Biography of M. B. Valodin

M. B. Valodin, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio, March 28, 1828; at 8 years of age, he removed with his parents to New Madrid, Mo., living there until 1838, at which time his father died, when he removed with his mother and sister to Edgar Co., Ill., where he engaged in farming until 1844, with the exception of one year in which he attended school in Paris; he then went to Wisconsin, where he was engaged at work in the shot tower at Helena, six months, and followed mining the same length of time, when he enlisted for the Mexican war, at which time the Government having trouble with the Indians, he, with his regiment, was employed in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota in removing the Indians to their reservation, until 1848; he then returned to Edgar Co., Ill., and followed farming until 1849, when he removed to Coles Co., and engaged in farming and raising and dealing in stock until 1864, at which date he located in Oakland, and to the above business engaged in the dry goods trade until 1866, when he sold his store and was appointed agent of the Illinois Midland Railroad, at Oakland, which position he held one year, and at the same time continued his farming and stock business, also dealing in lumber for one year; he removed upon his present place in the spring of 1878; his home farm contains 455 acres, upon which he has good buildings; he also owns twenty acres of timber and one block and seven lots in Oakland, upon which he has several buildings. He married, Dee. 30, 1849, to Sarah A. Redden; she was a daughter of Wm. Redden, one of the early settlers of Coles Co.; she died April 12, 1865, leaving seven children now living, viz., Mary F., Sarah A., Clara, John F., William A., Charles M. and Alice; his marriage with Mrs. Nancy J. Carter was celebrated Sept. 13, 1865; she was the daughter of Asa Amos, born in Ohio, April 24, 1833; three children were the fruit of this union, one of which is deceased; the living are Covington B. and Loring.


Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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