Biography of J. R. Wade

J. R. Wade, a leading agriculturist of Osage county, exemplifies in his career the progressive spirit that has been the dominant factor in the up building of the west and is a typical frontiersman, having spent much of his life on the wide, open ranges and gained that breadth of vision and keen insight which come through close communion with nature. He was born in the southeastern part of Berry county, Missouri, September 3, 1883, and his parents were E. B. and E. J. (Bradley) Wade, the former a native of Virginia, while the latter way born in Missouri. The father was an honored veteran of the Civil war, enlisting at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he received his discharge from the service. He came to Oklahoma when it was first opened up for settlement and entered a claim from the government, but times were so hard that he was forced to abandon the property after living on it for three months. From there he went to the northeastern part of Osage county, where he resided until his death, which occurred in October, 1892. The mother is now living in Chautauqua, Kansas, and has reached the age of sixty-eight years. A brother and a sister of the subject of this review, Walter and Bertha Wade, are deceased, both passing away in the house in which the father’s demise occurred. The two surviving sisters are Mrs. Nellie Vandeventer of California, and Mrs. Birdie Leppert, whose husband is connected with the oil industry at Chautauqua, Kansas.

Mr. Wade is thoroughly familiar with every phase of frontier life and has punched cows in Wyoming and Montana. While in the latter state he was in the employ of the Spear Cattle Company, large stock raisers, who at that time had over one hundred thousand head of cattle. Mr. Wade is thoroughly familiar with every phase of the business, which he followed in Osage county, Oklahoma, until 1920, when he disposed of his interests along that line, but expects to resume his operations as a cattleman in Osage county in the near future.

He is the owner of six hundred and fifty acres of land, fifteen miles northwest of Bartlesville, on which he intends to raise stock, and he is also a practical farmer, bringing to the operation of his ranch a scientific knowledge of modern agriculture and a progressive, open mind.

In 1910 Mr. Wade was united in marriage to Miss Alice Moore, a daughter of D. L. and Augustine (Captain) Moore, early pioneers of this state.

Mrs. Wade receives large royalties from her interests in oil wells of the state. By her marriage she has become the mother of three sons: Dean, Robert Burns and Wesley. The family reside in a beautiful home at No. 201 Seneca avenue, in Bartlesville. Mr. Wade is well known in local fraternal circles, being a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and of the Eagles. He is very fond of motoring and has toured California and the west, gaining a comprehensive knowledge of the topography of the country and thoroughly appreciating the scenic attractions offered in this favored section. His life record illustrates the power of industry and determination in the attainment of success. His standards of farming are high and his intelligently directed efforts have resulted in placing him in the front rank of the progressive agriculturists and cattlemen of northeastern Oklahoma.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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