Biographical Sketch of Burt A. Miller

Miller, Burt A.; surety bonds; born, Canton, 0., March 17, 1871; son of William K. and Sarah Burwell Miller; educated at Cornell university and Cincinnati Law School; married, Canton, O., Dec. 27, 1899, Jane Rabe; organized the surety business in Cuba and Porto Rico after the Spanish-American war, drawing law permitting surety companies to operate in Cuba, and fixing the deposit required and tax to be paid; resident vice pres. and mgr. for Northern Ohio of the Southwestern Surety Ins. Co.; served in the 8th inf., O. N. G. (second lieut.); vice pres. Surety Association of Cleveland; member Canton Lodge, F. & A. M., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Cleveland Athletic, and Rotary Clubs.


The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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