Roll Of Capt. David Pecks Company

(From Either Harrison or Jefferson County) Served from August 25, 1812, until February 28, 1813. Capt. David Peck Lieut. Josaph Davis Ensign Jacob Shaffer SerCt. John Stoaks Sergt. Ivaniel Higgins Sergt. Dudley Smith Sergt- Jesse Harnum Corp. John Vaughn Corp. James Davis Corp. James Miller Corp. Wm. McConkey Privates Albert, John Armstrong, Archibold Ayers, James Barnes, Obediah Bennet, Thomas Beard, James Burchfield, Charles Busy, Joshua Chambers, James Christy, George Chrys, George Conn, Alexander Crawford, Alexander Dowden, John N Derry, William Degar, Peter Devore, Abraham Devore, Janies Dewall, Thomas N. Dickey, William Dickey, James Fisher, Samuel Fisher, Ephraim Fisher, John Gutshall, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Hanna

J. W. Hanna, book and music store, Mattoon; was born in Freeport, Harrison Co., Ohio, Dec. 2, 1848; he derived his education from the common schools, and, at the age of 13 years, began clerking in his father’s general merchandising establishment at Deersville, Ohio; July 4,1866, he came West, stopping a short time at Preston, Minn., and, in September following, came to Mattoon, where he attended school six months; he then entered the employ of Finley & Richardson as clerk in their book store; in October, 1869, he and his brother James R., bought out the firm, and in May, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Baruch Dickerson’s Company

(Probably from Harrison County) Served from March 12, until September 12, 1814. Capt. Baruch Dickerson Lieut. John Jamison Ensign, Samuel Gilmore Sergt. William Hagerfleld Sergt. Charles Holmes Sergt. Laken Wells Musician, James Roff Musician, David Young Privates Browning, Samuel Carson, John Carson, Samuel Chambers, Ezekial Craig, Joseph Fivecoats, Michael Foster, Andrew Foster, Moses Haverfield, James Hitchcock, Isaac Holmes, Elsy Holmes, Samuel Hovey, John Hurless, John McConkey, James McConkey, Samuel Meehan, Aaron Nelson, Benjamin Parrish, Joseph Richison, John Scott, David Smith, Francis Steel, Bazallel Walraven, John Warpenbay, Francis Welday, Henry Wrist, Nathaniel Young, George

Biography of Levi F. Johnson

Levi F. Johnson. As it was only about sixty years ago that the first permanent settlements were made in Kansas, there are a number of the real pioneers still alive, men who can recount their experiences when the plains were covered with buffaloes, when Indians made camp along the creeks, when the prairie fires raged across the high grass, and when the woods were filled with game, the creeks with fish, and when everything was new and primitive. Now living retired at a comfortable home in Winfield Levi F. Johnson had his share in the early making of Kansas, particularly … Read more

Biography of E. R. Connely

E. R. Connely, farmer; P. O. Westfield; was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., March 6, 1829; his parents, Joel and Effie Connely, came to this county in the spring of 1832, and were among its earliest pioneers; having raised one crop, they returned to Indiana, and, in the fall of same year, brought out their family, consisting of six boys and five girls accompanied also by their grandfather and grandmother Pennington; they made the journey the whole distance in wagons, driving their stock, composed both of sheep and cattle, with them. His grandfather Pennington was a Baptist minister, and among … Read more

Biography of Stephen R. Magee, M. D.

Stephen R. Magee, M. D. Among the representative orange groves and vineyards of Arlington in Riverside, mention should be made of that owned by D. Magee. The improvements on this place were commenced by Mrs. Magee in August, 1875. It was then a wild and barren plain. Mrs. Magee in that year preceded the Doctor to California and located on a forty-acre tract, on what is now the corner of Center and Palm avenues. She caused a small cottage to be erected, in which herself and children were domiciled, and then at once commenced the planting of ornamental trees and … Read more

Biography of John Zurcher

That stanch little republic whose spirit has made her presence felt in all of the countries of Europe, has furnished many enterprising citizens of this country, and among them we wish to mention the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has demonstrated his loyalty and sterling qualities in that, when the call came for the sons of liberty to defend the flag, he at once left the walks of domestic life and plunged into the carnage of battle, where for the entire term of the Civil war he was foremost and at the post of duty, both … Read more

Biography of Thomas Mercer

THOMAS MERCER. – This well-known and highly respected resident of Seattle, Washington, whose portrait, together with a view of his beautiful home, is appropriately placed in this volume, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, March 11, 1813, and was the eldest son of Aaron and Jane Dickerson Mercer, – the latter a native of Pennsylvania and the former from an old Virginia family. Thomas resided at his birthplace until twenty-one years of age, and after his school days entered his father’s woolen factory and learned the trade thoroughly. In 1834 he moved with his parents to Bureau County, Illinois, and … Read more

Roll Of Captain John Alexander’s Company

(Probably Harrison or Jefferson County) Served from Sept. 21, 1812, until Dec. 8, 1812, and from July 29, 1813, until Aug. 22, 1813. Capt. John Alexander Lieut. Hugh Christy Lieut. Angus McCoy Ensign David Jackson Sergt. George Ermabringer Sergt. John Linch Sergt. Robert Blackford Sergt. Hugh McGee Sergt. Stephen Paugburn Sergt. Robert Stayton Sergt. Robert Kennedy Sergt. Robert Miller Corp. William Ai. Coy Corp. Joseph Washburn Corp. Jeremiah Ango Corp. Charles Lunay Corp. Thomas Mantial Corp. William Ross Pifer, John Neel Fifer, Rodman Gardner Privates Adams, John Adams, Thomas Ayers, James Bailey, William Barnes, Obadiali Boland, William Brown, John Brown, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. M. McConnell

W. M. M. McConnell, Charleston, of the firm of M. A. McConnell & Co., publishers of the Charleston. Plaindealer, was born on the 28th of August, 1855, in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio; he is a son of James McConnell, of that city; he attended the public schools of his native town, graduating from the high school in 1872; he at once entered the office of the Cadiz Republican, to learn the printer’s trade, and, after completing his apprenticeship, remained in the office as a journeyman until he came to Charleston, in the spring of 1878, as one of the proprietors … Read more

Shuss, Susanna – Obituary

Susanna Shuss was born in Cadiz, Ohio, November 18, 1839. Died December 17, 1917 at the age of 78 years and 29 days. She was united in marriage to Geo. Shuss August 5, 1856 and to this union was born three children. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Portland. Mrs. Shuss has spent the last two years with her only son. She had planned to return to Denver and spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Lewis. She leaves to mourn her loss Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Shuss of this place and her only daughter, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William Stoakes Company

(Probably from Harrison County) Served from August 21, 1812 until February 28, 1813. Capt. William Stoakes Lieut. Thomas Orr Ensign John Cantwell Sergt. John Elrod Sergt. John Paramore Sergt. David Hinzy or Kinzan Sergt. William Bashford Corp. Benjamin Dean Corp. William Crothers Corp. Isaac Bail Corp. John Palmer Fifer, Samuel Solomon Drummer, Thomas Bay Privates Andrews, John Archbod, Patrick Baker, John Barnes, John Barnett, George Beamer, Adam Belknap, Horace Brokaw, John Brokaw, William Bruce, Thomas Chambers, William Clifford, James Conaway, John Conaway, Michael Cowthers (Or Carothers), George Cuppp John Davidson, Joshua Denett, Benjamin Eckley, George Emery, Abraham Etury, George Fletcher, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. McConnell

John A. McConnell, editor of the Charleston Plaindealer, Charleston; was born in Cadiz, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1826; he began, at 12 years of age, to learn his father’s business of chairmaking; his inclinations were, however, toward literary or professional pursuits, but he was prevented from carrying out his intentions in that direction by a weakness of the eyes; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and taught during the winters for four years; in 1859, he engaged in the grocery business in Cadiz, in which he continued until 1871, when he embarked in the tanning business, and followed … Read more

Bean, Julia Anne Sharp – Obituary

Mrs. Julia A. Bean, an early Oregon pioneer, died at her home in Eugene this afternoon [February 19, 1908] at 1:00 after a long illness. She would have been 70 years old age on the 25th of this month had she lived until then. Mrs. Bean, whose maiden name was Sharp, was born near Newmarket, Harrison County, Ohio, February 25, 1838. In company with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, she started across the plains for Oregon in 1849, but on reaching Missouri they purchased a farm and resided there three years. In May 1852, they started for Oregon … Read more

Biography of Burton Emory Clifford

Burton Emory Clifford. Chances for success are slight with the lawyer of modern times unless he be a man of sound judgment, possessed of a liberal education and a stern training, combined with a keen insight into human nature and motives. The reason for this lies in the spirit of the age with all its complexities, for modern jurisprudence had become more and more complex because of new laws and conditions. Years of experience and a natural inclination for and inherent ability in his profession are superinduced upon a careful training in the case of Burton Emory Clifford, ex-prosecuting attorney … Read more

Biography of Hiram H. Heberling

Hiram H. Heberling, who came to Kansas in April, 1855, and settled in a locality which he later named Georgetown in Shawnee County, was thenceforward prominently identified with the early history of the state. His object in coming to Kansas was twofold: first to help make Kansas a free state; and second, to get land for his boys and himself. After some investigation he selected the location at the place above named, built a log cabin with shake roof and puncheon flooring, put up some fence and broke out some of the prairie sod. The winter of 1855 he returned … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander A. Hunter

Hunter, Alexander A.; sec’y and treas. The Western Reserve Woolen Co.; born, Lakewood, O., May 1, 1873; son of William and Sarah R. Hunter; educated, Collinwood public school and Spencerian Business College; married, Nottingham, O., 1898, Annah G. Weber; issue, two children, Malcolm J., aged 9, and Victor A., age 4; upon leaving school secured position as clerk in the office of the Murphy Varnish Co.; was promoted from time to time and served the above company as bookkeeper for several years; in December, 1904, accepted a position with the Western Reserve Woolen Co.; in January, 1907, was elected sec’y, … Read more

Biography of Josiah G. Heck

The subject of this sketch, Josiah G. Heck, of Moline, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, May 8, 1840, the son of John and Sarah (Wilde) Heck, and has been a resident of Rock Island County the past sixty-four years. The Heck family is an old one; Phillip Heck, grandfather of Josiah Heck, belonging to a family that was early established in the United States. John Heck, father of Josiah Heck, was born September 10, 1786, in Pennsylvania. In 1833 he emigrated to Harrison County, Ohio, staying eleven years there. There he married Miss Sarah Wilde, and a few years … Read more

Sharp, James Meilke – Obituary

J. M. Sharp, Aged Pioneer, Dies At Ranch Home. Month’s Illness Is Fatal For Santa Paula Rancher. Funeral Rites Will Be Monday. Deceased Organized Bank And Other Corporations. J. M. Sharp, who played an important part in the general development of Ventura County, passed away at his home west of Santa Paula at 8:30 o’clock last night (December 8, 1932), following a four weeks’ illness with influenza. He was one of the first citrus growers in Ventura County and within the past few years had undertaken the development of 125 additional acres in orchard. He was recognized as a progressively-minded … Read more