Howe, Edward Lyman; banker; born, Columbus, O., Aug. 14, 1875; son of Brainard Harris and Sarah Augusta Beecher Howe; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 25, 1901, Mary Frances Mattison; issue, Sarah, Charles Mattison and Mary Elizabeth; business career, with Hower & Higbee, 1889-1892; Euclid Ave. National Bank, 1892-1897; Cleveland Trust Co., 1897-1901; Prudential Trust Co., 1901-1904; Citizens Savings & Trust Co., 1904-1905; Superior Savings & Trust Co., 1905 to date; treas., vice pres. and director Fuller Canneries Co.; treas. and director Workingmans’ Collateral Loan Co.; treas. and director Jenkins Steamship Co.; trustee Young Men’s Christian Ass’n; member Sons of American Revolution, Athletic and Glen Valley Clubs. Recreation: Outdoor Life.