Ella May Todd Franklin of Syracuse NY

FRANKLIN, Ella May Todd9, (Lewis E.8, Enoch L.7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 9, 1885, in Rodman, N. Y., married April 7, 1907, Jesse D. Franklin, in Watertown, N. Y., but is now (1913) living in Syracuse, N. Y. Children: I. Clara Todd, b. April 8, 1905, in Watertown, N. Y. II. Herschel Jesse, b. Jan. 9, 1913, in Syracuse, N. Y.

Lewis Elwin Todd of Watertown NY

Lewis Elwin Todd8, (Enoch L.7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 13, 1846, in East Rodman, N. Y., married in Rodman, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1869, Zerviah Evelina Buell, who was born Feb. 3, 1846. He passed most of his life on a farm near Rodman, N. Y., but in his later life he moved to Watertown, N. Y., where he was living in 1913. Children: 2249. Clara Edith, b. April 25, 1873, in Rodman, N. Y., died Nov. 6, 1907, in Wilmington, Del., m., in Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1905, Clarence B. Dempster, who d. Feb. … Read more

Biography of Gilbert L. King

It is now our pleasant privilege to recount the items of the career of the prominent and capable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, who is to-day one of the leading men in Malheur county, being not only crowned with abundant financial success as the result of his industry and wise management of the resources that came to his hands, but also a man of prominence in educational lines in younger days, and at the present time a fluent public speaker and well informed man of ability and culture. Gilbert L. was born in Jefferson County, New York, on February … Read more

Lorenzo D. Todd of Elyria OH

Lorenzo D. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 29, 1820, in Lowville, N. Y., died April 8, 1895, in Elyria, Ohio, where he was buried, married, Nov. 9, 1845, in Watertown, N. Y., by Rev. Isaac Brayton, Harriet S. daughter of David W. Mills, who was born Sept. 13, 1826, in Watertown, N. Y., died May 25, 1900, in Elyria, Ohio, where she too was buried. Mr. Todd was a shoemaker by trade and worked at the business most of the time, though farming at intervals. He and family moved to Elyria, Ohio, about 1850, and lived … Read more

Biography of William Fisk Eastman

William Fiske Eastman, co-editor with P. S. McGlynn, of the Moline Daily Dispatch and Weekly Review-Dispatch, and postmaster of Moline, was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson County, New York, November 11, 1844. His parents were Charles W. Eastman, Doctor of Medicine, and Cynthia (Fiske) Eastman. He attended the public schools of his native village and Union Academy in the neighboring village of Belleville. Graduating there he attended Union College at Schenectady, New York, graduating in the scientific course in 1866, and taking first honors of that course. In the meantime he had been teaching in the district schools, earning in this … Read more

Zerah Todd of Ellesburg NY

Zerah Todd7, (Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Jan. 29, 1789, died Feb. 3, 1853, married in Ellesburg, Jefferson County, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1815, Almira McKee, who was born April 25, 1797, in Frankfort, Herkimer County, N. Y. Children: 1340. Laura Lodema, b. Sept. 26, 1816, d. May 4, 1904, m. Sept. 6, 1835, Cornelius Van Curen. Issue: three sons, one daughter. She m. (2) (???) Higgins and had children. *1341. Zerah Abiah, b. May 15, 1819. *1342. Emily Ardelia, b. June 8, 1821. 1343. Julia D., b. Sept. 19, 1823, m. Aug. 13, 1868, St. John B. … Read more

Biography of Albert Barnes Watkins

ALBERT BARNES WATKINS IN THE broad and varied interests of education, and as possessing intellectual powers admirably fitted for the practical application of knowledge to the wants of our young men and women engaged in the courses of study, no man in Albany has earned a more excellent reputation than Dr. Albert B. Watkins, of the University of the State of New York. His career, marked by a supreme love for knowledge, reveals in full light the earnest, persevering and successful workings of the true educator under many pressing difficulties. He was born on the 8th of July, 1838, in … Read more

Mariette Todd Barnard Hedges Taylor of East Rodman NY

BARNARD HEDGES TAYLOR Mariette Todd7, (Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 20, 1823, in East Rodman, N. Y., died May 23, 1887, in Colorado. She married first, James Barnard, second,(???)Hedges, third,(???)Taylor. Children: I. Ellen, b. March 9, 1844. II. Emmogene, b. Feb. 20, 1846. III. L. Fay, b. Dec. 1, 1848. IV. Julia. V. Emma. VI. Clark. VII. Cora.

Betsey Sylinda Todd Packard of Rochester NY

PACKARD, Betsey Sylinda Todd8, (John7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 17, 1836, in Rodman, N. Y., married July 4, 1852, Dr. Morgan D. Packard. She is now (1913) living at 529 Parsells Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Children: I. Dianna Nancy, b. May 18, 1853, d. Dec. 19, 1912, m. Caton Crandall and had issue: (1) Ella May, b. July 4, 1855, and m. Warren Standish; she and her infant son died in 1881 and were buried in the same grave. II. Myrtie B.

Biography of Auren G. Redway

For thirty-six years Auren G. Redway has been a resident of Boise, and for many years was prominently connected with her banking interests, but is now living retired, enjoying that well earned rest which is the fitting reward of an honorable and active business career. He comes from the far-off east and is a representative of a family that was established in America in colonial days. His grandfather, Preserved Redway, served his country throughout the war of the Revolution, was one of General Washington’s bodyguard, and had the honor of being a corporal of the guard at the time of … Read more

Biography of Amos W. Bemis

Amos W. Bemis, living two and one-half miles west of San Bernardino, on Fifth Street, is one of the early and successful pioneers of this county. He was born in Jefferson County, New York, and is a son of Alvin Bemis, who with his family removed to Ohio when Amos was eight years of age. In 1844 he removed to Lee County, Iowa, where he died in 1847. The family lived in Lee County three years after Mr. Bemis’ death, and in 1851 the mother, seven sons and three daughters, started for California. Amos being the eldest the others naturally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of King, Gilbert

The subject of this sketch, whose portrait accompanies it, is one of Malheur County’s best known citizens, at pres­ent living on his home place near Ontario. He was born in Jefferson County, New York, in 1848, and came to this county in 1885, opening the station in Ontario, for the Ore­gon Short Line, January 23, of that year, and remained in their employ until January 14, 1897. Some eight years ago he bought his present place, and has it today in full cultivation, raising apples, prunes and other fruits. He takes considerable interest in politics, being at present the nominee … Read more

Biography of Melvil Dewey

MELVIL DEWEY AMONG the noted librarians of our country who have shown great efficiency, untiring devotion and unusual progressiveness in their calling, stands in the front rank Melvil Dewey, director of the state library and secretary of the University of the State of New York. Born December 10, 1851, in the rural village of Adams Center, Jefferson county, New York, he is the youngest son of Joel and Eliza Green Dewey. His love of books – a love which has never forsaken him – began as soon as he was able to read. His greatest delight was to be among … Read more

Ego, Gene F. – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Gene F. Ego, 84, of Halfway and a former Baker City resident, died April 25, 2003, at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland. At his request, disposition will be by cremation at Gray’s West Pioneer Crematory and there will be no service. Gene was born Oct. 11, 1918, to C.B. and Bessie S. (Doolittle) Ego at Cove. His family moved to Baker City when he was 5. Gene attended school at a one-room school-house on Sutton Creek, just south of Baker City. He worked for different ranches in the area during this time. After leaving … Read more

Biography of Charles Rufus Skinner

CHARLES RUFUS SKINNER AMONG the younger men whose experience in matters pertaining to state, national and educational affairs has already been quite extensive and highly beneficial to his fellow-citizens, is the Hon. Charles R. Skinner, who, on account of his official relations, is now a resident of Albany. Born on the 4th of August, 1844, at Union Square, Oswego County, N. Y., he is a son of the late Hon. Avery Skinner, a worthy New England pioneer who left the granite hills of New Hampshire to seek a home in the richer northern regions of New York State. In October, … Read more

Flora C. Todd Mills of Rodman NY

MILLS, Flora C. Todd8, (John7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 6, 1855, married Charles Mills, and now (1913) resides in Rodman, N. Y. Their children were all born in Dallas, Texas. Children: I. Grover, d. when 4 or 5 years of age. II. Deo, he was a mail carrier in Dallas, Tex. III. Leo, is in business in Dallas, Tex.

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Hall

Hall, Lewis; life insurance; born, Ox Bow, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1S57; son of Caleb G. and Catherine J. Lewis Hall; educated, Cazenovia, N. Y., Evanston, Ill.; married, Theresa, N. Y., March 31, 1896, Henrietta C. Simonds; twenty years representative The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, N. J., at present with The Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Conn.; director T. H. Geer & Co.; member of Wade Park Lodge, No. 800, I. O. O. F.

Biography of Charles R. Jennison, Dr.

Dr. Charles R. Jennison, of Leavenworth, a brigadier general during the Civil war and afterward a leader in the public affairs of the state, was born in Jefferson County, New York, June 6, 1834. When he was twelve years old he moved with his parents to Wisconsin, and at the age of nineteen years he began to study medicine. After completing his medical course he practiced for a short time in Wisconsin and then came to Kansas, settling at Osawatomie in 1857. Within a short time he moved to Mound City, where he remained for three years, and then went … Read more

Free New York Genealogy Websites

1910 New York Census Map

For decades the world wide web has had individuals who have placed online abstractions, transcriptions, and images of genealogy information for specific counties. This collection of websites are the current ones we can find currently online.

Biographical Sketch of Edgar H. Wilson

Born at Depauville, Jefferson County, New York, January 28, 1874, Edgar H. Wilson came to Moline, Illinois, with his parents, George T. and Mary E. Wilson, in the year 1892. He was educated in Lowville Academy, Lowville, New York. Leaving school at the age of seventeen he entered the service of Grant & Mould, grocers, at Watertown, New York, with whom he remained for three years when the family moved west. Arriving at Moline, Mr. Wilson was employed as clerk in the grocery store of George L. Benson at 1620 Third Avenue; at the expiration of three years he purchased … Read more