Biography of G. B. Thomas

G. B. THOMAS is manager of the large establishment of S. H. Henry & Co., dealers in sash, doors, blinds and lumber. This company was established in 1882 by S. H. Henry, and two years later B. T. Henry, son of S. H., entered the business. The elder Henry is the pioneer lumber dealer of this city. He came here in 1857 from Tennessee where his birth occurred, and first branched out as a carpenter when a young man. Mr. Henry has taken a prominent part in city improvements, is interested in many of the prominent business enterprises, and is … Read more

Biography of Judge Austin Brown

JUDGE AUSTIN BROWN. The object of this sketch is to place before the public the record of a well-spent life, abounding in useful and charitable deeds. Mr. Brown was born in Ray County, Missouri, in April, 1835. His parents being William M. and Sidney (Cravens) Brown, who were born in Culpeper County, Virginia, where they were reared, educated and married. About 1830 they removed to the then far West Ray County, Missouri, but eight years later settled in Taney County, Missouri, where the mother died the following year. Mr. Brown was thus left with a family of small children, and … Read more

History of Greene County Missouri

Greene County Missouri

What is now known as southwest Missouri, substantially Greene County as organized in 1833, was formerly known as the Osage Country, being the home of the Indian tribe for which it was named. After the War of 1812 the Kickapoos made villages on the Pomme de Terre River, and near the present site of Springfield, leaving their name in that of Kickapoo Prairie, south of that place. The history of the region is peculiarly interesting as that of one of the most important purely American settlements made in the State. This dataset contains numerous biographies of leading citizens of Greene County during the 19th century – these biographies provide a biographical narrative to the history of Greene County Missouri.

Biography of Anton Andrew Ackerman

Anton Andrew Ackerman. The business opportunities that some men never see, attract others to whom they seem open pathways to success. Not every farmer boy, however, of seventeen years had the common sense attitude combined with the industrious habits that have made Anton Andrew Ackerman, now a substantial business man of Neosho County, a reliable, satisfactory, efficient worker in other industrial lines before he had more than reached manhood. Mr. Ackerman had worked hard and to some purpose, otherwise he would not have his present high business standing as one of the leading contractors and drillers in the Mid-continent oil … Read more

Biography of Horace Saunders

Horace Saunders, one of the representative orange-growers of Riverside, owns a ten-acre tract on Colton avenue, on the corner of Russell street, about one mile north of the business center of Riverside. This grove was planted with seedling oranges as early as 1872 by its then owner, W. P Russell, and later many of the seedlings were replaced by budded trees. The grove now contains 800 seedlings and 400 budded orange trees, besides a small variety of deciduous fruits for family use. Mr. Saunders purchased the place in 1880, and has since conducted its cultivation. He has made many improvements … Read more

Biography of John L. M’Craw, Sr.

Mr. McCraw was born in Hawkins county, Tenn., in 1808, where he was reared and educated. In 1886 he married Elizabeth H. Kenner of the same county, and the same year he immigrated to Greene county, Mo., and bought the farm in Taylor township, where he lived and died. In farming and stock-rearing he encountered all the hardships incident to pioneer life. The stock did well upon the prairie grasses, and sheep and pigs found natural enemies in the wolves that infested the country at the time. Mills were few and far between, coffee and biscuits luxuries that could be … Read more

Biography of Charles R. Fulbright

CHARLES R. FULBRIGHT. In tracing back the genealogy of the Fulbright family we find that it sprang from good old German stock. William Fulbright, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a native of the Old North State, and spoke the German language fluently. He married Miss Ruth Hollingsworth and went to Tennessee where he became the owner of a large farm and many Negroes. In the spring of 1830 he came to Greene County, Missouri, with his family, making the trip in wagons; he also brought thirty slaves. He had four brothers who came to Missouri with families: David, John, … Read more

Biography of David O. Crane

David O. Crane. Of the men who have served Topeka in official capacities of importance and responsibility, few have won more fairly a reputation for fidelity than has David O. Crane, since 1884 superintendent of the Topeka Cemetery. In the thirty-two years that he has been the incumbent of this office he has labored efficiently and conscientiously to discharge its duties in a reverent and honorable way, and the mere fact that he has held his office during such a long period should be sufficient evidence of the quality of his ability and the worth of his service. Mr. Crane … Read more

Biography of William S. Norton

William S. Norton. Whatever their environment, men of true ability have the power to raise themselves above circumstances, and apparently handicaps and difficulties act only as a spur to increase effort and accomplishment. There are few Kansas whose careers better illustrate the truth of this assertion than that of William S. Norton, who is known so well in Cherokee County as a financier and business man. Mr. Norton could review by personal recollections practically every phase of life in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas during the last half century. He was a Union soldier during the war and the keynote … Read more

Biography of David B. Pratt

DAVID B. PRATT. The name mentioned above is well known in the agricultural districts of Douglas County, Missouri, and is a synonym for all that is pushing, enterprising and successful. Mr. Pratt was born in Maury County, Tennessee, September 10, 1828, a son of Joseph and Mary (Buchanan) Pratt, the former of whom was born in Georgia, but when a young man removed to Tennessee, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a cabinet maker by trade, was a soldier of the War of 1812, and was an upright and honorable man. His wife was born in … Read more

Biography of William Thompson

WILLIAM THOMPSON. The man from Tennessee has always been a potential element in the civilization and development of Missouri, and in early days along the woodsman’s trail came men of all avocations and of every degree of social life. No better blood ever infused pioneer life; no sturdier arm ever set about the task of subduing the wilderness and no less vigorous mental activity could have raised a great commonwealth, amid the unbroken elements of nature, within.the limits of half a century. William Thompson, who is one of the pioneers of the county, is now retired from the active duties … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. W. McClurg

HON. J. W. McCLURG, ex-governor of the State of Missouri. A man’s life work measures his success, and the man who devotes his powers to the accomplishment of an honorable purpose is to be honored. If a careful study is made of the motives which actuate every man’s life, there is always to be found some object for which he lives. In Hon. J. W. McClurg it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers and to develop in himself a true manhood. A native of St. Louis County, Missouri, he … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Delaney

THOMAS J. DELANEY. To become distinguished at the bar requires not only capacity, but also sound judgment and persevering industry. These qualifications are combined in no gentleman at the Greene County bar to a greater extent than in Thomas J. Delaney. A careful and accurate adviser, and an earnest and conscientious advocate, his success at the bar has been achieved by the improvement of opportunities, by untiring diligence, and by close study and a correct judgment of men and motives. Like so many of the eminent men of the present day his early career was not a very auspicious one … Read more

Biography of William L. Clark

Among the successful business men of Harney county is to be mentioned the gentleman named above, whose well known establishment of general merchandise at Lawen, where he has done business for some time, is one of the prosperous business houses of the county; and in addition to handling this, Mr. Clark has a hay farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which he attends to and also raises cattle, and also he has been a mail contractor of the interior of Oregon. William L. was born in Carroll county, Indiana, on April 3, 1845, being the son of Thomas and … Read more

Biography of John Kintrea

JOHN KINTREA. Among the countless industries of the United States, there are none which attracts more universal attention than that of merchandising. Among those prominently engaged in this occupation in Taney County, is John Kintrea, who has a fine store at Kirbyville. This gentleman was born at Woodstock, February 28, 1852, and, no doubt, inherits his perseverance, industry and sturdy traits of character from his Scotch ancestors. His father, James Kintrea, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1820, and when a young man emigrated to Canada. Later he found his way to Missouri and followed the painter’s trade at Springfield, … Read more

Biography of Miss Callie Eaton

There is no doubt that the teacher is one of the most important forces in the progress of the world, and Rachel Caroline Eaton, familiarly known as “Miss Callie,” county superintendent of schools of Rogers county with residence in Claremore, a conscientious and progressive educator, deserves prominent mention in a work relating to northeastern Oklahoma and those who have contributed most to its development. A native of Oklahoma, she is a daughter of G. W. and Nancy Elizabeth (Williams) Eaton. Mr. Eaton came to Indian Territory soon after the Civil war and Married Nancy Williams of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. In … Read more

Biography of D. F. Thompson

D. F. THOMPSON. D. F. Thompson is the very efficient and popular sheriff of Christian County, is a man of energy, enterprise and judgment, and his career has been useful in the best sense of the term. He was born on the Willow Creek battleground, in Greene County, Missouri, October 6, 1857, to the union of William and Mary A. (Heacheam) Thompson, who are now residing at Billings, this county. The parents came originally from Tennessee, the father having been born and reared in Williamson County, of that State, and after reaching the State of Missouri, in 1848, made a … Read more

Biography of William L. Robertson

WILLIAM L. ROBERTSON. Among the worthiest of the representative business men of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of William L. Robertson, whose standing is high for character, ability and enterprise. He is the eldest but one of the children born to James W. and Martha J. (Payne) Robertson, his birth occurring in Stone County, Missouri, February 23, 1858, at the mouth of Finley Creek. There our subject resided with his parents until three years of age, when they removed to Greene County on Grand Prairie, a mile and a half south of Republic and made their home there for … Read more

Biography of Capt. S. H. Julian

Captain Julian is the son of Isaac and Nancy (Wood) Julian, and was born, in Monroe county, Tennessee, April 4, 1822. When he was fifteen years of age his parents moved to Greene county, Missouri, and settled the farm in Cass township, where they both afterwards died. Stephen grew to manhood upon the farm, and on May 15, 1842, was married to Miss Sarah L. Vestal, of Putnam county, Indiana, but a native of North Carolina. They were blessed with six children, Flavius C., Melcena M., Mary L., John C. (deceased), Robert F. and William R. He built a house … Read more

Biography of Maj. R. B. Weaver

The facility with which the American soldier laid down the implements of war, at the close of the great conflict between the Northern and Southern States, and adapted himself to the pursuits of civil life, has been the wonder of all nations, and scarcely less surprising than gratifying to the American people themselves. While not a few very profound citizens of the republic were speculating as to what was to become of the thousands of men mustered out of the armies, the question was solved by the ex-soldiers themselves, who quietly stepped into the ordinary walks of life, bent the … Read more