Marvin Mills Todd of Elyria OH

Marvin Mills Todd8, (Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 8, 1847, in Rodman, N. Y., died Aug. 5, 1916, in Elyria, Ohio, he was married twice, first, Dec. 20, 1871, Elouise Lord, of Elyria, O., who was born Nov. 10, 1850, in Danbury, Conn., died Feb. 20, 1897, married second, July 4, 1898, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover Lewis. He spent his boyhood days in Elyria, O., and Rockford, Ill. He learned the painters and decorators trade in Elgin, Ill. He returned to Elyria, O., where he married and lived until 1909. He is now (1912) living with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T.V.E. Sweet

T. V. E. Sweet, was a native of the city of Freeport, where he was born August 3, 1849. He derived his education from the public schools of the city, and in the more advanced branches of learning from the Northwestern University at Evanston, where he was a student two years. He worked at the printing trade until 1870, and in 1875 entered upon that clerical career in in which he has accomplished so much good, as a local preacher in the Rock River conference. His first religious work was at Thompson, ‘Illinois. At Shirland he was local supply, and … Read more

Kesslinger Road Cemetery, Kane County, Illinois

A cemetery transcription of the Kesslinger Road Cemetery in Kane County, Illinois. Kesslinger Road Cemetery was transcribed on 8 Jun 1963, and at the time, these were the only stones in the cemetery. The cemetery was located on black top road, between Maple Park & Elburn, Illinois, South of alternate route #30. Keefe William, d. 15 Jan 1863, @ 29 yrs, 6 dys. Sinnott John, d. 2 Mar 1866, @ 60 yrs, 6 mos. Clark James, b. 19 Dec 1855, d. 13 Dec 1929. James, d. Nov 1876, @ 53 yrs. Mary, d. 14 Aug 1897, @ 69 yrs. Milnamow … Read more

Sylvester Hultz Todd of Kane County IL

Sylvester Hultz Todd6, (Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 11, 1815, died March 18, 1888, married at Homer, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1836, Clarissa D. Stephens, who was born May 24, 1818, died Jan. 22, 1909, at Batavia, Ill., where she was buried in the West Side Cemetery. They went to Ill. in 1837, where they bought a farm in Kane County. She was a kindly disposed woman, of a very bright mind, being a great reader, and the author of many beautiful poems of merit. In religious matters she was a “Free Thinker” at an early day, being … Read more

Biography of Chancy Akin

If there is one person more than another to whom the race loves to do honor that person is the pioneer, and especially is this true in double measure when we find one of the character of the worthy subject of this sketch, who has endured all the deprivations incident to pioneer life in this country since the early days of the last century and has through it all maintained a good physique, held his powers intact while accomplishing Herculean achievements, built a character which is a light to any community, kept his reputation untarnished and steadily pursued his way … Read more

Miles Goodyear Todd of Geneva IL

Miles Goodyear Todd6, (Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 14, 1821, at Homer, N. Y., died March 19, 1888, married first, in 1847, Margaret Williams; second, Sept. 12, 1862, Helen Mae Parker, who was born July 9, 1836, died June 28, 1906. He attended an Eastern College, and about 1840, he moved with his family to Geneva, Ill. He was ordained a universal clergyman and became one of Wisconsin’s pioneer ministers, filling different pastorates until the time of his death. He was a private in the 28th regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Militia during the civil war. Children by Margaret Williams: … Read more

Biography of William Henry Craddock

William Henry Craddock. As the greatest calamity ever suffered by Kansas City, Kansas, was probably the flood of 1903, that year will always be memorable in the city’s history. Another event associated with that year was the death of William Henry Craddock, who had just completed a service of two years in the office of mayor. Mr. Craddock was stricken on March 2, 1903, and his death occurred on the 4th of the same month at the Savoy Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. He was mourned by the entire city, and never any similar occasion in the city had brought … Read more

Obituary of Mrs. J. C. Wallace

Though it had been know for several years the Mrs. J. C. Wallace was in failing health, the announcement of her death Friday morning came as a surprise and shock to the community. she had just lived on uncomplaining to a place where her resistance failed and she was carried to the other world. Georgia E. Linn, daughter of Sylvester J. and Katie Linn, was born 6 March 1870, at Aurora, Illinois, and came with her parents to Harrison County Iowa, at the age of three months. They established the Linn homestead on the east bank of Linn Lake, only … Read more

Biography of Ike N. Williams

One of the strong and growing political figures in Kansas during recent years had been Ike N. Williams. A natural leader of men and at the same time an able and industrious lawyer, it is but natural that his name should as it does appear frequently on the pages of political history. He had, since locating at Wichita, in 1910, always used his fine legal talents in the furtherance of what he had believed to be for the best interests of the city, merging the two characters of citizen and lawyer into a high personal combination. In his participation in … Read more

Baker, Daniel Henry – Obituary

Word was received here last night of the death of a well-known former Mt. Pleasant man. Mr. Henry Baker passed away at the home of his daughter in Aurora, Ill, with whom he had been staying for the last few months [March 23, 1909]. Mr. Baker had not been in good health for some time prior to his death, and but a short time ago he suffered a severe paralytic stroke form which he partially recovered but which was the ultimate cause of his death. He will be brought here from Aurora tomorrow and the funeral services will be held … Read more

Biography of Col. W.W. Chapman

Among men now living there are none around whom clusters so much of the history of Portland as the one whose name heads this memoir. He is the strongest link between the infant days and the stalwart manhood of our city. But the results of his labors in behalf of Portland, great and far-reaching as they have been in good, by no means complete the record of his long and useful life. Years before American civilization had gained a foot-hold in this portion of the Pacific Northwest, he had borne a leading part in laying the foundations of the State … Read more

Idella May Todd Gillette of Illinois

GILLETTE, Idella May Todd8, (Eleazer7, Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 11, 1869, in Sugar Grove, Ill., married in Geneva, Ill, Oct. 5, 1892, Arthur Lewis Gillette, who was born Sept. 27, 1857, in Sugar Grove, Ill., died in Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 4, 1905. Child: I. Lewis Todd, b. May 20, 1902, in Aurora, Ill.

Nettie Todd Finnegan of Kane County IL

FINNEGAN, Nettie Todd9, (Charles8, Ruel7, Eleazer6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 30, 1869, in Dundee, Ill., married in Elgin, Ill., June 30, 1900, James Finnegan, who was born July 9, 1871, in Sycamore, Ill. Children: I. Maurine, b. June 6, 1901. II. John James, b. May 9, 1908.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Johnson Chaffee

Albert Johnson Chaffee of Garden Grove, was born in Kane County, Illinois, in April, 1848. His parents, Eber and Anna (Davis) Chaffee, emigrated from Vermont to Illinois in 1840, locating upon a farm twelve miles from Elgin, where he successfully carried on farming and stock-raising until his death in 1877, his wife having died a year. previous. They had in all twelve children, of whom nine are still living. Albert was educated at Jennings Seminary, Aurora, Illinois. He subsequently taught school in Kane County, Illinois, and in Clinton County, Iowa. He has been a citizen of the Golden State since … Read more

Harriet D. Todd Sherman Thompson Winchel Whitehead of Batavia IL

SHERMAN THOMPSON WINCHEL WHITEHEAD, Harriet D. Todd7, (Sylvester H.6, Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 8, 1846, married first,(???)Sherman; second, Charles Thompson; third,(???)Winchell; fourth,(???)Whitehead. She was living in 1911 in Batavia, Ill. Children: I. (???). II. (???).

Levi Todd of Aurora IL

Levi Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 29, 1815, in East Wallingford, Vt., died April 10, 1891, in Aurora, Ill., married in Shewsbury, Vt., Jan. 24, 1836, Rachel Walker, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Walker) Gibson, who was born June 6, 1818, in Shewsbury, Vt., died Jan. 13, 1874. He married second, in Rutland, Vt., Nov., 1874, Maria Murrow, who died March 13, 1885. With the exception of one year (1839) he lived on the old home farm in East Wallingford, Vt., until 1854, when he with his wife and seven children moved to Illinois, where he bought … Read more

The Shepardson Family History

Shepardson Family History

“The Shepardson Family History” chronicles the lineage of the Shepardson family, tracing its roots from the early 17th century to the mid-20th century. Authored by Dr. W. K. Shepardson, this genealogical record primarily follows the descendants of Newell Alonzo Shepardson from Hastings, Nebraska. The book delves into the family’s origins, starting with Daniel Shepardson, who emigrated from England to Salem, Massachusetts, around 1628 or 1629.

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Olds

Olds, Charles H.; lawyer; born, Jefferson, O., Nov. 4, 1865; son of Rev. Abner D. and Adeliza Hawley Olds; educated, Oberlin College, Classical Course, 1890, degree of A. B.; married, Elgin, Ill., June 29, 1893, Eugenia Kincaid; one daughter, Florence E. Olds; was first asst. prosecuting atty. of Cuyahoga county from January 1909 to 1913; member Council of Glenville (now a part of Cleveland). 1897-1899; admitted to practice law in 1892; incorporated and represent many large companies; member Masonic, and Knights of Pythias Orders; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs; also Colonial Club, being sec’y and director of the latter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dorr B. Chaffee

Dorr B. Chaffee a resident of Garden Grove, was born in Kane County, Illinois, in 1841, a son of Eber and Anna (Davis)Chaffee, natives of Vermont, and of English and Scotch origin. His father was born in 1799, and died in 1877, and his mother, born in 1803, died in 1876. The subject of this sketch, the first in their family of twelve children, born in Illinois, was educated at Elgin Academy. Afterward he taught school in Kane County, and then engaged in the dairy business a number of years at Elgin. He came to California in 1881; has made … Read more

Wallis, Georgia E. Linn – Obituary

Though it had been know for several years the Mrs. J. C. Wallace was in failing health, the announcement of her death Friday morning came as a surprise and shock to the community. she had just lived on uncomplaining to a place where her resistance failed and she was carried to the other world. Georgia E. Linn, daughter of Sylvester J. and Katie Linn, was born 6 March 1870, at Aurora, Illinois, and came with her parents to Harrison County Iowa, at the age of three months. They established the Linn homestead on the east bank of Linn Lake, only … Read more