Indian Census Records Online

The first federal decennial census that clearly identifies any Native Americans is the 1860 census. The instructions to the 1860 census enumerators defined who was to be counted and who was not:

Indians not taxed are not to be enumerated. The families of Indians who have renounced tribal rule, and who under state or territory laws exercise the rights of citizens, are to be enumerated.

Most genealogy guides that address Native Americans in the census incorrectly state that the first federal decennial census in which at least a portion of the Indian population is enumerated is 1870. Although the 1870 census schedule is the first to list “Indian” as a choice in the column heading for “Color,” Native Americans were enumerated earlier. Even though the 1860 census schedule does not include “Indian” as a choice in the column heading for “Color,” enumerators nevertheless followed the instructions cited in the previous paragraph and recorded more than 40,000 Indians.

Indian Census Records

The following consist mostly of free resources for finding Indian census records online. We do provide links to the paid subscription websites when there is either added value in their paid version, or when there is not a free version available online. We welcome additional submissions through the comments form below.

Free US Indian Census Rolls 1885-1940
All of the 1885-1940 Indian census rolls with their images can be accessed for free from AccessGenealogy. For the most part, these rolls dated after 1900 were done in alphabetical order and were typewritten - this should help make finding your ancestor much easier. The earlier ones though were often done in handwriting and the film quality can be very poor at times. Beginning in 1930, the rolls also showed the degree of Indian blood, marital status, ward status, place of residence, and sometimes other information.

Previously these rolls could only be found on paid genealogy sites such as Ancestry and Fold3 and you had to pay for access. These rolls are still available at those sites and are completely searchable from there. For more information see:

  1. Fold3 US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
  2. Ancestry US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940

1726-1727 “Census” of Choptank Indians

Many of the Choptank Indians were named in the deeds by which they sold their land in Dorchester County, Maryland between 1726 and 1727

1818 Chickasaw Census Roll, Partial (hosted at Chokmah!)
On Thursday, October 8th, began enrolling members of the Chickasaw Nation for the purpose of distributing the annuity when it arrived.

1832 Creek Census
By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements.

1832 Creek Census, Images

1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census Index
In 1835, the Cherokee Nation contained almost 22,000 Cherokees and almost 300 Whites connected by marriage.

1836 Census of the Mixed-Blood Indians of Michigan, PDF file

1837 Chickasaw Muster Roll (hosted at Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes, Black Indians)

1839 Census in Indian Territory (hosted at Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes, Black Indians)

Census of the First Christian and Orchard Parties of Oneida Indians
Census of the First Christian and Orchard Parties of Oneida Indians, residing at Green Bay, Wisconsin Territory, taken by Henry S. Baird, U.S. Commissioner, on November 15, 1838, under provisions of the Treaty of February 3, 1838

Osage Census – 1842
Submitted by William Armstrong Acting Superintendent, Western Territory, 1842. This census was taken for the purpose of an annuity payment.
Census lists a number, name, number of males and females and total numbers. Males and females are listed as under 10, 10-40, and over 40.

1847 Chickasaw Census (hosted at Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes, Black Indians)

1847 Census of the Catawba Native Americans (hosted at York County SCGenWeb)

1851 Siler Roll Cherokee Census East of the Mississippi,

1851 Chapman Roll Eastern Cherokee

1854 Census of the Catawba Native Americans (hosted at York County SCGenWeb)

1860 Federal Census Indian Territory

1860 Federal Census Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory

1860 Federal Census Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory

1860 Federal Census Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory

1860 Federal Census Creek Nation, Indian Territory

1860 Federal Census Seminole Nation, Indian Territory

Creek 1860 Census West of Arkansas (hosted at CouchGenWeb)

1860 Indian Census of Gay Head (Aquinnah), Massachusetts

1861 Census of Persons on Mohegan Reservation

Wyandot Tribal Roll 1867

1870 Census of Montville Those Families and Individuals Classified as Indian

1870 Federal Census Pawnee Indian Reservation, Nebraska (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project)

1870 Winnebago Indian Reservation Census Index (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project)

1870 Colorado Indian Census (State of Colorado)

  • Name Index Colorado Census

Shawnee 1871 Census
Register of the names of members of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians who have moved to and located in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, (prior to the 10th day of June, 1871) within two years from the 9th day of June 1869, in accordance with an agreement entered into by and between the Shawnee Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nation of Indians, through their Delegations in Washington City, D.C. United States of America, on the 7th day of June, 1869 Jan Gilles

1880 Cherokee Census
This is a transcription of the index for Schedule One which includes all nine districts of the 1880 Cherokee Census. This index can be found on microfilm through the LDS organization on microfilm #989204. National Archives also has a microfilm index for this census. It is found on Roll # 7RA07. The transcription presently has data for only the following districts: Canadian, Cooweescoowee, Flint, Illinois and Saline. We are still presently transcribing Delaware, Goingsnake, Sequoyah, and Tahlequah Districts.

1880 Federal Census Antrim County, Michigan

1880 Census of Native Americans St. Marys, Pottwatamie, County Kansas

1880 Census of Montville Those Families and Individuals Classified as Indian

1882 Swinomish Indian Reservation

1882 Creek (Muskogee Nation Census

1885 Choctaw Census (by Rusty Lang)

1889 Mdewakanton Sioux Census
Sioux living in Minnesota. Compiled by Robert B. Henton Special Indian Agent. No information was given as to where exactly they lived.

1890 Smith’s First Directory of Oklahoma Territory (May include Indians)

Cherokee Intruder Census 1893 (compiled by Sandra Martinez)

1895 & 1896 Choctaw Census (compiled by Sandra Martinez)

Enrollment of the Five Civilized Tribes 1896 Applications
This is the Index of Cherokees, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek found on microfilm M1650 obtained from the National Archives in Fort Worth, Texas. If your ancestor was on the 1896 Cherokee Census they probably will NOT be on this index. This is NOT the 1896 CENSUS. It is an index of people who were NOT recognized by the Cherokee Tribe and subsequently made application to be considered for citizenship.

1896 Census of New York Indians
Census of the New York Indians taken in 1896. The following census extractions provide the details from the 1896 census for the Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, St. Regis and Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians.

1900 Census of the York County Indian Reservation

1900 Census of Montville Those Families and Individuals Classified as Indian

1900 Federal Census Rosebud Indian Reservation, Myers County, SD

1900 Indian Census, Murray County, OK

Indian Reservations, Oklahoma Territory 1900 Federal Census (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project)

Otoe Reservation, Oklahoma Territory 1900 Federal Census (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project)

1904 Taggart Census Roll, Potawatomi of Michigan

1910 Sioux Census ~ New Jersey
This is a most interesting piece of information, especially for those who have lost Sioux ancestors in 1910. All give South Dakota as their birthplace and the birthplace of both parents. All say they are full-blooded Sioux. All give occupation as “Wild West Show.” Karin Simpson

1910 Census of Montville, those Families and Individual Classified as Indian

Census Of Kiowa Indians Alive On On June 30, 1912, The Kiowa Agency, Anadarko, Okla.

Field Survey and Individual Indian Report of the Heart Butte District
Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana Accompanied by Briefs and Pictures.

1915 Census of the Seminole Indians of Miami Agency, Florida(hosted at Christine’s Genealogy Website)

1916 Reeve’s Report
A report by John T. Reeves, Special Supervisor, Indian Service, on need of additional land and school facilities for the Indians living in the state of Mississippi. Includes a census of those Indians residing in Mississippi in 1916.

1920 Census of Montville Those Families and Individuals Classified as Indian

1920 Oklahoma Census (hosted at Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes, Black Indians)

1929 Restricted Choctaw Census

1929 Mississippi Choctaw Census (hosted at Christine’s Genealogy Website)

1930 Catwaba Reservation Census

1930 Census Round Valley Band of Maidu (hosted at Konkow Valley Band of Maidu)

1930 Oklahoma Census (hosted at Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes, Black Indians)

Ponca Tribe

Report of the Pequot Indian Tribes, 1931

Indian Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Indian Census records.

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