Biography of Frank Austin Bond

FRANK AUSTIN BOND, a distinguished figure in commercial affairs in Western Massachusetts, who in his position as a widely known cotton broker, is in close touch at all times with relevant affairs, both in New England and in the South, and his expert attention to his work is a constructive influence of more than passing significance. Mr. Bond is an able and efficient executive and is a son of John A. and Anna Belle (Kimbell) Bond. His father, who died in 1922, was a prominent hotel proprietor of North Adams and was for many years a member of the city … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles William Wason

Wason, Charles William; retired; born, Cleveland, April 20, 1854; son of Charles and Matilda Parker Wason; graduated, Cornell University, 1876; married, Paris, France, January, 1882, Jettie Anna Morrill; issue, two daughters, Jettie, now Mrs. Harold Edwards, Velda, now Mrs. John A. Rithet; married, Cleveland, September, 1896, Margaret Wright; married, Hamilton, Canada, February, 1901, Mabel Breckenridge; director Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern; Northern Ohio Traction and Light Co., Williamson Building Co.; trustee Cleveland Associated Charities; member Kappa Alpha, Carnellian Council, Cleveland Engineering Society, Bibliophile Society, Union, Country, Mayfield, Willowwick and Rowfant Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Emmett Ellsworth Hart

Hart, Emmett Ellsworth; civil engineer; born, Little Valley, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1861; son of Austin and Dorleski Manley Hart; educated, public schools of N. Y. State, Cornell University, 1883-1887, degree C. E.; married, Little Valley, N. Y., April, 1891, Rachel Joy Sprague; issue, seven children; two years military training at Cornell University; entered the service of the C., B. Q. R. R., June, 1887; continued with them as draftsman, asst. engineer and division engineer, until November, 1895; general engineering practice, 1895-1897; employed by the U. S. government, 1897-1899 on Deep Water Ways surveys; in July, 1899, entered the employ … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rollin Henry White

White, Rollin Henry; automobile mnfr.; son of Thomas H. White and Almira Greenleaf White; educated, Cornell University, ’94, M. E. and E. E.; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1896, Katharine King; issue, Elizabeth, William King, Rollin Henry, Jr.; member Union, Country, and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Leon Cowles Welch

Welch, Leon Cowles; mechanical engineer; born, Green, N. Y., June 20, 1882; educated, High School and Cornell University, M. E.; married, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1913, Edith Sans Packard; 1906, started as machinist’s helper; has held various positions with the following companies: New York Transit Co., Ohio Oil Co., National Transit Co., Northern Pipe Line Co., Buckeye Pipe Line Co.; at present division supt. of The Buckeye Pipe Line Co., also a director of the company; member American Society Mechanical Engineers, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, University Club. Recreations: Baseball, Football and Tennis.

Biography of William A. Caldwell

The history of pioneer life has long rivaled in interest the tales of battles and of life on the tented field. Without the roar of cannon and musketry or the inspiring notes of fife and drum, hosts no less brave and determined have gone forth into the wilderness to reclaim it for the purposes of civilization and have fought the hard battle of conquering the raw land, the sturdy forest and the rocky fastnesses of the earth, making each yield of its treasures such elements as can be utilized for man. This is an arduous labor and one to which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Burt A. Miller

Miller, Burt A.; surety bonds; born, Canton, 0., March 17, 1871; son of William K. and Sarah Burwell Miller; educated at Cornell university and Cincinnati Law School; married, Canton, O., Dec. 27, 1899, Jane Rabe; organized the surety business in Cuba and Porto Rico after the Spanish-American war, drawing law permitting surety companies to operate in Cuba, and fixing the deposit required and tax to be paid; resident vice pres. and mgr. for Northern Ohio of the Southwestern Surety Ins. Co.; served in the 8th inf., O. N. G. (second lieut.); vice pres. Surety Association of Cleveland; member Canton Lodge, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bascom Little

Little, Bascom; contractor; born, Cleveland, April 24, 1879; son of Hiram H. and Laura Brown Little; educated, University School, Cleveland, Cornell University, A. B., 1901; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1906, Florence Cobb; issue, Bascom Little, Jr., Julia Little; member first Charter Commission; director of following: Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Union National Bank, Guarantee Title & Trust Co., The Crowell & Sherman Co., The Crowell-Sherman-Statler Co., Baker Motor Vehicle Co.; member American Historical Society; trustee Associated Charities and Hiram House; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Mayfield, Union, University, Country, and Tavern Clubs.

Saponi Indians

Saponi Tribe: Evidently a corruption of Monasiccapano or Monasukapanough, which, as shown by Bushnell, is probably derived in part from a native term “moni seep” signifying “shallow water.” Paanese is a corruption and in no way connected with the word “Pawnee.” Saponi Connections. The Saponi belonged to the Siouan linguistic family, their nearest relations being the Tutelo. Saponi Location. The earliest known location of the Saponi has been identified by Bushnell (1930) with high probability with “an extensive village site on the banks of the Rivanna, in Albemarle County, directly north of the University of Virginia and about one-half mile … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Davison

Charles C. Davison. who has been prominently connected with the milling industry in the state of New York for many years, is a son of Ozmer L. Davison, who came to New York from New England and spent the greater part of his life engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died at Odessa, New York, in 1900, and his wife died in 1896. Charles C., son of Ozmer L. Davison, was born in Odessa, Schuyler county, New York, June 22, 1868. He was graduated from the Odessa high school, then studied and was prepared for college at Cook’s Academy, and matriculated … Read more

Biography of Irwin Donovan

Irwin Donovan, who has been admitted to practice in all of the Oklahoma state courts and also before the United States supreme court, is now devoting his attention to civil law in Muskogee, having an extensive clientele, who recognize the strength and power of Mr. Donovan as advocate and counselor. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, August 3, 1879, and is a son of Joseph Thomas and Mary Lucy (Mahoney) Donovan, the former a well known real estate dealer of St. Louis. Reared in his native city, Irwin Donovan supplemented his early education by study in Smith Academy of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Phelps King

King, Warren Phelps; manufacturing business; born, Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1865; son of Warren Leander and Mary Eliza Phelps King; educated, Cornell University, class of 1888; married, Buffalo, N. Y., June 2, 1892, Justine McKenna; issue, Warren Griffin King, born, July 6, 1893, and Elizabeth Brewster King, born March 25, 1899; with The Lehigh Valley Coal Co. for five years; New York Car Wheel Works and associated companies, occupying various official positions, for eleven years; pres. Liberty Brass Foundry, Buffalo, N. Y., for four years; vice pres. and treas. The Aluminum Castings Co.; member Society of Automobile Engineers, Cleveland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis H. Hays

Hays, Louis H.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Jan. 24, 1874; son of Joseph and Rosetta Schwarzenberg Hays; educated, University School, and Cornell University, 1898; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1902, Jessie Feiss; issue, Robert J., born June 28, 1903, Marie F., born Jan. 13, 1907; in 1896, began business career with Charles Eisenman & Co.; remained two years; then joined Louis Roeheimer in the decorating business, The Roeheimer & Hays Studio; after seven years, sold interest to Mr. Roeheimer, and established The Federal Knitting Mills Co.; after two years, and upon the organization of Charles Eisenman & Co., into the K. & … Read more

Saponi Tribe

Saponi Indians. One of the eastern Siouan tribes, formerly living in North Carolina and Virginia, but now extinct. The tribal name was occasionally applied to the whole group of Ft Christanna tribes, also occasionally included under Tutelo. That this tribe belonged to the Siouan stock has been placed beyond doubt by the investigations of Hale and Mooney. Their language appears to have been the same as the Tutelo to the extent that the people of the two tribes could readily understand each other. Mooney has shown that the few Saponi words recorded are Siouan. Lederer mentions a war in which … Read more

Biography of George H. Crafts

George H. Crafts, a rancher near Redlands, was born in New York City in 1844, and came to California with his father in 1861. His father, Myron H. Crafts, was born in Whately, Massachusetts, in 1816, and established the first temperance grocery in New York City. He also had a large meat-curing house there, but was burnt out in 1844, and then went to Jackson, Michigan, where he started a soap and candle factory. He next went to Windsor, where he farmed for a while, and then went to Detroit and accepted a position as cashier in C. & A. … Read more

Biography of John Henry Woodward

John Henry Woodward was born at Peach Orchard in the. town of Tompkins (now Hector), Schuyler County, New York, February 9, 1836, and is the eldest son of John Woodward, who, with his father’s family came to America from London, England, in 1824, settling on a large farm in what was then comparatively a wilderness on the banks of Seneca Lake, New York, where members of the family still reside. Mr. Woodward received his primary education at the county district school. Later on he attended an academy at Peach Orchard under the management of John A. Gillette and was finally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Farrar Emerson

Emerson, Oliver Farrar; university professor; born, Traer, Ia., May 24, 1860; son of Oliver and Maria Farrar Emerson; A. B., Iowa College, 1882, A. M., 1885; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1891; married, Annie L. Logan, of St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1891; supt. schools, Grinnell, Ia., 1882-1884, Muscatine, Ia., 1884-1885; prin. Academy of Iowa College, 1885-1888; Goldwin Smith fellow in English, 1888-1889, instru. in English, 1889-1891; asst. prof. rhetoric and English philology, 1892-1896, Cornell University; prof. English, Western Reserve University, since 1896; member Modern Language Ass’n America, American Dialect Society (pres., 1905). Author: History of the English Language, 1894; A Brief … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin S. Hubbell

Hubbell, Benjamin S.; architect; born, Leavenworth, Kas., July 11, 1867; educated, Cornell University, in senior year won scholarship in architecture, and was elected member of the Sigma XI, took degree in architecture in 1894; now practising under the name of Hubbell & Benes; firm was architect for Wade Memorial, Citizens Bldg., Cleveland School of Art, and other important structures; member Masons, Chamber of Commerce, American Institute of Architects and Colonial Club.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Livingston Kaufman

Kaufman, Harry Livingston; iron ore and mining; born, Marquette, Mich., 1882; son of Samuel Robert and Juliet Gravereat Kaufman; educated, Cascasella School, Ithaca, N. Y., and Cornell University; when E. N. Breitung & Co. opened their ore sales agency in Cleveland, he became as a partner in the business, at the time was vice pres. and mgr. of mines in Marquette, Mich.; now divides his time, spending the winters in Cleveland and the summers in Marquette; honorary member Naval Reserves of Michigan; director in the following: First National Bank, Cleveland; First Trust & Savings Co., Cleveland; Negaunee National Bank, Negaunee, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hermann Dercum

Dercum, Hermann; architect; born, Cleveland, Apr. 23, 1879; son of Otto and Augusta Raebel Dercum; educated, Cornell, 1902, B. S. (in architecture); 1903, M. S., (in architecture); married, Lakewood, Sept. 3, 1910, Carlotta Krause; one son, Max Dercum; member firm Dercum & Beer, architects; member Cleveland Chapter, American Institute of Architects, and Athletic Club.