaukee ; pvt 30inf; Marne ; kia Jy 15, ’18.

Bublitz, Hugo H., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 332mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 1,’18.

Budnik, Frank, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 47inf; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Budzish, Joe Henry, 81, Milwaukee; pvt infrpl&tngtr, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Burczyk, Frank, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 16inf; kia Oct 8, ’18.

Burczyk, John J., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 326bn tkc; kia Sept 13, ’18.

Cabai, Louis, 22, Milwaukee; WNG ; pvt 128inf; Marne ; dw Aug 5, ’18.

Callan, Joseph, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 58inf; kia (sinking of Moldavia) May 23, ’18.

Cameron, Fred Lisle, 27, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 120fa; defsec; kia Aug 14, ’18.

Carpenter, Irving G., 31, m, Milwaukee; pvt 56inf; Bois de Troude la Haie, Puvenelle sec, defnsve and offnsve; d (accidental gunshot wounds) Apr 28, ’19.

Casper, Orvel N., 24, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl snsq 2MD 32div; kia (sinking of Tuscania) Feb 5, ’18.

Chandler, Hugh W., 23, Milwaukee; corp hqco 17fa; Verdun see, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Ponte Mousson, St. Mihiel, MeuseArgonne; dd (empyema) June 25, ’19.

Chmielewski, Frank Leo, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 53depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Chojnacki, Ignacy, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 47inf ; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Christie, Alexander, 22, Milwaukee; corp 410telbn; d (accidental poisoning) Nov 8, ’17.

Christofferson, Arthur C., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 47inf; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Ciechanowicz, William, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 319fa; overseas; dd (pneu) Feb 8, ’19.

Cieslak, Thomas, 27, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 2, ’18.

Clark, Grant W., 23, Milwaukee; pvt MD 126FH; Somme; dw Oct 5,’18.

Clark, John B., Milwaukee ; 1Lt 127inf; d Oct 5, ’18.

Cohen, Dan, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 39inf; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Craig, Harold, 22, Milwaukee; 2Lt 6inf; Romagne, Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Oct 14,’18.

Cudworth, Alonzo, 19, Milwaukee; corp 120fa; Aisne-Marne, OiseAisne, defsec; kia Aug 29, ’18.

Czajka, John F., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 26inf; kia Nov 13,’17.

Czerwinski, John, 22, West Allis; pvt Schl for Bkrs and Cks, Camp Shelby, Miss. ; U. S.; d (drowning) May 15, ’19.

Daehn, Herbert F., 29, Milwaukee; pvt mgtngschl, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dec 5, ’18.

Dallman, Emil, 22, South Milwaukee; sgt 39inf; Norroy, St. Thibault, Argonne; kia Oct 14,’18.

Damm, Henry J., Milwaukee; Lt Col SigC; k in airplane fall at San Antonio, Tex., May 2, ’18.

D’Amore, John, 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 47inf ; kia Aug 10, ’18.

Darga, Leo, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 125inf; Sergy; kia Jy 31, ’18.

DeCaluwe, Herman F., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 55inf ; kia Nov 10, ’18.

Deckman, Arthur R., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 310engnrs ; overseas ; dd (tuberc and heart disease) Dec 2, ’18.

Deyo, Percy E., 28, Milwaukee ; pvt 4inf ; kia Oct 24, ’18.

Diedrich, Bernard A., 22, Wauwatosa ; WNG ; sgt 128inf; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; dw (gassed) June 20, ’18.

Dietrich, Alfred H., 20, Milwaukee ; pvt 127inf; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Dobnik, Blase, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 29inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 11, ’18.

Doerr, Adam C., 22, Milwaukee; sgt 38inf 3div; Marne, Jaulgonne, Vesle, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne ; kia Oct 9, ’18.

Dolata, Walter R., 23, South Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 119mgbn; U. S.; dd (perito) Feb 23, ’18.

Doran, George E., 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace; kia June 17, ’18.

Dornbach, Joseph H., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 331mgbn; overseas; dd (cardiac failure) Oct 7, ’18.

Drbal, John L., Jr., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 28inf; Cantigny, Amiens; k May 23, ’18.

Drescher, Albert R., 39, m, Milwaukee; capt Ord Dept, Camp Summerall; U. S.; d (suicide) Jy 26,’18.

Drill, Edward L., 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 107fsbn; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Verdun; kia Oct 2, ’18.

Dunkert, Max F., 30, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Dzeidzic, Benjamin, 21, Milwaukee; 2Lt officrs schl, Camp Hancock, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 31, ’18.

Eckel, Conrad, 23, West Allis ; pvt 58inf; kia (sinking of Moldavia) May 23, ’18.

Eckert, Joseph, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 105inf; Dickelbusch, Viestratt Ridge, Guillemont Farm, Hindenburg Line; dd (pneu) Mch 5, ’19.

Egan, Harold A., 21, Milwaukee ; pvt MD FH126 ; overseas ; dd (pneu) Oct 25, ’18.

Eich, John J., Milwaukee; pvt 1bn depbrig; dd Dec 22, ’18.

Ellison, George C., 21, Milwaukee ; pvt 4inf ; U. S.; dd (pneu) May 3″19.

Elzted, Stanley Deben, 28, Milwaukee; pvt genservinf, Columbus Barracks, Mo.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 19,’18.

Erschens, Michael, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; Lorraine front, Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel; kia Sept 12, ’18.

Ethier, Alfred Follett, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 120fa; St. Gilles; dw Aug 17, ’18.

Euteneur, John A., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 28,118.

Feest, Joseph, 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 58inf; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Feldman, Peter Royal, 28, Milwaukee; b Russia; clk; overseas; dd (pneu) Dec 18,118.

Fine, Abraham, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 58inf; Aisne-Marne, Somme, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 7, ’18.

Finger, August H., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 4blnco; d of accidental wounds Oct 26, ’18.

Formiller, Edward, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 5bn farpldrft, Camp Zachary Taylor; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 11,’18.

Fortkamp, Reuben, 22, Oakwood; pvt MD BH; U. S.; dd (sc fev) Mch 27, ’18.

Francis, Edward F., 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Roncheres, Cierges, Alsace trenches, Manspach, Chateau Thierry; dw Aug 2,’18.

Frederich, John C., 24, Milwaukee ; pvt 1cl 39inf; kia Oct 11, ’18.

Fredman, Raymond, 22, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Freeman, George H., 25, Milwaukee ; pvt 56inf; dw Dec 21, ’18.

Freeman, Leslie T., 23, Milwaukee ; pvt 105inf; dw Oct 17, ’18.

Fricke, William H., 27, Milwaukee; sgt detUSA GH, Ft. Bayard, N. M.; dd (tuberc) Sept 6,’19.

Froelich, Albert, 28, Milwaukee; corp 59inf; kia Aug 11, ’18.

Fuerbach, Fred, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 31,’18.

Gaartz, Alfred E., m, Milwaukee; WNG; Sp-Am War.; capt 120 mgbn ; Juvigny; kia Aug 29, ’18.

Gaffrei, George, 25, m, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 310engnrs; St. Mihiel, Argonne; dd (pneu) Jan 19,’19.

Galaska, Edward J., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 121mgbn; AisneMarne, defsec ; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Garstecki, Julian F., 22, m, Milwaukee; corp 343inf; dw Oct 20,’18.

Gaulke, Walter, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 59inf; 2Marne, Argonne; kia Sept 30, ’18.

Germershausen, Leo John, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 120fa; Oise-Aisne, defsec; kia Sept 2,’18.

Gipp, August, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; Sauppes, Marne, Sergy; dw Aug 27, ’18.

Glass, Albert F., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 14servco SigC, Camp Meade, Md.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 15,’18.

Gormley, Howard E., 22, Milwaukee ; 1Lt 21m 7inf ; overseas ; dd (pneu) Oct 11, ’18.

Gottenburg, Redewald, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 58inf; kia (sinking of Moldavia) May 23, ’18.

Gourley, Hugh B., 28, m, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Goyk, John, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Sept 30 ’18.

Grabowski, Leonard T., 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Gray, Clarence W., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; Cantigny, Soissons sec; kia Jy 21, ’18.

Griepentrog, Eugene R., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; Cantigny ; kia May 28, ’18.

Griesberg, Myron J., 20, Milwaukee ; pvt servdiv MTC ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 13, ’19.

Grover, Lyman Hamilton, 28, Milwaukee; pvt casco, Camp Polk, N. C.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dec 5, ’18.

Grube, Edwin G., 26, Milwaukee; corp 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9 ’18.

Grund, Hugo W., 27, Milwaukee; pvt hqco 139inf; dd (mening) Jan 27, ’19.

Gudell, Bernard, 32, Milwaukee ; pvt 168inf; Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry ; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Guenther, Edward, 33, Milwaukee ; pvt 59CAC ; overseas ; dd (cerebral tumor) Feb 25, ’19.

Haecker, George, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 18inf; Ypres, Cantigny, Soissons, Argonne; kia Oct 9, ’18.

Halbach, Paul B., 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 7inf ; kia Oct 18, ’18. Hamilton, Edward E., 22, Milwaukee; 2Lt 1cav, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 28, ’18.

Hammill, Joseph M., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 7inf; overseas; dd (epidemic polioencephalitis) Jy 14, ’19.

Hanke, Edward, 23, Milwaukee; pvt supco 351inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 8,’18.

Harbrecht, Eugene, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; 2Marne, near Sergy; kia Jy 30,’18.

Harmann, John C., 31, Milwaukee; corp 39inf; dw Oct 9 ’18.

Heese, Louis F., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 20engnrs; overseas; d of injuries received in jumping from moving train, while insane, Apr 12, ’18.

Heffron, Peter Joseph, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 121fa; Badricourt, Dravegny; dw Aug 28,’18.

Heimer, Max A., Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; d Sept 12, ’18.

Held, Clarence A., 23, Milwaukee ; pvt 18inf ; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Helmich, Samuel E., 25, Milwaukee ; pvt 22inf ; U. S.; drowned Jy 13, ’17.

Henricksen, Hans P., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 18inf; St. Mihiel, Argonne; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Hergetic, Walter, 23, Cudahy ; corp 17inf ; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Apr 17, ’19.

Herkowski, Walter, 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 58inf; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Hermer, -, 25, Milwaukee; Lorraine front, Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel; dw Sept 12, ’18.

Hessen, Henry J., 28, Milwaukee ; pvt 28inf; Cantigny ; dw June 2, ’18.

Heup, Alois A., 24, Milwaukee ; corp 59inf; 2 Marne ; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Heyer, William Albert, 25, Milwaukee; pvt supco320 QMC; overseas; dd (pneu) Feb 11, ’19.

Hochmuth, Hans, 27, Milwaukee; pvt Schl for Bkrs and Cks, Camp Custer, Mich.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12, ’18.

Hoffman, Albert E., m, Milwaukee; pvt AS Mec Schl, St. Paul, Minn.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12,’18.

Hofmann, Frederick W., 25, Milwaukee; pvt MD, Ft. Des Moines, Ia.; U. S.; dd (tuberc) May 14, ’19.

Holdman, Jacob S., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 309inf; Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 16, ’18.

Holub, Floyd C., 25, Milwaukee; WNG; Mex Bdr; sgt FH126 107 sntn 32div; Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Oct 19, ’18.

Homblette, John H., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 64CAC; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 30, ’18.

Hopp, Roy, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Sergy; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Howard, William Raphall, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 107fsbn; overseas; dd (mening) Feb 13, ’18.

Hoyer, Theodore R., 31, Milwaukee ; 2Lt 23inf; Aisne, Aisne-Marne; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Huck, Harry F., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13,’18.

Huennekens, Leo J., 36, Milwaukee; mstr elec CAC, Ft. Rosecrans, – Cal. ; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Mch 12, ’19.

Hughes, James, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Hulick, Roy Thomas, 19, Milwaukee; pvt fsbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 25,’18.

Idziak, John I., 27, Milwaukee; rct 26rctco, Columbus Barracks, O.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 23,’18.

Israel, Alfred H., 23, Milwaukee; pvt fa; d Mch 15, ’18.

Jankowski, Walter, 30, Milwaukee ; WNG ; pvt 128inf; 2Marne ; kia Aug 1, ’18.

Jansen, Lawrence A., 20, Milwaukee ; pvt detfa, West Point, N. Y.; U. S.; d (fracture of skull) Jy 31,’17.

Jelinski, Felix F., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; U. S.; dd (acute muscular rheumatism) Jan 9, ’18.

Jens, Hugo F., 31, Milwaukee ; pvt 104inf ; Naumont sec ; kia Oct 17, ’18.

Jerakowski, Walter, 27, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny, near Verdun; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Jeske, August G., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 150mgbn; St. Mihiel, USS Bonzancy, Dept of Ardennes ; kia Oct 14, ’18.

Joerg, William J., 23, South Milwaukee ; pvt 128inf; w Oct 11; dd (hem of heart) Feb 3, ’19.

Joerres, John, 23, Milwaukee ; pvt 102inf; w Oct 29, ’18; dd (septicemia) Jan 2,’19.

Jurasinski, Joseph, 21, Milwaukee ; pvt 4inf ; kia Jy 22, ’18.

Kania, John, 26, Milwaukee ; pvt 168inf; Lorraine, Champagne, near Marne; kia Jy 26, ’18.

Kannich, Eugene W., 19, Milwaukee ; pvt 1cl 127inf; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Kapczuk, Joseph, 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf ;Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Aug 31, ’18.

Karel, Joseph A., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 8prvnlregt OTC, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3,’18.

Karkut, Emil, 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 310inf; Champignelles ; dw Oct 24, ’18.

Karolewicz, Frank, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 107amtn; Alsace, 2Marne, Chateau Thierry, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny, Soissons; dd (pneu) Feb 4, ’19.

Karolewicz, Stanley M., 27, Milwaukee ; WNG ; Alsace, Fismes ; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Kass, George Joseph, 19, Milwaukee; sgt 107sbn; Valpriez Farm, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, defsec; kia Aug 28, ’18.

Kass, John, 24, Milwaukee; corp supco 340inf; between Meuse and Moselle; dd (pneu) Mch 31,’19.

Kath, August W., 31, Milwaukee; 2Lt 102inf; St. Mihiel, MeuseArgonne ; kia Oct 26, ’18.

Kaufman, Alex., 19, Milwaukee; pvt 128inf; Juvigny; kia Sept 6, ’18.

Kemter, John, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 128inf; Aisne-Marne, Oise-
Aisne, Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Nov 10, ’18.

Kennedy, Frank, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 105engnrs; Voormoselle, Belle court, Montbrehain, Brancourt, River Vaux, etc.; dd (pneu) Apr 29, ’19.

Kerlin, Arthur Adolf, 21, Cudahy; ck 120fa; cited; dw Aug 5, ’18.

Kessler, Gottfried, 21, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Roncheres to Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1,’18.

Kessler, John K., 25, Milwaukee; b Bohemia; pvt 148inf; Heurne; kia Oct 31,’18.

Kilinski, Victor, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 27, ’18.

Kirchner, Roy F., 24, Milwaukee; sgt 47inf; dw Oct 5,’18.

Klase, Ervin G., 22, Milwaukee; pvt AS USA; overseas; dd (tuberc) Apr 2, ’19.

Klaye, George H., 31, Milwaukee; pvt 310engnrs; w Nov 12; dd (pneu) Nov 21, ’18.

Klecza, Casimer A., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 317inf; kia Nov 3,’18.

Klemmer, Louis A., 24, m, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, near Cierges ; kia Aug 1, ’18.

Kluck, Carl Frederick, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 28inf; kia Oct 4, ’18.

Knaack, Arthur W., 23, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 107engnrs; Aisne,

Argonne, Meuse; dw Nov 13,’18.

Knuf, John, 30, Milwaukee; pvt MD BH, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6, ’18.

Knutson, Leslie, 23, Milwaukee; sgt 1cl mecregt; k (accidental bullet wounds) May 9, ’18.

Kobus, John, 25, South Milwaukee; pvt 58inf; kia (sinking of Moldavia) May 23, ’18. .

Kochanik, John, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Alsace, Stochette, Fismes; kia Aug 4,’18.

Koehler, Edwin C., 27, Milwaukee; pvt inf Camp MacArthur rpldrft; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Koenig, Edwin M., 22, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 4cav; Cantigny, Soissons; kia Jy 20, ’18.

Koivupalo, Henry, 28, North Milwaukee; WNG; corp 120mgbn; Foret de Fere, Fismes, 2Marne, Juvigny, Argonne; kia Oct 12, ’18.

Kolaczynski, Leo, 20, Milwaukee; pvt l6inf; Soissons; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Kops, Edward, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 128inf; kia Jy 28, ’18.

Korlewski, Charles, 24, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun; dw Feb 18, ’19.

Kosanke, William Albert, 23, Milwaukee; pvt dvlpmtbn, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Dec 9, ’18.

Koslowsky, Konstanty, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 343inf; dd (pneu) Oct 8 ’18.

Koss, Joseph, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 128inf; kia Aug 3,’18.

Kownacki, Alexander, 22, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Cierges, Fismes ; kia Sept 7, ’18.

Krahn, Arthur A., 24, Milwaukee; pvt 59inf; Aisne-Marne, defsec; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Krause, Reginald A., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 353inf; Argonne-Meuse; kia Nov 5, ’18.

Krawczyk, John, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 120mgbn; dw Oct 12, ’18.

Kringel, Albert C., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 18inf; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Kroepfel, Arthur J., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 128inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons; dw Sept 2, ’18.

Krohn, John, Jr., 22, Milwaukee; sgt 64inf; Puneville, near Moselle, defsec; kia Oct 18, ’18.

Kroklewski, Charles ; corp 127inf; d Oct 21, ’18.

Krueger, Roy, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 82fa; U. S.; d (gunshot wound) Jan 7, ’18.

Krzywda, Bronislaus, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 341inf; Champignelles; kia Nov 5, ’18.

Kudlinski, Joseph, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Knechenbecher, Ernest 0., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 109inf; kia Nov 7, ’18.

Kufahl, Oscar A., 28, Milwaukee; pvt dvlpmtbn, Camp Taylor; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 14, ’18.

Kujawa, Walter, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt sndet 32div; overseas; dd (mening) Jy 16,118.

Kujawski, Tomasz, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Verdun; kia Oct 16, ’18.

Kukla, Thomas, 26, Milwaukee; b Russia; pvt 28inf; Cantigny, 2Marne, Argonne ; kia Nov 3, ’18.

Kulbacki, Witold, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 107amtn; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Kulwicki, Andrew J., 29, Milwaukee; b Germany ; pvt 339inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Jan 28, ’19.

Kunkel, Frank, Jr., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 120fa; dw Nov 21, ’18.

Label, Albert S., 30, Milwaukee; rct casdet unasgnd; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 14,’18.

La Belle, Clarence E., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 17blnco, Omaha, Neb.; dd (atrophy of liver) Aug 12,’18.

Lake, Leonard F., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 21, ’18.

Lang, John A., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 106inf ; Malakoff Wood, Vurstaat Crossing, Ypres salient, Gillamont Farm, Somme offnsve, defsec; dw Sept 27, ’18.

Lange, Otto R., 24, North Milwaukee ; WNG; mec 127inf; Roncheres, Fismes, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny, Kriemhilde-Stellung; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Larsen, Elmer T., 20, Milwaukee; sgt MD Camp Crane rpldrftunit62 ; overseas ; dd (pneu) Sept 30, ’18.

Larsen, Peter, 22, m, Milwaukee; pvt ltngbn SigC, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 22,’18.

Lasanske, Reinhard, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 8fsbn; 2Marne, Cuisy, Argonne, St. Mihiel; dw Oct 18,’18.

Leenhouts, James P., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 9mgbn; Meuse-Argonne; dd (typh) Dec 30, ’18.

Lehwald, Herman E., 31, Milwaukee ; pvt 310inf; dw near Champignelles Oct 13, ’18.

Leistikow, Herman, 23, North Milwaukee ; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Sergy; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Lemanski, Roman, 22, Milwaukee; b Poland; WNG; corp 127inf; Ballesdorf (Alsace) ; kia June 17, ’18.

Lembke, Paul G., 21, Milwaukee; pvt Camp MacArthur Sept autrpldrft; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Leskievitch, Joseph, 21, South Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Fismes, Soissons ; dw Aug 30, ’18.

Leverenz, Clarence R., 22, Milwaukee; sgt 128inf; kia Aug 4,’18.

Levin, Herman F., 24, Milwaukee ; corp 30inf; Mont de Bonheuil (Hill 204) ; dw June 9, ’18.

Lea, Edward J., 28, Milwaukee; pvt 59inf; Allied offnsve, Marne; kia between Sept 26 and Oct 28, ’18.

Libecki, John, 24, South Milwaukee; pvt 47inf; Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, defsec; kia Sept 27, ’18.

Lizdas, Martin, 25, South Milwaukee ; pvt 16inf; kia May 25, ’18.

Lonchar, Joseph, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 102amtn 27div; dw Sept 29, ’18.

Ludwig, Walter H., 24, Milwaukee; at Camp Grant; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Luedtke, Edward W. J., 24, Milwaukee; corp 58inf; Aisne-Marne, Somme offnsve, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dw Sept 28, ’18.

Lutz, William, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 28inf; Argonne, St. Mihiel; kia Oct 12, ’18.

Lyon, Edward, 23, Milwaukee ; pvt 1cl MD BH22 ; overseas ; dd (tuberc) Apr 19, ’19.

McFadzen, Arthur R., 28, Milwaukee; pvt 8depbn SigC; U. S.; dd (pneu) Aug 12, 18.

McGuinness, James, 20, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Fismes; dw Aug 2, ’18.

McHugh, Kenneth Lavalle, 22, Milwaukee ; WNG ; Marne, Juvigny ; corp 120fa; kia Oct 4, ’18.

MacMaster, Malcolm J., 24, Milwaukee ; 2Lt CAC, Manila, P. I. ; dd (dys) Jan 6,’19.

Machurski, Simon E., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Sergy; kia Aug 1, ’18.

Madala, Frank, 21, Milwaukee ; pvt 16inf; Toul front, Picardy front ; kia Jy 4, ’18.

Majchrzak, Frank, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 28inf; w Aug 31; kia Oct 1, ’18.

Malinowski, Nikodym, 25, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Gardelles, Fismes ; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Malinowski, Sczepan, 23, Milwaukee ; WNG ; pvt 128inf; kia Aug 3 ’18.

Malinski, John, 31, Milwaukee ; WNG ; pvt 128inf; 2Marne, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Malusky, Joe F., 30, Milwaukee; pvt 339inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 10, ’18.

Manecke, Erwin R., 21, West Allis; WNG; pvt 1cl 120mgbn; Foret de Fere, Fismes, 2Marne, Juvigny; kia Oct 12,’18.

Manthey, Bernard J., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 55engnrs ; overseas ; dd (thrombosis) Aug 12,’18.

Marach, Adam Paul, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 47inf; kia Jy 81,’18.

Martin, James P., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 1c1 311inf; kia Oct 17,’18.

Marx, Stephen J., Milwaukee; pvt 47inf; kia Jy 29, ’18.

Mather, Willard G., 20, Milwaukee; pvt SATC, Marquette University; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dec 6, ’18.

Matson, Arthur W., 20, Hales Corners; pvt 7inf; U. S.; dd (empyema) Jan 22, ’18.

Mattick, George, 24, Milwaukee; corp 16fa; Vesle, Chartreuve; kia Aug 12, ’18.

Mattuschek, Grover C., 25, Milwaukee; pvt supco 39inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 4,’18.

Mauch, Herbert, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 318inf; kia Nov 4, ’18.

Mehl, William F., Milwaukee; maj lief; Camp MacArthur; dd (gastroenteritis) Oct 22, ’17.

Meyer, Elroy, 21, West Allis; pvt 53depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 11 ’18.

Meyer, Erwin A., 22, Milwaukee; pvt inf Camp MacArthur Sept rpldrft; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 10, ’18.

Michalski, Stanley, Jr., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 58inf; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Miglas, Theodore George, 28, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 28,’18.

Mikolajczyk, Joseph, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Mitchell, John Gordon, 23, Milwaukee; 1Lt 52inf; Alsace; dd (pneu) Jan 4, ’19.

Mitchell, John L., 25, Milwaukee; 1Lt AS SigRC; d in accidental fall from airplane at Thiacourt, May 27, ’18.

Modrock, Richard H., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 311inf; kia Nov 4, ’18.

Mokelke, Frank R., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 309inf; kia Oct 16, ’18.

Moore, Vinton J., 20, South Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry sec; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Mueller, Arthur James, 20, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 121fa; dw Aug 8, ’18.

Mullett, Robert E., 23, Milwaukee; rct inf unasgnd; U. S.; dd (pneu) May 3, ’17.

Myer, Frank, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 165inf; overseas; d (drowning) Aug 16, ’18.

Naeser, Joseph, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 159depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9 ’18.

Narlock, Frank J., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt hqco 128inf; U.• S.; dd (pneu) Mch 18, ’18.

Nedderson, Leroy C., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 352inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 30, ’18.

Nehring, William G., 20, Wauwatosa; pvt 120fa; U. S.; dd (pneu) Feb 18, ’18.

Neuhaus, Norman C., 30, Milwaukee ; pvt 148inf; Huerne; kia Nov 2,’18.

Neumann, Theodore, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 21fa; St. Mihiel, Argonne; dd (typh and pneu) Dec 17, ’18.

Nimmer, William 0., 22, Milwaukee; pvt casdet, Camp Nichols; dd (pneu) Nov 6, ’18.

Nolte, Louis, 31, Milwaukee; pvt 18inf; St. Mihiel; dw Oct 5,’18. Cited by Marshal Foch and Gen. Summerall for the act which cost his life.

Nordman, Gilbert W., 24, Milwaukee; pvt 168inf; Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun; kia Oct 16, ’18.

Notting, Joseph Bernard, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Novotny, Walter, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 4inf; near Verdun; kia Oct 25, ’18.

Nowak, John M., 26, m, Milwaukee ; sgt 127inf; Gardelle see, Alsace, Stockette, near Fismes; kia Aug 4, ’18. [His serial number was 274,797, and he lived at 884 Warren Avenue.]

Nowak, John M., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 105fa; U. S.; dd (tuberc). Dec 2, ’18. [His serial number was 2,036,278, and he lived at 726 Eighth Avenue.]

O’Brien, Maurice C., 17, South Milwaukee ; pvt 127inf ; . Chateau Thierry, Cierges ; kia Aug 1, ’18.

O’Connor, William, 32, Milwaukee; pvt 15inf; U. S.; d of gunshot wound (homicide) June 3, ’18.

Odee, John J., 19, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Fismes; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Ohm, William J., Jr., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 159depbrig; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 13,’18.

Olawson, Leif, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt ambco125; overseas; dd (tuberc) Oct 19,’18.

Oliszewski, William J., 21, Milwaukee; pvt amtn 1div; dw May 22, ’18.

Orzechowski, John J., 22, Milwaukee; wag supco 9inf; kia June 17, ’18.

Owsienski, Stanley, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 46inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 18, ’18.

Pacholski, John, 28, m, Milwaukee; pvt schltr COTCmp; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 17,’18.

Paczesny, Michael, 21, Milwaukee; pvt 125inf; Ourcq; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Paepke, Arthur H., 24, Milwaukee ; pvt 39inf; kia Aug 5, ’18.

Pagel, George W., 26, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt inf; overseas; dd (inflam rheum) Sept 19, ’17.

Paik, Cyril, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 319fa; Marboche sec, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; d (strangulation by hanging) Feb 24, ’19.

Papke, Lester A., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1sntn; Beaumont; kia Nov 11, ’18.

Patock, Paul F., 22, Milwaukee ; pvt 106inf ; kia Sept 27,’18.

Paull, James, 29, West Allis ; pvt 1cl 59inf; Marne ; kia Aug 9, ’18.

Pawloski, Edward A., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 1cav; U. S.; dd (pyelo nephritis) Mch 26,118.

Pechaski, Pechacek, 27, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 166depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13,’18.

Peiffer, Math, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 36fa; dd (pneu) Oct 17,’18.

Pettier, Charles, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 42fa; U. S.; dd (neur and neph) Dec 1,’17.

Pennings, Alfred Anton, 26, West Allis ; corp 39inf; Foret de Fere, St. Thibeau, Argonne; kia Sept 27, ’18.

Peplinsky, Peter, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 18inf; kia June 9, ’18.

Petropolous, Athanasios, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 115inf; Alsace, Verdun; kia Oct 25, ’18.

Phillips, John, 23, Milwaukee ; corp 354inf; Verdun ; kia Nov 1,’18. Piaskowski, Frank, 20, South Milwaukee; WNG; corp 120mgbn; Foret de Fere, Marne, Juvigny, Argonne; dw Oct 6, ’18.

Pieske, William, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 128inf; 2Marne, Montfaucon; d of toxemia following gunshot wounds, Nov 13, ’18.

Pilarski, Stanley J., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 314engnrs; St. Mihiel, Verdun; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Plude, Louis A., 38, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 128inf; Alsace, near Chateau Thierry, Soissons; kia Aug 29, ’18.

Plunkett, Paul Thomas, 24, Milwaukee ; pvt 18inf; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Podlasinski, Frank, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 128inf; 2Marne, Soissons, Montfaucon ; dw Oct 16, ’18.

Polak, Max, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 1c1 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun, Bois de Chene; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Polezynski, Paul F., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 310fsbn; St. Mihiel; dd (septicemia) Jan 9, ’19.

Polzin, Charles A., 31, Milwaukee; pvt 299aerprvnlservsq, Pittsburgh, Pa.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 27,’18.

Popken, Henry, 28, Milwaukee ; pvt 340inf; dw Oct 27, ’18.

Porte, Alexander, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 120fa; dw Sept 2, ’18.

Poznanski, Leo, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 26inf ; dw June 16, ’18. \

Preissner, Joseph F., 18, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 128inf; kia Aug


Price, John, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; dw Aug 7, ’18.

Proszkiewicz, Frank J., 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 55inf; kia Nov 3, ’18.

Pruszka, Michael, 30, Milwaukee ; pvt 39inf; kia Sept 28, ’18.

Przbylowski, Leonard, 21, Milwaukee ; sgt 127inf ; Roncheres, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Quinkert, George, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 163depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 11, ’18.

Radant, Alfred, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 28inf; Soissons; kia Jy 19, ’18. Cited for bravery and meritorious service out of the line of duty.

Radke, Clarence, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 59inf ; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Radomski, August, 26, South Milwaukee; pvt lprvnlregt Spruce Production Div, Bureau Aircraft Production; U. S.; dd (tuberc) June 27, ’18.

Radszewski, Felix, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 10bn farpldep, Camp Taylor; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 17, ’18.

Rasmussen, Marvin, 18, West Allis ; pvt 21cav; U. S.; drowned June 29, ’17.

Raszeja, Frank, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 39inf; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Reiff, Myron J., 24, Milwaukee; sgt 120fa; dw Sept 4, ’18.

Reymander, Emanuel J., 29, Milwaukee; ck hqco 3021m tkc; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 22, ’18.

Richardson, Daniel 0., 18, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 60inf; U. S.; d (auto accident) Oct 13, ’17.

Richardson, Frank Eply, 28, Milwaukee ; corp hqco 39inf; Foret de Fere, St. Thibault, Argonne; dd (pneu) Oct 18,’18.

Richter, Edward R., 33, Milwaukee; 2Lt 2avinstncntr, France; k in airplane accident Oct 4, ’18.

Rivers, Lester G., 35, Milwaukee; pvt supco 54CAC; overseas; k in rr accident June 11, ’18.

Robarge, Patrick A., 30, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 58inf; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Rogahn, Theodore A., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 160depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Apr 7, ’18.

Rogalska, George F., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 128inf; kia Aug 2, ’18.

Rogers, Glen J., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 3instnco SigC, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 18, ’18.

Roser, Edwin, 24, Milwaukee ; pvt 58inf; kia Aug 8, ’18.

Rudolph, Fred A., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 1snsq; dw (sinking of Tuscania) Feb 6, ’18.

Runge, Charles, 24, town of Lake; pvt 39inf; dw Aug 6, ’18.

Runge, Fred, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Runge, John, 22, Milwaukee; corp 59mgbn; dd (pneu) Oct 20, ’18.

Ryan, Arthur Cornelius, 21, South Milwaukee; pvt 120fa; kia Aug 29, ’18.

Saja, Jozfe, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 18inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Samolinski, Ignatius, 21, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Sanger [Singer], John, 21, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Juvigny; kia Sept 4, ’18. [This soldier was the son of a man named Sanger, but the soldier spelled the name with an i in place of the a, making it Singer.]

Saniter, Fred W., 23, Milwaukee; corp 310inf; Champignelles; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Sass, Frederick, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 151m, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12, ’18.

Sass, Joseph, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes; dw Aug 1, ’18.

Schaeffer, Ed, 31, Milwaukee; pvt 354inf; Verdun, Argonne-Meuse; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Schafer, Henry,. 19, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 128inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons; kia Aug 31, ’18.

Schimeon, Frank, 25, Milwaukee; pvt tngdet, Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13,’18.

Schlaikowski, Alois, 24, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Gaidelle, Alsace, Fismes ; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Schlicht, George M., 18, Milwaukee ; pvt 18inf; kia June 9, ’18.

Schlosser, Joseph, Jr., 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Schmidt, Arthur E., 32, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 59inf; Marne, Argonne; kia Oct 4, ’18.

Schmidt, Frank John, 27, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; kia May 21, ’18.

Schmidt, Herbert, 27, Milwaukee; pvt 28inf; kia May 28, ’18.

Schmitt, Edwin L., 29, Milwaukee; 2Lt infrctco atchd to 43co 5regt Mar; Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 12, ’18.

Schneider, Joseph H., 20, Milwaukee; ck Ord Dept; dd (pneu) Feb 12, ’19.

Schoenberger, Anton, 31, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 39inf; Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Schoenwetter, Leonard, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 4amtn; Montzeville; kia Oct 14, ’18.

School, Robert A., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 148inf; Heurne; kia Oct 31, ’18.

Schreiner, George, 23, South Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 311inf; kia Oct 20, ’18.

Schreiner, George P., 30, Milwaukee ; wag 139inf; overseas ; dd (pneu) Nov 9, ’18.

Schroeder, Derwin N., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 39inf; dw Aug 14, ’18.

Schroeder, George, 28, South Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 4inf ; kia Oct 3,’18.

Schultz, Otto, 26, Milwaukee ; pvt 47inf; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Schulz, Fred, 19, Milwaukee; corp 14inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 19, ’18.

Schumann, Adolph, 25, Milwaukee ; pvt 339inf; kia Nov 13, ’18.

Schwemer, Gottfried, 21, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 28inf; dw June 15,’18.

Schwertfeger, Emil, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 39inf; w Jy 19, ’18; dd (paratyphoid) May 10, ’19.

Scott, Thomas, 23, Milwaukee; corp 804pioninf; overseas; dd (tuberc) Apr 18, ’19.

Seefeld, Louis, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 104inf; Apremont, Xivray, Beaumont, Bois de la Brigade des Marines; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Seely, George, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 104inf; Apremont Forest, St. Aignon sec; kia Apr 12, ’18.

Sehrt, Allen John, 19, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt MD 127inf; kia Oct 13 ’18.

Shiells, Alex. E., 30, m, Wauwatosa; 1Lt engnrs cascmpl; overseas; dd (pneu) Feb 17, ’19.

Shine, Howard R., 21, Milwaukee; pvt Camp MacArthur Sept rpldrft; dd (pneu) Oct 10, ’18.

Sibiles, John, 24, South Milwaukee ; pvt 38inf; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Siebrecht, Max J., 23, Wauwatosa; corp 353inf; Bois de Bantheville; w Oct 25; dd (pneu) Dec 9, ’18.

Siems, Walter, 24, Milwaukee ; pvt 1cl 311inf; kia Nov 4, ’18.

Sikora, Frank, 27, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; near Verdun; kia Oct 14, ’18.

Silberberg, Joseph, 25, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 128inf; St. Gilles, Juvigny; kia Sept 2, ’18.

Simpson, William Edward, 26, Milwaukee; 2Lt 131inf; Lorraine, Dorcot Woods; kia Nov 10,’18.

Sinnott, Raymond J., 21, Milwaukee; sgt 121fa; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Argonne; dw Oct 3, ’18.

Siuba, Benny, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 128inf; 2Marne, near Cierges; kia Aug 1, ’18.

Slaney, Maurice Francis, 25, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 120fa; near St. Gilles ; dw Aug 7, ’18.

Slomka, Mike, 20, South Milwaukee; pvt 11inf; St. Mihiel; kia Nov 8, ’18.

Slonia, Andrew, 20, Milwaukee; corp 127inf; Laon, Alsace, Fismes; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Smith, Charles E., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Roncheres, Cierges, Verdun sec; kia Oct 18,’18.

Smith, Herbert Gustave, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 28inf ; kia May 28, ’18.

Sonecz, Joseph, 25, Milwaukee ; pvt 56inf; kia Nov 8, ’18.

Starck, William F., 24, Milwaukee; pvt 68inf MD; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Dec 24, ’19.

Steinborn, Emil W., Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Verdun; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Steinert, Henry H., 31, Milwaukee ; pvt 309inf; dw Oct 21, ’18.

Steinmueller, Charles H., 28, Milwaukee; pvt 151m, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Stelmachowski, Walter, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 151depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12,’18.

Stenberg, Lyle F., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 16inf; St. Mihiel, Argonne, near Verdun ; kia Nov 6, ’18.

Stengel, Bernard J., 25, Milwaukee; pvt mgtngcntr, Camp Hancock, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 22, ’18.

Stetmachowski, Joseph, 27, Milwaukee; pvt avsec SigC, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. ; U. S.; dd (traumatism) Apr 20, ’18.

Stezenco, Jimmy, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 16inf; dw Sept 12, ’18.

Stoltman, Frank, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 18inf; dw Jy 18,’18.

Stolz, John P., 21, Milwaukee; pvt 111inf; Meuse-Argonne, Thiacourt; dd (heart trouble) Dec 26, ’18.

Stopski, Stanislaw, 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 107amtn; kia Oct 6 ’18.

Stracagnoli, Antonio, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 4inf; near Verdun; kia Oct 8, ’18.

Strand, Cornell Odell, 22, Milwaukee; sgt 107fsbn; Chateau Thierry, Soissons; dw Oct 12, ’18.

Strandberg, John, 20, Milwaukee; corp 107fsbn; U. S.; dd (pneu) Feb 12, ’18.

Striepling, Walter J., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Fismes; dd (gastroenteritis) Sept 28, ’18.

Strubbe, Julius, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 308mgbn; Argonne; kia Oct 18, ’18.

Suhr, Henry, 26, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 4inf; Argonne; kia Oct 20, ’18.

Sutter, Ernst, 24, Milwaukee; WNG; bglr 127inf; dw May 15,’18.

Svoboda, Carl, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 321fa; kia Nov 2, ’18.

Swanson, Victor A., 29, Milwaukee; corp 107engnrs; dw Aug 6, ’18.

Swiedarke, Wilbur Albert, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 128inf; Alsace, St. Gilles ; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Szcepanski, Bernard, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 139inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 29, ’18.

Szulczewski, Stanley, 26, Milwaukee; pvt 309inf; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Szymczak, Anton, 27, Milwaukee ; wag 107amtn; Alsace sec, 2Marne, Chateau Thierry, Juvigny, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Feb 11, ’19.

Tackowiak, Joseph, 22, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Aug 30, ’18.

Tallroth, Leo, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 120fa; St. Gilles; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Tanner, Harold Emil, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 120fa; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Tappero, Giacomo, 22, Milwaukee; b Italy; pvt 309inf; kia Oct 20, ’18.

Tengesdal, Jorgen L., 29, Milwaukee; pvt 6engnrs; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Thiel, Nicholas W., 27, Milwaukee; pvt mgtngcntr, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 16, ’18.

Thiele, Adolph Fred, 23, Milwaukee ; pvt 319inf ; overseas ; dw Oct 15 ’18.

Thoemke, Julius’ J., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 36mgbn; U. S.; dd (pneu) Sept 26, ’18.

Thompson, Charles 0., 30, Milwaukee; pvt 310inf; near Champignelles; kia Oct 18, ’18.

Thompson, Henry Borchart, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 125inf; near Sergy ; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Tice, Clarence J., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 127inf; Chateau

Thierry, Juvigny, Alsace, near Montfaucon; dw Oct 8, ’18.

Tipil, Charles J., 26, Milwaukee; corp 39inf; kia Sept 26, ’18.

Tishler, Hyman, 20, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 107engnrs; dw Sept 6, ’18.

Tomanski, Barney, 26, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1,’18.

Tomczak, Chester, 19, Milwaukee; pvt 127inf; Dravegny; dw Aug 6, ’18.

Trantz, Albert J., 25, Milwaukee; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Trock, Michael J., 27, Milwaukee; 1Lt MD 107fsbn; dd at base hospital in France, Jy 23, ’18.

Tupper, Preston Eddy, 25, Milwaukee; Am AS; d (airplane accident) Nov 10,’18.

Tworkoski, Kzmier, 25, Milwaukee ; pvt 167inf ; kia Sept 16, ’18.

Urbaniak, Joseph, 24, Milwaukee; sgt 6fa; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Utic, Harvey, 26, West Allis ; pvt 59inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Uttech, William F., 27, Wauwatosa; pvt 4inf ; dw Oct 17, ’18.

Vahos, Tony Pete, 26, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 28, ’18.

Vana, Frank, 31, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 16inf; U. S.; dd (septicemia from gunshot wound) Nov 1, ’18.

Van Eimeren, Everhart John, 21, South Milwaukee; pvt 120fa; Tartiers ; kia Aug 29, ’18.

Van Essen, Jacob, 25, West Allis; corp 11inf; St. Mihiel sec; kia Sept 12, ’18.

Varelos, John, 23, Milwaukee; pvt tkc; dd (pneu) Oct 5, ’18.

Votara, Charles, 27, Milwaukee; ck 101aerrplsq; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 3, ’18.

Wagner, Frank L., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 344inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 12, ’18.

Wagner, Joseph M., Jr., 26, Milwaukee; pvt hqdet 311engnrs; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Wagner, Lester W., 22, Milwaukee; corp 127inf; Roncheres, Fismes, Juvigny; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Wallber, Hilbert Carl, 32, Milwaukee; WNG; Men Bdr; 1Lt 120fa; Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne; kia Aug 19, ’18.

Walloch, Joseph M., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 47inf; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Wallschlaeger, Edwin C., 32, Milwaukee; sgt 15rctco genservinf; U. S.; dd (tuberc) Apr 15, ’18.

Ward, George Adelbert, 25, m, Milwaukee; WNG; 1Lt 107fsbn; dd (cardiac failure) Mch 6, ’18 in English hospital.

Warner, Walter D., 20, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 28inf; Cantigny, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Argonne; kia Oct 7, ’18.

Washicheck, John, 26, Milwaukee; pvt MD BH, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (acute myelitis) Apr 10,’19.

Wasilewski, Frank, 28, Milwaukee; wag 107amtn; Alsace, Marne, Chateau Thierry, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny, near Soissons, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Feb 13, ’19.

Wasilewski, John, 30, Milwaukee; b Poland; pvt 158depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 2, ’18.

Watson, Eugene, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 30inf; Hill 204, 2Marne, Le Charmel, St. Mihiel, Montfaucon, Argonne ; dw Oct 23, ’18.

Weber, Fred, 23, Milwaukee; sgt 1cl GH14 meddet, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 25, ’18.

Weden, George P., 31, Milwaukee; pvt 7inf; dw Aug 2, ’18.

Weigell, Carl, 27, Milwaukee; corp 120fa; kia Oct 15, ’18.

Weinke, William A., 26, Milwaukee; pvt lprvnlorddepbn; d (accident) May 26, ’18.

Weisl, Frank Ferdinand, 21, Milwaukee; pvt Auto Schl, Kansas City; dd (pneu) Oct 8, ’18.

Wellnitz, Walter F., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 342inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 12, ’18.

Wendorf, Emil A., 30, Milwaukee; pvt 341inf; Argonne-Meuse; kia Nov 4, ’18.

Wenzler, Engelbert, 24, Cudahy; pvt 58inf; kia Nov 10,’18.

Weslowski, Joseph, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 58inf; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Wetteland, Chris, 32, Milwaukee; pvt 181m USG; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Wieben, Harold Rudolph, 22, Milwaukee; 2Lt 305cav; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 2, ’18.

Wielgosz, Joseph, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 16inf; Soissons; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Wiening, Fred, 21, Milwaukee; pvt hqco 54inf; overseas; dd (typh) Sept 21, ’18.

Wilcox, Ross A., 22, Milwaukee; mus 3cl 58inf; Aisne-Marne; kia Aug 7, ’18.

Wilke, Arthur, 24, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 120mgbn; Foret de Fere, 2Marne, Juvigny, Argonne; kia Oct 12, ’18.

Will, Alfred C., 31, Milwaukee; pvt VH8; overseas; dd (append) Jan 15, ’19.

Williams, Franklin Charles, 22, Milwaukee; WNG; sgt 120fa; overseas; dd (pneu) Apr 3, ’18.

Wilson, Frederick C., 21, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl FH126; overseas ; kia Oct 31, ’18.

Winiecke, Frank, 23, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun ; kia Oct 5, ’18.

Winohradcky, Frank, 21, m, Milwaukee ; pvt 16inf; Tout front, Picardy front, Soissons; kia Jy 24, ’18.

Winter, Sheldon, 22, Milwaukee; sgt 16inf; St. Mihiel, Foret d’Argonne; kia Oct 4, ’18.

Wisdom, George C., 27, Milwaukee; pvt 340ambco 310sntn; U. S.; dd (empyema) Apr 3, ’18.

Witte, Harry A., 23, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 4inf; Argonne; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Wojciechowski, Frank, 24, Milwaukee; pvt 39inf; dw Oct 14, ’18.

Wojnowski, Vincent I., 28, Milwaukee; pvt 341inf; kia Nov 2, ’18.

Wood, Thomas, 28, Milwaukee; pvt 4inf; kia Oct 12, ’18.

Woppert, Raymond H., 26, Milwaukee; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ”18.

Worm, George M., 23, Milwaukee; sgt 89 Spruce Production sq, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 6, ’19.

Wrasse, Earl G., 20, Milwaukee; WNG; corp 127inf; Sergy; kia Jy 31, ’18.

Wroblewski, Joseph A., 22, Milwaukee; pvt 353inf; kia Nov 2, ’18.

Wroblewski, Walter, 28, Milwaukee; mus 2c1 hqco 6cav; U. S.; dd (pneu) May 5, ’18.

Wyant, Ralph Waldo, 29, Milwaukee; pvt 107MP; Alsace, Aisne Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Apr 23, ’19.

Yianeles, John, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 26inf; kia Oct 9, ’18.

York, Edward Joseph, 26, Milwaukee; ck casco2462; St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Mch 25,’19.

Zachowsky, Edward, 23, Milwaukee; pvt 47inf ; dw Aug 1, ’18.

Zalewski, Roman, 22, Milwaukee; pvt 1cl 107amtn; Alsace, 2Marne, Juvigny, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Feb 5, ’18.

Zarse, Adolph C., 21, Milwaukee ; pvt USA tngdet2, Indianapolis, Ind. ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 15, ’18.

Zielinski, Alfred, 21, Milwaukee; sgt 51inf; kia Sept 5,’18.

Zielinski, John, 27, Milwaukee; WNG; pvt 28inf; kia Jy 29,’18.

Zilinka, Joseph, 29, Milwaukee ; pvt 343inf; St. Mihiel, Argonne; kia Nov 6, ’18.

Zimmerman, Eug. J.; MD BH, Ft. Riley, Kan.; dd (pneu) Mch 19,518.

Zoeller, Erwin A., 23, Milwaukee ; sgt 28inf; overseas ; dd (cardiac dilatation) Oct 12,’18.

Zubin, Julius, 26, Milwaukee; b Russia; pvt 128inf; kia Aug 31, ’18. Zunker, Herman, 27, Milwaukee ; pvt 39inf; dw Oct 12, ’18.

Zunker, Otto, 30, Milwaukee; pvt 341inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 2, ’18.


Makowski, Michael Peter, Milwaukee; ship’s fitter 2c1; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, New York City, Sept 26, ’18.

Marble, Ralph Leander, 18, Milwaukee; fireman 3cl; d USS Mercy, Yorktown, Va., Oct 13, ’18.

Neumeyer, Joseph, 25, Milwaukee; chf wtdr; d USS Marblehead, Menominee, Mich., Oct 18, ’18.

Orlando, Peter, Milwaukee; ldsm, ship’s ck; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 22, ’18.

Paur, John Joseph, 21, Milwaukee; fireman 3cl; d (lost on Cyclops) June 14,’18.

Peters, Martin Albert, Milwaukee; steward; d (lost on Cyclops) June 14, ’18.

Pierce, Melvin Warren, 21, Milwaukee; fireman 2cl; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 29, ’18.

Puls, Erwin Ernest, 24, Milwaukee; seaman 2cl; dd (pneu) Naval Rifle Range, Caldwell, N. J., Oct 1, ’18.

Reitman, Emil, 23, Milwaukee; seaman 2c1; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Nov 15, ’18.

Scannel, Frank Leonard, 26, West Allis; elecn 3cl radio; dd (pneu) in hospital at Pelham Bay Park, N. Y., Jan 17, ’18.

Trever, George Arthur; Lt Com USN; dd San Diego, Cal., Oct 14, ’18.

Wiggers, Herbert Raymond, 23, Milwaukee; ldsm for music; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 29, ’18.

Woida, Anthony, Jr., Milwaukee; chf boatswain; d (lost overboard) US coaler at sea, Sept 7, ’19.

Young, John Francis, 28, Milwaukee; chf yeoman; d USS Solace, New York, Jan 2, ’19.


Baldwin, Charles Walker, 24, West Allis; seaman 2c1; dd (cardiac dilatation) Naval Auxiliary Reserve School, Chicago, Aug 1, ’18.

Barron, Frank Robert, 20, Milwaukee; app seaman; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 23, ’18.

Blank, Herman William, 22, Milwaukee; Ldsm for mach mate av; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 24, ’18.

Czarnecki, Adolph Theodore, Milwaukee; seaman 2c1; d USS Hawk, Jy 6, ’21.

Dubaniewicz, Walter George, Milwaukee; ship’s ck 4cl; d Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., Sept 7, ’18.

Ehrke, Arthur Ernst, 24, West Allis; chf mach mate av; k in naval airplane crash over the Delaware-drowned, Receiving Ship, Philadelphia, Pa., Jy 14, ’19.

Eisemann, Fred Jacob, West Allis; chf mach mate av; d Naval Air Station, Akron, 0., Jy 1,’19.

Friebel, George Oscar, 19, Milwaukee; app seaman; d Naval Unit, Marquette University, Dec 12, ’18.

Gerhard, Theodore Walter, 23, Milwaukee; CQM av; k (drowned when airplane fell into water) Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla., Nov 23, ’18.

Graham, Gerald George, 26, Milwaukee; yeoman lcl; k (torpedoing of ship by German submarine on Atlantic Ocean) Sept 30, ’18.

Kaminski, Erwin John, 22, Milwaukee; hosp app lcl; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 21, ’18.

Kujath, William 0., 19, South Milwaukee; app seaman; dd (influ) Oct 7, ’18.

Makowski, Michael Peter, Milwaukee; ship’s fitter 2c1; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, New York City, Sept 26, ’18.

Marble, Ralph Leander, 18, Milwaukee; fireman 3cl; d USS Mercy, Yorktown, Va., Oct 13, ’18.

Neumeyer, Joseph, 25, Milwaukee; chf wtdr; d USS Marblehead, Menominee, Mich., Oct 18, ’18.

Orlando, Peter, Milwaukee; ldsm, ship’s ck; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 22, ’18.

Paur, John Joseph, 21, Milwaukee; fireman 3cl; d (lost on Cyclops) June 14,’18.

Peters, Martin Albert, Milwaukee; steward; d (lost on Cyclops) June 14, ’18.

Pierce, Melvin Warren, 21, Milwaukee; fireman 2cl; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 29, ’18.

Puls, Erwin Ernest, 24, Milwaukee; seaman 2cl; dd (pneu) Naval Rifle Range, Caldwell, N. J., Oct 1, ’18.

Reitman, Emil, 23, Milwaukee; seaman 2c1; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Nov 15, ’18.

Scannel, Frank Leonard, 26, West Allis; elecn 3cl radio; dd (pneu) in hospital at Pelham Bay Park, N. Y., Jan 17, ’18.

Trever, George Arthur; Lt Com USN; dd San Diego, Cal., Oct 14, ’18.

Wiggers, Herbert Raymond, 23, Milwaukee; ldsm for music; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 29, ’18.

Woida, Anthony, Jr., Milwaukee; chf boatswain; d (lost overboard) US coaler at sea, Sept 7, ’19.

Young, John Francis, 28, Milwaukee; chf yeoman; d USS Solace, New York, Jan 2, ’19.


Brennan, John Patrick, 53, Milwaukee; enlisted in USMC at Peking, China, Aug 13, ’16; sgt; dd May 14, ’18. Twenty-two years prior service USMC.

Cunningham, Arthur, 22, West Allis; 5regt; Toulon, Aisne-Marne offnsve, Chateau Thierry; dw June 10, ’18.

Day, Clarence Eugene, 28, Milwaukee; Meuse-Argonne, crossing of Meuse River; kia Aug 27, ’18.

Desmond, James Dennis, 22, Milwaukee; 1Lt attached to MB, Quantico, Va.; dd (influ) Sept 21, ’18.

Dunham, Charles Harold, 29, Milwaukee; gy sgt; hq duty with State Dept at London, Eng., as diplomatic courier; dd Feb 18 ’19.

Gates, Horatio Dwight, 30, Milwaukee; chf pharm mate; attached to 6regt USMC 2div; dd (append) Naval Base Hospital, Brest, France, Oct 27, ’18. Commended by Secretary of the Navy for effective work in caring for wounded men during battle, while serving with MC. Croix de Guerre, bronze star.

Inden, Clarence Edward, 28, Milwaukee; 45co 5regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 6, ’18.

Johnson, Jonas, 25, Milwaukee; 84co; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne offnsve (Soissons); kia Jy 19, ’18.

Kenney, Thomas Benton, 20, Milwaukee; 15co; Aisne defnsve; dw June 4, ’18.

Koceja, Maurice; 8co; dw in France, Apr 27, ’18.

McAneny, Orley, 28, Milwaukee; 6regt rplbn; Meuse-Argonne (Champagne); dw Oct 7, ’18.

Malecki, John Edward, 22, Milwaukee; 76co; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne offnsve (Soissons); kia Jy 19, ’18.

Michels, Adrian Joseph, 28, Milwaukee; 47co 5regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 6, ’18.

Milewski, Joseph John, 24, Cudahy; 6regt; Chateau Thierry, AisneMarne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne (Champagne); kia Oct 4, ’18. Fourragere.

Niesen, Raymond Henry, 20, Milwaukee; 73co; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 5, ’18.

Reilly, Harold Edward, 24, Milwaukee; 6mgbn; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne offnsve (Soissons), Marbache, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne (crossing Meuse River); kia Nov 2, ’18. Fourragere.

Spitzbardt, Gustave, 23, Milwaukee; 5regt; Aisne defnsve, Toulon, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne offnsve (Soissons), Marbache, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne (Champagne); w Jy 18; kia Oct 5 ’18.

Stevenson, Harold Elmer, 23, Milwaukee; Base Hospital; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; gassed June 15, ’18; d of other causes Nov 23, ’18. “Character excellent.”

Strehlow, Herbert Albert, 28, Milwaukee; 17co 5regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 7, ’18.

Sutton, Bert Thomas, 22, Milwaukee; 79co rplbn; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne (Soissons); dw Jy 19 ’18.

Tucker, Frank, 19, Milwaukee; 6regt; kia June 13, ’18.

Weller, Sidney, 24, Milwaukee; supco 5regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; kia June 25, ’18.

War Nurses

Tompkins, Agnes M., 34, Milwaukee; Embarkation Hospital No. 4; dd (pernicious anemia) Jan 6, ’20.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

World War 1,

Milwaukee County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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