Biography of Ernest L. Ballard

The clerk of the district court and ex-ofificio auditor and recorder of Owyhee County, Idaho, residing in Silver City, is a native of the state of Virginia, his birth having occurred in Lynchburg on the 1st of February 1862. His ancestors, leaving their home in England, crossed the briny deep to the New World and became residents of Pennsylvania at the time William Penn founded the colony. They participated in the events which go to make up the early history of the Keystone state, and representatives of the name also fought for America in the war of 1812. Removing from … Read more

Biography of John Crete, Sr.

The Fatherland has furnished to America many of her valued citizens, men who have crossed the Atlantic to ally their interests with those of “the land of the free.” Adapting them-selves to entirely new surroundings, customs and manners, they have achieved success and won a place among the representative men of the communities in which their lots have been cast. Such is true of John Crete, the genial, well-known and popular proprietor of the War Eagle Hotel, at Silver City. Born in Hasbrouck, Hanover, Germany, April 25, 1832, he was a son of a Ger-man soldier who afterward became a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alvin S. Moss

This enterprising and substantial stock man and farmer of Malheur County is located nine miles northeast from Rockville. Idaho, and is one of the pioneers of this section and has labored with assiduity and sagacity here since the early eighties and is now rewarded with abundant prosperity and a goodly showing, gained by his thrift and careful labors. Mr. Moss was born in Illinois, on September 10, 1857, the son of Sardus B. and Ceria E. Moss. At the age of eight years he went with the balance of the family to southeastern Kansas and there grew up. He gained … Read more

Biography of George W. Bruce

George W. Bruce is one of the successful businessmen of De Lamar, where he is conducting an extensive and well appointed meat market. He is also the owner of a well cultivated fruit and stock farm on Castle creek, Owyhee county, and is one of the citizens of foreign birth of whom the community has every reason to be proud, for he has taken an active part in developing the resources and augmenting the wealth and prosperity of this section of the state. A native of the Emerald Isle, Mr. Bruce was born in county Wicklow, Ireland, in the town … Read more

Biography of William H. Townsend

Since the earliest pioneer development of Owyhee County, William H. Townsend has resided within its borders. Silver City had as yet no beginning when he arrived on its present site, in 1863, and De Lamar, Dewey and other towns were not heard of for many years afterward. The rich mineral deposits of this region, however, have attracted a large population, and with marvelous rapidity villages have been builded and all the enterprises and business industries of older communities have been introduced. All honor is due to the brave band of pioneers who first opened up this region to civilization, among … Read more

Biography of Albert G. Cordelle

Among the wide-awake and enterprising merchants of Weiser is Albert G. Cordelle, proprietor of the leading furniture store of the town. His entire life has been passed in the northwest, and he possesses that spirit of progress and energy which has resulted in the rapid development and upbuilding of this section of the country. He was born in Canyon City, Oregon, on the 30th of January 1866, and is a son of W. J. and Jane Cordelle, of the same state. He acquired his education in the public schools of Idaho, and was then fitted for the practical and responsible … Read more

Biography of John Hallenbeck

In March 1864, John Hallenbeck became a resident of Silver City, and from that time until his death, throughout the period of pioneer development and latter-day progress, he was prominently identified with its upbuilding and interests. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Albany, October 24, 1830, and was of Holland lineage. His ancestors were among the early settlers of New York and participated in the events which form the colonial and Revolutionary history of that state. The maternal grand-father of our subject was also one of the heroes of the war for independence, and his wife … Read more

Owyhee County, Idaho Census Records

1870 Owyhee County, Idaho Census Free 1870 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1870 Owyhee County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1870 U.S. Census Guide Hosted at Owyhee County IdahoUSGenWeb Census Project Index Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 1880 Owyhee County, Idaho Census Free 1880 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1880 Owyhee County, Census (images and index) 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1880 U.S. Census Guide Hosted at USGenWeb Idaho Archives Surnames A-B-C-D-E … Read more

Dalke, Stephen Arnold “Steve” – Obituary

Stephen Arnold “Steve” Dalke, 49, of Hammett, Idaho, died Feb. 22, 2002, after battling cancer. His funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Baker City Church of the Nazarene, 1250 Hughes Lane. Steve was born on Dec. 2, 1952, at Omaha, Neb., to Arnold and Doris Dalke, who were missionaries with Village Missions in the Western states. He graduated from Yreka High School at Yreka, Calif., in 1971. He attended Montana Institute of the Bible where he met his future wife, Carla Sue Claiborne of Boise. They were married at Cole Community Church on May 22, 1976. Throughout … Read more

Blakeway, Myrtle L. Birge Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Myrtle L. Blakeway, 73, of Baker City and formerly of Gates, died Oct. 12, 2002, at her daughter’s home in Baker City. A private family service will be conducted later. Coles Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Blakeway was born April 21, 1929, at Homedale, Idaho, to Lloyd O. and Eva Mae Hurst Birge. She married Roderick A. Frazier in 1947. In the 1960s, they lived in Union and Wallowa counties. They also lived at Bates. He died in 1977. She moved from Gates to Baker City in August of this year, to be near … Read more

Biography of James B. Coakley

Among the enterprises of Weiser which are alike creditable to the city and to their proprietors is the Vendome Hotel, which was built by its present owners and managers, Messrs. McGregor and Coakley, and by them opened for business in February, 1891. Since that time the hotel has gained a very favorable reputation with the traveling public and enjoys a large patronage. It is a brick structure, two stories high, and contains twenty-eight rooms, well finished, well furnished, well ventilated and nicely kept. Great care is given to the perfection of all arrangements which will contribute to the comfort of … Read more

Biography of William N. Nichols

Among the earnest men whose depths of character and strict adherence to principle excite the admiration of his contemporaries, Mr. Nichols is prominent. He is now the esteemed and capable chairman of the Owyhee county board of commissioners and resides at Silver City. At present he is connected with various mining and business interests and is the possessor of an ample fortune; but the time was when his means were very limited, and to his own well directed efforts his success is attributable. Mr. Nichols was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on the 9th of May 1853, and is of … Read more

Biography of Charles M. Hays

A well known lawyer and pioneer of Idaho is Charles Marshall Hays, of Boise. Almost his entire life has been passed on the Pacific coast and he has therefore been a witness of the marvelous development of this section of the country. He was born in Saline County, Missouri, on the 22d of April 1845, and is descended from Irish ancestry. Members of the family were early residents of Virginia and Kentucky and were participants in the struggle that brought to the nation her independence. The grandfather of our subject removed from the Old Dominion to Kentucky during the pioneer epoch … Read more

Koplin, Ruth L. Schubert Mrs. – Obituary

Bridgeport, Oregon Ruth L. Koplin, 74, of Oreana, Idaho, a former longtime Bridgeport resident, died Aug. 12, 2004, at home with her family at her side. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Nyssa’s Lienkaemper Chapel in Nyssa. Burial will be at Hilltop Memorial Cemetery in Nyssa. Visitations will be until 8 o’clock tonight at Nyssa’s Lienkaemper Chapel. Ruth was born on March 26, 1929, at Winchester, Idaho, the daughter of Otto Schubert and Edith Zimmeyer Schubert. She married Donald Koplin on July 3, 1946, and became a homemaker. She worked right alongside her husband and never considered … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Gross

This well and favorably known pioneer of Silver City has been for many years the experienced and obliging clerk of the War Eagle Hotel, at Silver City. He is a native of the city of Neustadt, province of Hesse-Nassau, Germany, born February 18, 1835, was educated in his native land, and at the age of fourteen came with an uncle to the United States. For an occupation he worked at the shoemaker’s trade for a time. On the 22d of December, 1851, in company with his cousin, Charles A. Gross, he started for the Golden state, on the steamer El … Read more

Biography of Tim Shea

Perhaps no one business enterprise or industry indicates more clearly the commercial and social status of a town than its hotels. The wide-awake, enterprising villages and cities must have pleasant accommodations for visitors and traveling men, and the foreign public judges of a community by the entertainment afforded to the strangers. In this regard the Idaho Hotel, of which Mr. Shea is proprietor, is an index of the character and advantages of Silver City, for the hostelry will rank favorably with those of many a larger place, and its genial proprietor neglects nothing that can add to the comfort of … Read more

Biography of Joel B. Harper

History has long since placed on its pages the names of those who, coming to the Atlantic coast, planted colonies in the New World and opened up that section of the country to civilization. As the years passed, and the population of that region rapidly increased, brave pioneers made their way into the wild districts farther west. The names of Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton were enduringly inscribed upon the records of Kentucky, that of John Jacob Astor upon the history of Michigan and other states of the upper Mississippi valley. Later Kit Carson and John C. Fremont made their … Read more

Phelps, James LeRoy Jr. – Obituary

Dad went to visit his Father in Heaven on October 8, 2007 after a brief illness. James was born in Weldona, Colorado on March 26, 1928 to James “Lee” and Gladys “Bernice” Phelps. The family arrived in Idaho in the late 1930’s, and he was raised on a farm on the hill outside of Roswell, Idaho. He graduated from Wilder High School spring of 1946 and entered the Navy that fall. He served his country in the Mediterranean on the U.S.S Midway. During those years he corresponded with Dorothy Burt and upon returning from the Navy he married Dorothy on … Read more

Biography of Julius Isay

Julius Isay is one of the most prominent businessmen of Owyhee County, being the senior member of the firm of Isay & Gombrig, dealers in general merchandise, both at De Lamar and Silver City. A country has but one chief ruler, be he king, emperor or president. Comparatively few men can attain to the highest offices in civil or military life, but commerce offers a broad and almost limitless field in which one may exercise his powers unrestrained and gain a leader-ship as the head of a chosen calling. Drawing the lessons which we do from the life of Mr. … Read more

Biography of Peter Donnelly

Among the prominent pioneer miners of Silver City we should mention this highly esteemed citizen of Dewey, Owyhee County. He is a native of Ireland, born in county Longford, October 31, 1833. In 1840 his parents emigrated to the New World, settling in Rhode Island, and young Peter was brought up in the city of Providence. He arrived in California in the spring of 1853 and for several years followed placer mining, in all the prominent diggings of that state. Upon the discovery of gold at Oro Fino he was among the first to arrive there, in April 1862, and … Read more