HENRY DRACH. It is gratifying to be able to present in this publication individual mention of so appreciable a percentage of the representative citizenship of Anderson, and to such recognition Mr. Drach is well entitled, as he is a loyal and public-spirited citizen and is the able and popular incumbent of the office of superintendent of the city water works.
Mr. Drach was born in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, on the 4th of August, 1868, and is a s0n of Jacob W. and Maria (Hechler) Drach, both natives of Germany and representatives of stanch old families of that great empire. Jacob W. Drach was reared to adult age in his native land and was there afforded good educational advantages. At the age of eighteen years he emigrated to America and here he served a thorough apprenticeship to the blacksmith’s trade in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, soon afterward moving to Cleveland, Ohio, and to that enterprise he devoted the greater part of his active career in that city, there spending the remainder of his life, and dying in 1871, his widow surviving him until 1889. Of their five children one son and one daughter are deceased.
To the public schools of his native city Henry Drach is chiefly indebted for his early educational discipline, and after he left the grades he attended a night school in the city for some time, after which he entered the employ of the Standard Oil Company, where he occupied himself at learning the machinist’s trade. He later had charge of the installation of machinery in different plants of the Hughes Steam Pump Company of Cleveland, and still later was employed by the same company in the work of installing waterworks plants and equipment in various cities and towns. In 1893 Mr. Drach came to Anderson and assumed charge of the installation of machinery in a local water works plant, of which he was, in 1895, appointed superintendent up0n the completion of the system. Of this office he has continued as the valued incumbent from the time of the organization of the controlling c0mpany and it is largely due to his ability and effective endeavors that the local water-works system has been maintained at the highest standard of efficiency.
In politics Mr. Drach is faithful to the principles of the Republican party, and in fraternal matters he is affiliated with Mount Moriah Lodge No. 78, A. F. & A. M., as well as with the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
In 1898 Mr. Drach was married to Miss Agnes Ethel, who died in 1906, leaving him one son,-George Henry. He resides at 728 West Seventh street.