Biographical Sketch of Albert J. Shea

While the older members of the pioneer staff are retiring one by one, it is pleasant to note that there are younger men of courage and enterprise to take up the worthy labors of these estimable men, who opened this country for settlement, and to prosecute them with an untiring zeal and a sagacity that is sure to win in the battle of life. Among this wide awake class, we are con-strained to mention the subject of this article, who has made a name and place for himself in the ranks of the leading stockmen of Malheur County, being justly entitled to the position he holds, because of his merit and worth, and because of his brilliant achievements.

Albert Shea was born in Owyhee County, Idaho, on February 4, 1872, being the son of Cornelius Shea, the well and widely known stockman of this country. The senior Mr. Shea was one of the heaviest stock owners west of the Rockies and one of the keenest and most energetic operators that ever handled cattle. He sold out his immense herds in 1897, and is now living with his family in San Francisco. He is a native of Canada and came to this section in 1867. Reverting more particularly to our subject, we note that he was educated in San Francisco and also on the farm and in the saddle in Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. He knows the cattle business from the ground to the completion, and is making a commendable showing as a worthy son of a wise father. At the present time, Mr. Shea is living on his estate of three hundred and sixty acres of fertile land, in the Jordan Valley, where he operates his herds of cattle and bands 0f horses. He is one of the wide-awake men of the County and is well known and esteemed by all.

The marriage of Mr. Shea and Miss Celia Cornners, a native of Owyhee County, Idaho, was solemnized in Portland, Oregon, on December 12, 1896, and they have one daughter, Genevieve.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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