Hauserman, Earl Frederic; pres. The E. F. Hauserman Co.; born, Parma, O., March 24, 1884; son of Frederic J. and Rinda B. Fuller Hauserman; educated, Cleveland public schools and Lincoln High School, Adelbert College, W. R. U., 1907; married, Cleveland, Aug. 6, 1907, Mary E. Martin; three children; asst. city purchasing agt.; mngr. Union Metal Mnfg. Co., Canton; vice pres. The Oveisser-Bliss Co., Cleveland; pres. The E. F. Hauserman Co., dealers in steel sash, cement, tile roofing, and factory building materials; member Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Cleveland Advertising, Civic and City Clubs, and Chamber of Industry. Recreation: Golf.
Error in number of children. Earl and Mary had 9 children.