Index of Campbells Abstract of Creek Freedman Census Cards

This is a companion book to my previous work, Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards in the office of the Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes. This present work is an Abstract and Index of the Creek Freedmen census cards in the office of the Superintendent.

After the Civil War the Creeks entered into a treaty with the United States of America and by the terms of this treaty all slaves of members of the Creek Nation were recognized as members of that tribe and were given equal rights with those by blood. The treaties under which the lands of the Creek Nation were allotted to the individual members of the Tribe in severalty recognized this right in these old slaves and their descendants and referred to them as Freedmen. A separate roll was made for the Freedmen and a separate system of census cards was prepared by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes and these are the cards now in the office of the Superintendent which are here abstracted.

The general plan of this Abstract and Index is the same as that followed in the former book.

J. B. Campbell
Muskogee, Oklahoma
December 1, 1915.

Abb, 287.
Abb, Bess, 19, 77, 162, 287, 289.
Abb, Jo, 19, 77, 162, 289.
Abb, Joe, 19, 77, 162, 289.
Abb, Milly, 170.
Abb, Rentie, 86, 87, 100, 101, 254, 280.
Abb, Rosa, 280.
Abb, Sofa, 161.
Abe, Joe, 479.
Able, Rentie, 86, S7, 100, 101, 254, 280.
Abram, 643, 665.
Abrams, Bettie, 603.
Abrams, Clinch, 929.
Abrams, Harry, 603.
Abrams, Lizzie, 603.
Abrams, Mattie, 736.
Adair, Andy, 1128.
Adaline, 587.
Adam, 1005.
Adam, Monday, 342.
Adams, Aaron, 1700, NB554, NB555.
Adams, Annie, 1193.
Adams, Ben, 406, 1700, 1727.
Adams, Charlie, 342.
Adams, Charley, 450.
Adams, Edward, 120.
Adams, Eliza, M241.
Adams, Ellen, 1271, NB95, 51191.
Adams, Emma, 406.
Adams, Erie, 1727, NB774, NB775, M242.
Adams, Fannie, 450.
Adams, Freddie, CE1919.
Adams, George, 406.
Adams, Hannah, 1209, NB554, NB555.
Adams, Henry, 746.
Adams, Jackson, 450.
Adams, James, 406, NB554.
Adams, Jennie, 1287.
Adams, Jesse, 115, 1193.
Adams, Jessie, 406.
Adams, John, 867, 1005, 1193, 1271, 1679,1.M241.
Adams, Johnie, 1005.
Adams, Julous, NB662.
Adams, Levi, 867.
Adams, Lewis, 115, 120.
Adams, Lila, 1175, 1193, 1425, 1716, 1785.
Adams, Lizzie, 631.
Adams, Lydia, 276, 406.
Adams, Lydie, 276, 406.
Adams, Mandie, NB555.
Adams, Martha, 77, 120, NB662, NB663.
Adams, Mary, 406.
Adams, Ollie, 1005.
Adams, Pearlie Slay, NB663.
Adams, Pearline, 406.
Adams, Thomas Jr., 120, NB661, NB662, NB663.
Adams, Sanders, 1005.
Adams, Saucer, 1005.
Adams, Tommy, NB661.
Adams, Viney, 1192, M241
Adams, Will, CE1919.
Adams, Winey, 1358.
Adams, Winnie, 593, 1005, 1271.
Add, Albert, 1390.
Add, Ceasar, 1682.
Add, George, 1370, 1713.
Add, Hannah, 1679, 1682.
Add, John, 1682.
Add, Ross, 1713.
Add, Willie, 1370.
Adeline, 620.
Adkins, Alex, NB596.
Adkins, Bettie, 1091.
Adkins, Charity, 1091.
Adkins, Fannie, 1091, 1787, NB98.
Adkins, Mary, 1091.
Adkins, Millie Ann, NB596.
Adkins, Rosavelt, NB98.
Adkins, Thomas, 1209.
Adkins, William, 1091, 1787, NB98.
Adkins, Willie, 1757.
Affie, 151.
Aggie, 66.
Aird, Susie, 1106.
Alberty, Alice, 1557.
Alberty, Clara, 1739.
Alberty, Clarence, 1072.
Alberty, Cornelia, M308.
Alberty, Josh, 1072.
Alberty, Lewis, 1072, 1735, 1739, M308.
Alberty, Neeta, 1739.
Alberty, Noah, 1557.
Alberty, Pearl Ann, M308.
Alec, Ben, 343, 1159, 1174.
Alec, Bertha Lee, 343.
Alec, Charles Henry, 343.
Alec, Dorcas, 1159, NB522, NB523.
Alec, Havana, 343, 1159, 1174.
Alec, Lottie, 1159.
Alec, Mary, 343, 1573, NB685.
Alec, Milfred Garfield, NB685.
Alec, Susie, 1159.
Alec, William, 343, 1573, NB685.
Alec, William Crawford, 343.
Aleck, Jennetta, 1810.
Aleck, Philip, 14, 1810.
Aleck, Rina, 1810.
Alex, Eugene C., 1573.
Alex, Mary, 343, 1573, NB685.
Alex, William, 1573.
Alexander, Abe, 1704.
Alexander, Albert, 1745.
Alexander, Charles, 1855.
Alexander, Emma, 292.
Alexander, Isaac, 150, 207, 292, 1297, 1701, 1715.
Alexander, Izora, 207.
Alexander, Jessie, 150.
Alexander, Louisa, 1715.
Alexander, Mollie, 109.
Alexander, Polly, 207, 1291, 17 15.
Alexander, Polly Ann, 180 1745.
Alexander, Rosie, 1745.
Alexander, Sarah, 150.
Alexander, Silla, 228.
Alexander, Titus, 225.
Alexander, Tommie, 1745.
Alexander, Willie, 207.
Allen, Arthur, NB401, NB402.
Allen, Belle, 615 M60.
Allen, Doe, NB474. .
Allen. Earnest, 615.
Allen, Ed, 715.
Allen, Henderson, NB433.
Allen, Josh, 1205.
Allen, Luther, NB401.
Allen, Minnie, 1161, NB433, NB434.
Allen, Morris, 618.
Allen, Myrtle, NB402.
Allen, Naney, NB434.
Allen, Paulina, 1205,
Allen. Pena, N13474
Allen, Rosella, 700, NB401, NB402.
Allen, Susan, NB471.
Allen, Thomas, NB133, NB134.
Allison, Jack, 69, 1130, 526.
Allison, Mary, 526.
Alridge, Julia, 311.
Alverson, Betsey, 1430, NB682, NB0683.
Alverson, Eliza Jane, NB683.
Alverson, Ezekiel, NB683.
Amanda, 268.
Anderson, Annie. 475, 1720, NB45, NB46.
Anderson, Austin, 175.
Anderson, Charley, 652, 1415.
Anderson, Charlsie, 505.
Anderson, Daniel, 1445.
Anderson, Dave, 393.
Anderson, Dick, 565, NB65.
Anderson, Dollie, 568.
Anderson, Emma, 333.
Anderson, Eva, 489, NB361, NB409
Anderson, Garfield, NB65.
Anderson, George, 333.
Anderson, Hannah, 522, 785.
Anderson, Henry, 1867.
Anderson, Isabelle, 175.
Anderson, Jackson, 175.
Anderson, Jacob, 1867, M196.
Andersen, James, NB361.
Anderson, Jane, 333.
Anderson, Jim, 318, 333.
Anderson, Jinks, 1867.
Anderson, John, NB787.
Anderson, John Jr., N B787.
Anderson, Josephine, 333.
Anderson, Laura, 333, 1115.
Anderson, Lena, 568, NB202, NB203.
Anderson, Lettie, 568, 1115.
Anderson, Letty, 1115, 568.
Anderson, Lillie, M196.
Anderson, Lizzie, 565.
Anderson, Lucinda, 1115.
Anderson, Martha, 568.
Anderson, Mary, 1867.
Anderson, Matilda, M196.
Anderson, Mattie, 1445.
Anderson, Ninnie, 1912.
Anderson, Nora, NB65.
Anderson, Pearlie, 565.
Anderson, Rachel, 333, 417, 568.
Anderson, Rena, 333.
Anderson, Retha, 333.
Anderson, Richard, 475.
Anderson, Ross, 475.
Anderson, Susana. 333, NB515.
Anderson, Tilda, 1867.
Anderson, Tobie, 568.
Anderson, Walter, 1445, NB361.
Anderson, William, 1867
Andrew, 1004.
Andrew, Beatrice, 1875.
Andrew, Billy, 1624.
Andrew, William 1875.
Andrew, Willie, 1624.
Andy, Abe, 585.
Andy, Albert, 1415, 1562, NB808, NB809.
Andy, Blanchie, NB809.
Andy, Daisy, 1562.
Andy, Duelee, NB585.
Andy, Hannah, 585.
Andy, James, 386.
Andy, Jeff, 747.
Andy, Lake, 386.
Andy, Millie, 1371.
Andy, Mima, 386, NB192, M13.
Andy, Ora, 1562, NB505, NB509.
Andy, Willie, 793.
Andy, Wilson, 1415.
Angeline, 531.
Ann, Polly, 1297.
Anna, 23.
Appenda, 714.
Ard, Alice, 1681.
Ard, Fannie, 437, NB149.
Ard, George. 1651.
Ard, Hannah, 1140, 1298, 1390, 1318, 1350, 1681, M176.
Ard, Joe, 1298, M149.
Ard, John, 1110, 1298, 1390, 1318, 1350, 1681, M176.
Ard, Leona, M176.
Ard, Lucy, 1350, NB777.
Ard, Mary, 213, M176.
Ard, Monday, 1318.
Ard, Susie, 1106.
Ard, Willie, NB149.
Ardellor, NB290.
Armstrong, John, NB208.
Armstrong, Tommy, NB208.
Asbury, Alfa, 154, 497.
Asbury, Affie, 151 497.
Asbury, Carrie, M168.
Asbury, David, 376, M162.
Asbury, Davis, NB326.
Asbury, James, 497.
Asbury, Jennus, 497.
Asbury, Joseph J., 497.
Asbury, Lee, M168.
Asbury, Lena, M162.
Asbury, Lizzie, 497.
Asbury, Mary, 381, 376, 497, NB316.
Asbury, Phoebe, 488, NB326, M162.
Asbury, Polly, 376.
Asbury, Primus, 497, NB316.
Asbury, Rose, 497, NB316.
Asbury, Timothy, NB326.
Asbury, Tommy, 497.
Asbury, Toney, 376, 497.
Asbury, Willie, 376, M168.
Atkins, Emma, 492.
Atkins, Roman, 1209.
Atkins, Sambo, 492.
Austin, Alice, 889.
Austin, Bird-Anna, M165.
Austin, Charlie, NB223.
Austin, Grant, 491.
Austin, Granville, 594, 883, 1371.
Austin, James, 594.
Austin, Jimmie, 940.
Austin, Mahaley, 594, 1371.
Austin, Pauline, 590, NB223, M218.
Austin, Rena, 940.
Austin, Ruben, 940.
Austin, Sabra, 940, 1648.
Austin, Sam, 594.
Austin, Sarah, 594, M165.
Austin, Tilda, 594.
Austin, William, 594, NB223, M218.
Austin, Willie, NB223, M218.

Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

1 thought on “Index of Campbells Abstract of Creek Freedman Census Cards”

  1. I do have a prince stidham in my family tree 3rd great grandfatherhe married a polly cambell in perry county Kentucky it is said no one knows where he came from could it be possible this the prince Stidham on these rolls can someone help me pls I took a dna test and it did comfirm a little of native American dna as well as east Asian and African dna.


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