Biography of Mrs. F. B. Fite

(See Grant)-Julia Theresa, daughter of William Columbus and Jane (Davis) Patton was born December 29, 1867 in Walker County, Georgia. Educated at Drury College, Springfield, Missouri, and Vassar College.

She married at Vinita November 13, 1889 Francis Bartow, son of H. W. and Sarah (Denman) Fite, born October 17, 1861 in Bartow County, Georgia. He graduated in 1886 from the Southern Medical College at Atlanta, Georgia, having received the medal for highest efficiency in his class. He is a leader in Oklahoma in surgery and civic progress.

Dr. and Mrs. Fite, whose home is in Muskogee, are the parents of William Patton, born August 31, 1890; Frances, born September 24, 1893, Francis Bartow, born December 20, 1895; Edward Halsell, born December 27, 1898 and Julian Bixby Fite, born September 30, 1906. William Patton Fite graduated from Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Minnesota, from University of Virginia in1913 with the A. B, degree and in 1916 from the Medical Department. He Married June 1, 1918 Miss Maurine Mitchell of Fort Worth, Texas. Their daughter Jane Fife was born October 7, 1920. He served in the World War as Captain in the Medical Corps 36th Division. Is now practicing surgery in partnership with his father at Muskogee. Francis Fite graduated from Vassar College in 1916. Married July 7, 1920, Hubert Ambrister, an attorney in Oklahoma City. Francis Bartow Fite Jr. graduated from Shattuck Military School, from University of Virginia in 1920 with honors in the A. B. degree and is in the 1922 law class of that institution. He served on the staff of Aide de camp to Major General Sturgis, 80th Division rank as First Lieutenant. Edward Halsell Fite graduated from Shattuck Military School, entered the University of Virginia and enlisted for service in the world war, was assigned to the officers Training Camp at Camp Lee, Virginia. At the signing of the armistice he returned to the University where he is now a member of the Medical Class of 1923. Julian Bixby Fite is a student in Shattuck Military School.

Ludovic Grant, a Scotch trader settled at Tellico, on the Tennessee River in 1720 and married a full blood Cherokee of the Wolf Clan. Their daughter married William Emory, an Englishman and their daughter, Susannah Emory married Captain John Stuart of the British army. Her second husband was Brigadier General Joseph and Susannah (Childs) Martin, born in 1740 near Charlotteville, Virginia. He was elected Captain of the Transylvania Militia in 1776, became Major on February 17, 1779 and was promoted to the lieutenant colonelcy in March 1781. He was elected Brigadier General of the North Carolina Militia by legislature on December 15, 1787, and was commissioned Brigadier General of the Twelfth Brigadier of Virginia Militia by Governor “Light Horse Harry” Lee on December 11, 1783. He died at Martinsville, County seat of Henry County, Virginia, which had been named for him, on December 18, 1808, He was buried with military and Masonic honors.

His daughter, Rachel married Daniel Davis and their son Martin Davis married Julia Tate. Their daughter Jane married William Columbus Patton. Joseph, the father of Brigadier General Joseph Martin, was a son of William Martin, a wealthy merchant of Bristol, England, who gave his son a ship and sent him to Virginia, sometime in the first quarter of the eighteenth century to keep him from marrying a girl to whom the father objected. Martin was one of the Norman Knights who accompanied William the Conqueror in the battle of Hastings and conquest of England in 1066. The family later dropped the terminal and spelled the name, Martain.


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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