Biography of Judge James J. Gideon

There is no man better known throughout the Ozark region than Judge James J. Gideon, the subject of this sketch. Born on the soil and reared among the descendants of the pioneers, he is one of those self-made sons of Missouri, who, while he has distinguished himself as a lawyer and jurist, has a far greater claim to the respect of the people in his sturdy integrity of character and his lifelong course as a friend of justice. He springs from a sterling Irish-Scotch ancestry of Colonial American stock. James Gideon, the great-grandfather of our subject, was the founder of … Read more

Biography of B. C. Burgess

B. C. BURGESS. There are few men in business circles who show as much fitness for their avocation in that they are wide-awake, experienced, reliable and energetic as B. C. Burgess, the prominent miller at the old Watkin Mill, the most historic mill in Missouri. He was born and reared in North Carolina, his birth occurring June 8, 1833. He is the son of Emsley and Nancy (Cavness) Burgess, both natives of the Old North State. There the father resides at the present time, but the mother is deceased. Some of the early members of this family served in the … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Coffey

ANDREW J. COFFEY. Ozark County, Missouri, is well known for the richness of its soil, and among those industrious farmers who have assisted in making this section the rich agricultural district that it is may be mentioned Andrew J. Coffey, who was born in Ashe County, N. C., in 1833, of which State his parents, Cleveland and Susan (Hayes) Coffey, were also natives. During the early boyhood of Andrew J. Coffey, he was taken by his parents to Hawkins County, Tennessee, and soon after to Granger County, where the mother died some fifty years ago. Mr. Coffey remarried afterward and … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Blades

EDWARD A. BLADES. The farming class of America is notable for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Our subject belongs to one of the most progressive of families, and is proud of the fact that his father was one of those fast disappearing landmarks of a heroic past-an early pioneer. Mr. Blades was born in Monroe County, East Tennessee. In 1830, but his parents, Edward and Ellen (Maner) Blades, were natives of North Carolina, where they grew to mature years and united their fortunes. From there they removed to Tennessee, and about 1836 came by ox-team … Read more

Biography of James K. P. McHaffie

Among the early families to come to this State and carve out homes for themselves in the then almost unbroken forest, were the McHaffies, who settled in the Ozark Mountains, where they identified themselves with progress and development. They were of that moral and personal integrity which go to make up the model American citizen, and were valuable acquisitions to the region in which they settled, which was then in need of honorable, substantial and permanent residents. David McHaffie, the father of our subject, was one of the early pioneers and came to the Ozark region with two brothers, John … Read more

Biography of Alexander Thompson

ALEXANDER THOMPSON, farmer and stockraiser of Williamson Township, Stone County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the section in which he lives, is a native of Tennessee, born in Maury County March 25, 1833. His parents, Thomas and Lucinda (Dobyns) Thompson, were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, respectively, and their nuptials were celebrated in the latter State. From there they moved to Indiana, and thence to Tennessee, the father dying in Williamson County of the latter State when about forty-five years of age. He was a farmer, but was of a roving disposition, and never accumulated much property. … Read more

Biography of Milton B. Chandler, M. D.

MILTON B. CHANDLER, M. D. Although young in years, Dr. Milton B. Chandler has made rapid strides in his profession and is classed among the popular members of the healing art in Howell County. He has gained a flattering reputation as a physician and has already built up a patronage complimentary to his ability in the medical profession. He was born in Springfield, Missouri, August 2, 1857, and is a son of William P. Chandler, an old resident of Springfield, who died at the beginning of the late war. The father enlisted in the Eighth Missouri Cavalry and died while … Read more

Biography of Dal Hartin

The subject of this sketch, Dal Hartin, is a man who possesses a quality, the value of which cannot be overestimated, and that is the one of pleasing, or, in other words, an accommodating spirit, and this, coupled with his native intelligence, his faithfulness to his duties and his strict integrity, makes him a popular and most efficient official. He is ably filling the responsible positions of circuit clerk and country recorder of Douglas County, Missouri, and has been a resident of this section since 1868. He was born in Greene County, Missouri, June 10, 1859, His earliest ancestor of which … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Weaver

JOSEPH L. WEAVER. Joseph L. Weaver is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles regarding agricultural life which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average native Tennessean. He was born in Marshall County, of that State, on the 20th of November, 1828, to the marriage of John and Barbara (Richards) Weaver, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Georgia. The parents celebrated their union in the latter State, but subsequently moved to Tennessee, where they settled in Marshall County, remaining there until 1840. They then came by ox team to Missouri, starting the 19th of November, 1840, … Read more

Biography of Joseph S. Homan, M.D.

Dr. Joseph S. Homan, an alumnus of the St. Louis University in which he won his professional degree, has throughout the intervening period successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis. He was born in Buchanan county, Missouri, January -, 1882, and is a son of Henry Homan, a native of Maryland, who represented one of the old families of that state of German lineage, founded in America prior to the Revolutionary war. On leaving Maryland Henry Homan came to Missouri in 1870. He was a Civil war veteran, acting as a bridge builder with the … Read more

Biography of John L. Cook

JOHN L. COOK. In scanning the lives and careers of the citizens of Swan Township, it is pleasant to note the exercise of enterprise in every walk of life, and the achievement of success in every department of business. Thus one is enabled to discern in the career of Mr. Cook, who has for man years been a successful farmer and stockraiser of Taney County. He was born one mile from where he now lives in 1841 and is a son of James and Catherine (Steward) Cook, natives of Simpson County, Kentucky, the former born about 1805 and the latter … Read more

Biography of Col. Fidelio Sharp Jones

Col. Jones is the son of Col. Joseph and Matilda (Sewell) Jones, and was born in Tazewell, Claiborne county, Tennessee, July 19th, 1835. His father and mother were both Virginians, and the former was once colonel of militia in times of peace. Fidelio S. was the oldest of ten children, eight of whom lived to be grown. In 1837, his parents moved to Greene county, Missouri, locating at Springfield, where the subject of this sketch was reared and educated, and where both his parents died, the father in 1865, and the mother in 1881. In 1852 he began his business … Read more

Biography of James W. Robertson

JAMES W. ROBERTSON (deceased). There is little need to portray the virtues or defend the memory of this gentleman, for he lives in the affection of his family and friends as a devoted husband, kind neighbor and public-spirited citizen. During the many years he resided in Christian County he was to the people all that is required in good citizenship, public enterprise and sympathetic friendship. In the love of his estimable wife he found his cares lightened, and in the respect of his fellow-citizens received the reward of his faithfulness. Mr. Robertson was born in middle Tennessee May 15, 1830, … Read more

Biography of W. C. McBee

There are lines of business in which good management is everything, and to this essential merit, coupled with large experience and accurate judgment, is due the success which has attended the mercantile business of W. C. McBee, of McBee’s Landing, Marion County, Arkansas This wide-awake man of affairs is a native of Mississippi County, Missouri, where he was born August 25, 1848, to S. E. and Lucy (Blackburn) McBee, both of whom were born on Kentucky soil, the former being of Irish lineage, and descended from one who fought for the Colonial cause in the Revolutionary War. S. E. McBee … Read more

Biography of D. R. Riggs

D. R. RIGGS. This prominent and law-abiding citizen has been a resident of Douglas County, Missouri, for many years, and his career here has been an exceptionally honorable and useful one. He was born in Maury County, Tennessee, May 20, 1832, a son of Alvis and Petronila (Ray) Riggs, natives of the Old North State, where the grandparents were also born. Samuel Riggs, the paternal grandfather, was a soldier of the Revolution, and died in the State of his birth. The maternal grandfather, David Ray, was a merchant by occupation, and was an honorable, upright man. Alvis Riggs became a … Read more

Biography of Capt. Benjamin F. Bodenhamer

CAPT. BENJAMIN F. BODENHAMER. It has been clearly demonstrated time and time again that “honesty is the best policy,” and while a man may not gain wealth so rapidly, yet he can look his fellowman in the face without fear of reproach, and know that he has wronged no one, and therefore can thoroughly enjoy what he has. Such a man is Capt. B. F. Bodenhamer, who was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1843, the son of Chapman W., who was a native of Giles County, Tennessee, and grandson of Jacob Bodenhamer, who was one of the very earliest … Read more

Biography of Charles R. Fulbright

CHARLES R. FULBRIGHT. In tracing back the genealogy of the Fulbright family we find that it sprang from good old German stock. William Fulbright, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a native of the Old North State, and spoke the German language fluently. He married Miss Ruth Hollingsworth and went to Tennessee where he became the owner of a large farm and many Negroes. In the spring of 1830 he came to Greene County, Missouri, with his family, making the trip in wagons; he also brought thirty slaves. He had four brothers who came to Missouri with families: David, John, … Read more

Biography of Marion C. Early

Marion C. Early is the son of George G. and Mary A. Early. His father, George G. Early, was born near Norfolk, Virginia, July 13, 1819, and while still a boy removed with his mother to Knox county, Tennessee. His mother, Mary A. (Brittain) Early, was born near Lenoir City, London county, Tennessee, February 23, 1827. His parents later removed to Polk county, Missouri, where on a farm the subject of this sketch was reared. In a log schoolhouse there was held each year a four months’ term of school and this he attended until past nineteen, when he entered … Read more

Biography of Anton Andrew Ackerman

Anton Andrew Ackerman. The business opportunities that some men never see, attract others to whom they seem open pathways to success. Not every farmer boy, however, of seventeen years had the common sense attitude combined with the industrious habits that have made Anton Andrew Ackerman, now a substantial business man of Neosho County, a reliable, satisfactory, efficient worker in other industrial lines before he had more than reached manhood. Mr. Ackerman had worked hard and to some purpose, otherwise he would not have his present high business standing as one of the leading contractors and drillers in the Mid-continent oil … Read more

Biography of Rev. Augustus H. Tevis

The scholarly subject of this sketch is a native of Rush County, Indiana, born on his father’s farm, May 13, 1841, and was the ninth child of a family of three sons and seven daughters. His parents were Dr. Daniel H. and Phoebe (Scott) Tevis, the former having been a physician by profession,—a self-made man, who enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. He (Dr. Daniel H.) was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, and was quite a scholar as a linguist, being a proficient in both Latin and Greek. The elder Dr. Tevis died in 1858, and his wife in 1862, … Read more