Wisconsin Gold Star List – Dane County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Dane County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Anderson, A. H., 27., Stoughton ; SATC UW ; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Baker, Francis, 21, Stoughton; pvt rpl&tngcntr, Camp MacArthur; dd (pneu) Jan 15,’19.

Bakken, Wilbur, 20, Madison; pvt AS Flying Schl, Barron Field; dd (pneu) Dec 9,’18..

Berge, Willard Melancthon, 22, Cambridge; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Verdun; dw Oct 6,’18.

Beyler, George H., 26, Madison; pvt aerphotosect; dd (pyelitis) Oct 6,’18.

Bischoff, Godfrey, 28, Argyle; corp 123mgbn; Albert sec, Hamel, Cote le mont, Cierges, Dannevoux; dd (pneu) Oct 22, ’18.

Blatterman, Erwin C., 22, Sun Prairie; pvt 158depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6,’18.

Boe, Albert M., 27, DeForest ; pvt 331mgbn ; U. S.; dd (purpura hemorrhagia) Feb 20, ’18.

Bostrack, Elmer Kennen, 22, Stoughton; pvt infrpl&tngtr, Camp Grant; dd (pneu) Oct 8,’18.

Boy, Herman A., 26, Madison; pvt 111inf; Xammes, Haumont; kia Nov 10, ’18.

Bradley, Clarence 1., 23, Madison; corp 127inf; Chateau Thierry; dw Aug 8, ’18.

Brekke, John, 23, Madison; pvt 1cl 39inf; kia Jy 18,’18.

Brigham, Stephen 0., 31, Madison; 1Lt 127inf; Dravegny, St. Gilles Road; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Brimmer, Delmar Jewel, 27, m, Madison; pvt 127inf; Aisne-Marne, Alsace sec; dw Jy 30, ’18.

Bringa, Alvin T., 25, Stoughton; pvt 311fremsq QMC; dd (mening) May 7,’18.

Caesar, Frank E., 25, Madison; pvt 58inf ; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Cairns, William B., Jr., 24, Madison; 1Lt 127inf; Cierges; kia Jy 30, ’18.

Chapman, William C., 23, Madison; pvt 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; Juvigny, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, defsec; kia Sept 2, ’18.

Christenson, Carl, 21, Oregon; pvt infrpl, Camp Shelby; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 12, ’18.

Clarke, Bruce W., 28, Madison; 2Lt 129inf; Aisne-Marne, defsec; kia (Fismes) Aug 6,’18.

Clerkin, John W., 25, Madison; pvt 59inf; Marne; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Coniff, William M., 27, Madison; pvt 127inf ; kia Jy 24,’18.

Conlin, John B., 25, Madison; pvt telbn SigC; overseas; dd (pneu)
Sept 10,’18.

Cooley, Charles F., 23, Madison; core 111inf; Thiacourt sec; cited for heroism in carrying messages through a heavy barrage; dd (mening) Mch 18, ’19.

Courtney, James Frederick, 18, Madison; pvt 9bn 20engnrs; overseas; dd (pneu) Apr 17,’18.

Cranefield, Marion C., 23, Madison; 2Lt 127inf; Bois des Grimpettes, Roncheres ; kia Jy”31, ’18.

Curwen, Harry T., 20, Verona ; corp 127inf ; near Fismes ; kia Aug 3, ’18.

Dahlem, Glenn G., 19, Madison; corp 127inf; Fismes; kia Aug 3,’18.

Daley, Frank A., 28, Madison; sgt FH27 ; 2Marne, Chateau Thierry, Juvigny, Soissons, Argonne; dd (valvular heart disease) Nov 20, ’18.

Demaio, Dominico, 25, Madison; b Italy; pvt 341inf; Verdun; kia Nov 6, ’18.

Docken, Clarence O., 30, Mount Horeb; sgt QMC hqtr 32div; dd (mening) Feb 20,’18.

Draeger, George William, 23, Marshall; pvt 47inf; dw Aug 8,’18.

Duppler, Walter Jacob, 22, Verona; pvt tngdet, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 14,’18.

Eaton, Starr S., 25, m, Madison; capt 23inf; Thiacourt; DSC; kia Sept 15,’18.

Endres, Matthew W., 21, Waunakee, SATC UW; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 2, ’18.

Erickson, Arthur Edward, 26, Madison; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 23, ’18.

Esser, Werner J., 28, Madison; pvt 131inf; Meuse-Argonne; kia Nov 11, ’18.

Ester, Newman L., 27, m, Madison; pvt AS Mee Schl ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 9, ’18.

Feuling, Leonard V., 26, Madison; corp 6fa; U. S.; dd (pneu) Sept 28, ’18.

Finnerty, Joseph J., 23, Madison; WNG; corp 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Alsace, Juvigny; kia, Sept 1, ’18.

Fischer, Walter Robert, 26, m, Madison; pvt 7co USA Auto Schl, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 12,’18.

Frederickson, Olaf, 26, Mount Horeb; pvt 343inf; dd (pneu) Nov 29, ’18.

Fredland, Mozart, 29, Madison; b Norway; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 10, ’18.

Frost, Jay C., 33, Madison; pvt 1cl 1engnrs; kia Jy 20,’18.

Frye, Harlan T., 24, Madison; pvt servco MD; d (suicide on rr train) Nov 9, ’18.

Fumoso, Marco, 31, Madison; b Italy; pvt 356inf; St. Mihiel; kia Oct 21, ’18. ,

Furan, Andrew J., 27, Madison; pvt 47inf ; dw Oct 10, ’18.

Galvin, John Lyman, 21, Cottage Grove; pvt 1cl 121fa; Fismes sec; kia Aug 11, ’18.

Gerke, William G., 30, Madison; sgt 1cl 107fsbn; kia Aug 29,’18.

Gilbertson, Andrew G., 20, Morrisonville; pvt 331fa; dd (pneu) Oct 1, ’18.

Gilbertson, Melvin Gustav, 22, Edgerton; -pvt 123mgbn; kia Oct 8, ’18. –

Goecks, Arthur W., 31, Burke ; pvt 355inf ; dw Aug 13, ’18.

Gorry, John B., 28, Madison; pvt 1cl 341inf; dd (pneu) Oct 11,’18.

Graham, James H., 21, Madison; sgt 127inf ; kia Aug 6,’18.

Grapsas, Same, 26, Madison; b Greece; pvt 59inf; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Greening, Wilbur C., 22, Mazomanie; corp 123mgbn; Albert sec, Hamel, Bois Cote le Mont, Cierges, Danneroux; dw Nov 22,’18.

Griffith, Frank A., 26, Madison; pvt 58inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 18, ’19.

Grover, Alva G. L., 32, Madison; pvt 59inf; Allied offnsve, AisneMarne; kia Aug 11,’18.

Gyland, Adolph, 24, Stoughton; pvt 111inf; dw Oct 26,’18.

Haak, Berton-0., 30, Verona; pvt 331mgbn; U. S.; dd (sc-fev) Feb 20, ’18.

Hamshire, Edward A., 28, Marshall; pvt 341inf ; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 9,’18.

Hansen, Alfred, 27, Madison; mec 59inf ; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Havey, Selmer D., 22, Stoughton; pvt 309inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Dee 12, ’18.

Herrlein, George V., 31, Madison; pvt 2bn Edgewood Arsenal, Md.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3,’18.

Hetland, Stephen N., 30, Windsor; corp 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Hickey, John J., 23, Madison; pvt 1cl 127inf; near Fismes; kia Aug 4, ’18.

Huegel, Herbert G., 26, Madison; pvt 124mgbn; kia Oct 10,’18.

Johnson, Oscar E., 27, Madison; corp 16inf; Soissons; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Johnson, William N., 28, Oregon; pvt 353inf; Meuse; kia Nov 4,’18.

Jones, Edwin L., Madison; 1Lt 128inf ; kia Aug 3, ’18.

Jorgenson, Myron A., 22, Madison; WNG; pvt 1cl FH127; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 29,’18.

Kerl, Otto G., 19, Madison; wag supco 127inf; U. S.; dd (sc fev) Feb 21,’18.

Keyes, James G., 27, Madison; pvt 331mgbn; U. S.; dd (mening) Feb 5, ’18.

King, William Charles, 20, Madison; corp 127inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Fismes, Juvigny, Verdun; kia Oct 17, ’18.

Klein, Joseph, 22, Madison; pvt 124mgbn; Somme, Bois des Forges, Consennoye, Sivery sur Meuse; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Knudson, Olin C., 18, Blue Mounds; pvt 167fa; overseas; dd (empyema) Jan 15, ’18.

Kopang, Arthur 0., 25, Deerfield ; pvt 353inf ; Argonne ; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Koss, Alfred Charles, 27, Madison; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13, ’18.

Krueger, August E., 28, Madison; pvt 354inf; dw Nov 6,’18.

Lampman, Fred S., 23, DeForest ; pvt 310inf ; outpost line near Champignelles; kia Oct 19, ’18.

Lang, Michael J., 22, m, Madison; sgt 127inf ; kia Aug 3, ’18.

Lansing, William H., 25, Waunakee; pvt 7inf; Argonne; kia Oct 20, ’18.

Larson, Curty Gurnee, 32, Deerfield; pvt 64inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 18, ’18.

Larson, Thorvad M., 25, Mount Horeb ; pvt 7inf ; Argonne ; kia Oct 17, ’18.

Lee, Ole T., 25, Stoughton; core 346inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Jan 21, ’19.

Lewis, Albert B., 30, Mount Horeb ; pvt 28inf ; St. Mihiel, Argonne ; kia Oct 6, ’18.

Lichtfuss, Charles H., 19, Madison; pvt 1cl hqco 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Fismes, Alsatian service, Juvigny; dw Sept 9, ’18.

Lokken, Bennie Helmer, 22, Blue Mounds; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7,’7.8.

Ludvigson, Carl, Madison; corp 11inf; kia Sept 12,’18.

Lunde, Austin F., 24, Stoughton; pvt 47inf; U. S.; d (suicide) Aug 9, ’18.

Luther, William Edward, 29, m, Marshall; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 1,’18.

Maas, Peter J., 21, Madison; WNG; pvt 1cl 127inf; Alsace, Grimpettes; kia Jy 30,’18.

McCormick, John E., 20, Blooming Grove; pvt 108engnrs; gassed; dd (pneu) Nov 6, ’18.

McKeown, Dennis, 26, Madison; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 2, ’18.

Malone, Frank E., 25, Mount Horeb ; pvt 28inf ; dw May 29,’18.

Maly, Christ, 22, Dane; pvt Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3,’18.

Manson, Harvey D., 22, Madison; corp 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Juvigny, Fismes ; kia Sept 1, ’18.

Marquardt, Albert, 36, Madison; sgt 127inf ; Fismes ; kia Aug 3, ’18.

Martin, Florian A., 22, m, Mazomanie; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 6, ’18.

Mathison, Peter J., 22, Stoughton; corp 121fa; U. S.; dd (enterocolitis) Oct 20,’17.

Meadowcraft, Milton Harold, 22, Madison; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct x3,’18.

Michelson, Clarence A., 23, Black Earth; pvt supco 353inf; St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; kia Nov 5, ’18.

Mickelson, Herman, 25, Mount Horeb ; pvt 111inf ; kia Oct 24, ’18.

Moe, Parker L, 27, Stoughton; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 27, ’18.

Moore, R. E., 23; pvt 2supco fa COTS, Camp Taylor; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 2,’18.

Moore, Roger J., 23, Madison; pvt 341inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 5, ’18.

Munro, James, 21, Cambridge; WNG; pvt 28inf; Cantigny, Soissons, 2Marne; kia Jy 21,’18.

Nelson, Helmer, 21, m, Macfarland; pvt 9inf; kia Nov 8, ’18.

Nelson, Herman, 26, Stoughton; pvt 148inf; overseas; dd (pleur) Dee 2,’19.

Nichols, Raymond L., 19, Madison; pvt Icl 127inf; near Fismes; kia Aug 3, ’18.

Oakey, Howard G., 22, Madison; pvt 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Alsace, Soissons ; kia Oct 10, ’18.

Olsen, C. H., 19, Stoughton; pvt 17cav; U. S.; dd (pneu) Apr 11, ’18.

Olsen, Merle, 20, Rockdale; WNG; pvt Icl 28inf; Cantigny, Soissons, 2Marne; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Olson, Edward, 31, Vienna; pvt 353inf; St. Mihiel; kia Sept 28,’18.

Olson, Ernest W., 24, Stoughton; pvt 1cl 128cav; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 14, ’18.

Olson, Joseph E., 29, Christiana; pvt 130inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 22, ’18.

Olson, Ole, 27, Cambridge; pvt 148inf ; kia Oct 30, ’18.

Olson, Thomas M., 25, Madison; b Norway; pvt 148inf; Heurne; kia Oct 30,’18.

Ophaug, Edward R., 31, Windsor; pvt Schl for Bkrs and Cks; U. S.; dd (influ) Oct 5,’18.

Patton, Ralsa D., 23, Madison; pvt techtngdet, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 20,’19.

Paulson, Oscar G., 23, Deerfield; pvt 356inf; St. Mihiel; dd (pneu) Oct 16,’18.

Peters, Ralph H., 23, Madison; pvt 127inf; overseas; dd (diph) Feb 26, ’18.

Peterson, Elmer, 20, Sun Prairie; pvt 23inf; Allied offnsve, American offnsve; dw Sept 13,’18.

Piper, Purcell, 22, Madison; SATC UW; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dec 9, ’18.

Prescott, Abner B., 27, m, North Bristol;, pvt MD 71inf ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 4,’18.

Robbins, James S., 22, m, Madison; sgt 312inf ; kia Oct 16, ’18.

Roberts, John B., 23, Madison; 2Lt 127inf ; Aisne-Marne ; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Rokstid, Henry, 29, DeForest ; pvt 148inf ; Heurne ; kia Oct 31, ’18.

Ryan, Joseph P., 26, Madison; sgt 13bn MD, Ft. McHenry; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 11,’18.

Sampson, Otis, 19, Stoughton; pvt 1cl 16inf; Soissons, St. Mihiel, Argonne; kia Oct 8,’18.

Schlough, Benjamin F., 25, m, Madison; corp 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7,’18.

Schneider, Martin P.,, 23, Mount Horeb ; pvt 7inf ; overseas ; dd (abscess) Aug 6, ’19.

Shepherd, Frederick Earle, 22, Riley; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 24, ’18.

Skaaland, Gunnar, 28, Stoughton; b Norway; pvt 341inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 12,’18.

Smith, Philip G., 21, Madison; pvt 1cl 128inf; overseas; dd (diph) Mch 25, ’18.

Sperle, Ole J., 30, Stoughton ; b Norway; pvt 7inf ; Argonne ; dd (pneu) Nov 1,’18.

Stein, Reuben; QMC; no record found; d Oct 6,’18.

Stekelberg, William C., 27, Madison; WNG; corp 127inf; Chateau Thierry, Fismes, Cierges; dw Jy 31,’18.

Stock, Hugo L., 28, Madison; 2Lt 3avinstncntr, France; k in aviation accident, Sept 8, ’18.

Strand, Otis W., 24, Deerfield; corp 128inf; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons ; dw Sept 7, ’18.

Swenson, Erwin C., 22, Mount Horeb; pvt SATC, Beloit College; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Taylor, Joseph J., 24, Waunakee; sdlr tnhq∓ overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 7,’18.

Thomas, Earl A., Madison; pvt 316launco QMC; kia June 28, ’18.

Thompson, Arthur M., 23, Stoughton; pvt 107sbn; dw Sept 4,’18.

Togstad, Morris, 21, Madison; 2Lt 127inf; Aisne-Marne, OiseAisne, Meuse-Argonne; kia Nov 11,’18.

Twombley, Henry J., 24, Madison; pvt ordtngcmp, Raritan, N. J.; U. S.; dd (pneu) Sept 24,’18.

Uhrdahl, Christian, 23, Windsor; pvt 148inf; Heurne; kia Nov 3,’18.

Upson, Ray, 21, Madison; pvt 26inf ; w Jy 22; dw Oct 3, ’18.

Vaughn, Leo J., 21, Madison; WNG; sgt 127inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Feb 20, ’19.

Vesperman, Ernest, 23, DeForest; pvt 346inf; U. S.; dd (mess) Jan 21,’18.

Wagner, Karl, 19, Madison; pvt 20engnrs; overseas; dd (pneu) Apr 18, ’18.

Walker, Joseph A., 20, Mendota; sgt 11inf; St. Mihiel, Verdun; dw Jan 27, ’19.

Warne, Henry J., 24, Cambridge; corp tngdept, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 17,’18.

Weber, John Henry, 22, Dane; pvt ROTC, Metuchen, N. J., U. S.; dd (pulmonary embolism) Feb 3, ’19.

Wehner, Carl, m, Madison; 2Lt 141inf; kia Oct 9, ’18. Croix de Guerre with palm.

West, Lynn M., 30, m, Madison; pvt 127inf ; Champagne; dw Aug 3, ’18.

Winegarden, Marvin, 24, Mount Horeb; pvt 124mgbn; kia Nov 11, ’18.

Woolf, Joseph G., 23, Stoughton; wag 107MP; Alsace, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; dd (cerebral embolism) Jan 22, ’19.

Wright, Gustav de N., 26, m, Madison; 1Lt 117inf ; kia Oct 8, ’18.

Zecher, Richard W., 25, m, Deerfield; pvt 332mgbn; dd (pneu) Oct 11, ’18.


Adams, Frank August, 21, Sun Prairie; app seaman; dd (mening) in hospital at Charleston, S. C., Jan 21, ’18.

Arsovsky, Harry, Sun Prairie; app seaman; d Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 28, ’18.

Belgum, Sanford Newton, 23, Mount Horeb; seaman 2c1; dd (pneu) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., May 26,’18.

Bergemann, Peter Joseph, 21, Madison; fireman 2c1; d of burns USS Mount Vernon; ship torpedoed at sea Sept 5, ’18. Crew commended by Secretary of Navy for the manner in which they performed their duties on the occasion.

Davy, Harold Michael, 18, Madison; app seaman; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Jan 9, ’18.

Efinger, Will Edward, 21, Madison; ship’s ck 3cl; d Naval Hospital, Marseilles, France, Oct 27, ’18.

Kinney, James William, 29, m, Madison; seaman 2c1; dd (pneu) USS Solace, Yorktown, Va., Oct 4, ’18.

Korrison, Elmer, Morrisonville; painter lcl; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 19, ’18.

Larson, Elmer, 19, Deerfield; app seaman; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Jan 31, ’18.

Roark, Eugene Washburn, 23, Madison; CGA; d Dunwoody Naval Training School, Minneapolis, Minn., Oct 13, ’18.

Skelly, Edward James, Madison; seaman 2cl; dd (pneu) Base Hospital, Brest, France, Oct 7, ’18.

Swan, Herbert Arnold, 20, Stoughton; seaman 2c1; dd (ulcer of duodenum) Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I., June 24, ’18.


Bachman, Herbert John Philip, 22, Madison; corp; dd Oct 15, ’18.

Edwards, Alvin Leroy, 21, Macfarland; corp SOS Hospital, France; Meuse-Argonne (Champagne), Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne offnsve (Soissons), Marbache, St. Mihiel; w (in accident) Oct 10; dw Oct 16, ’18. Awarded Fourragere.

Haberland, Franklin, Middleton; 79co 6regt; d (cause not determined).

Cunningham, Robert, 23, Sturgeon Bay; 6regt; Toulon, Aisne defnsve, Chateau Thierry; w June 7; dw June 10, ’18.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Dane County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

1 thought on “Wisconsin Gold Star List – Dane County”

  1. I am looking for information on three of my relatives that were in World War II and were killed in action. The first one was Russell Nelson son of Frank and Mable Nelson. Do you have any information you can tell me about him? The second one was Robert E. Damon. I am looking for information about him, to where he is related to a possible family member on my father side. I do not know the names of Robert E. Damon parents, can you give me any information of his parents names. The third one is the son of William and Alvina Shields. Alvina was my Great Aunt on my fathers side of the family. I am looking for information on him and his name. The family that could give me that information have all passed away and I do not know of any other way to get information about him. Can you help me with information about any of these three brave military men? I do know what branch of service they were in.


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