Biographical Sketch of Alexander A. Hunter

Hunter, Alexander A.; sec’y and treas. The Western Reserve Woolen Co.; born, Lakewood, O., May 1, 1873; son of William and Sarah R. Hunter; educated, Collinwood public school and Spencerian Business College; married, Nottingham, O., 1898, Annah G. Weber; issue, two children, Malcolm J., aged 9, and Victor A., age 4; upon leaving school secured position as clerk in the office of the Murphy Varnish Co.; was promoted from time to time and served the above company as bookkeeper for several years; in December, 1904, accepted a position with the Western Reserve Woolen Co.; in January, 1907, was elected sec’y, and January 16, 1911, was elected sec’y and treas., which position he now holds; member East Congregational Church, Cleveland Commercial Travelers’ Ass’n, and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Recreations: Home and Gardening.


The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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