Marvin Mills Todd of Elyria OH

Marvin Mills Todd8, (Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 8, 1847, in Rodman, N. Y., died Aug. 5, 1916, in Elyria, Ohio, he was married twice, first, Dec. 20, 1871, Elouise Lord, of Elyria, O., who was born Nov. 10, 1850, in Danbury, Conn., died Feb. 20, 1897, married second, July 4, 1898, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover Lewis.

He spent his boyhood days in Elyria, O., and Rockford, Ill. He learned the painters and decorators trade in Elgin, Ill. He returned to Elyria, O., where he married and lived until 1909. He is now (1912) living with his son Charles, of Cleveland, O. He was very successful in a business way.


2259. Martha Lucretia, b. Sept. 22, 1872, d. Sept. 1, 1893, of heart trouble. She never was well after her thirteenth year and an invalid until she was eighteen, when she went to work in a printing office. She soon began to decline and three years later died, which was a great blow to her parents. Her mother dying about three years later.
2260. Leonard H., b. Nov. 7, 1875, d. March 7, 1876.
*2261. Fred Herman, b. July 23, 1879.
*2262. Charles O., b. March 23, 1887.



Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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