Biography of Mrs. Jennie Stewart

Taking up her residence in Bartlesville eighteen years ago, Mrs. Jennie Stewart has thoroughly identified her interests with those of the town, in whose progress and development she is deeply and helpfully interested, her influence being at all times on the side of advancement and improvement. She was born in Osborn, Dekalb County, Missouri, her parents being Joseph and Nancy J. (Parrott) Truex, the former a native of Tennessee while the latter was born in Illinois. In Missouri her father engaged in merchandising and he also took a prominent part in public affairs serving as a member of the state … Read more

Biography of James Colyer Gordon

James Colyer Gordon, superintendent of the waterworks system of Independence, had, together with his father, who for thirty years was engineer of the waterworks, had more to do with making this public utility a splendid and effleient organ of public service than any other individual. Independence had had a system of waterworks for thirty years or more. For many years it had been a municipally owned plant and the city corporation had expended an immense amount of money in perfecting the plant and the source of supply. The new water plant is located a mile and a half northeast of … Read more

Biography of O. B. Toalson

Many lines of activity profit by the enterprising spirit and resourceful business ability of O. B. Toalson, agriculturist, dairyman and lumberman, whose marked executive ability and determination have enabled him to carry forward to a successful termination whatever he has undertaken. He was born in the western part of Missouri, January 10, 1869, and there acquired his education. In 1906, when thirty-seven years of age, he came to Bartlesville and embarked in the retail lumber business, in which he is still engaged. Broadening the scope of his activities, in 1911 he turned his attention to the dairy business, the family … Read more

Biography of Louis C. Pollock

No business enterprise has contributed in larger measure to the up building and development of Bartlesville than has that of the Home Savings and Loan Association, of which Louis C. Pollock is secretary, and his broad experience, keen business sagacity and carefully formulated plans have been valuable assets in the success which has attended the activities of the organization. He was born in Ashton, Lee county, Illinois, June 29, 1877, and acquired his education in Beloit College of Wisconsin, from which he was graduated with the class of 1900, at which time the B. A. s conferred upon him. He … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Ellen Howard Miller

Mrs. Ellen Howard Miller is a woman of broad interests and accomplishments, her greatest pleasures centering around those things that are instructive and up building to herself and the people and conditions around her. To her the realm of civics is one of unlimited interest, in which she loves to spend her time when business, home and Church interests will allow, and in this field many enterprises and activities of economic value owe their birth and fostering to her inspiration and initiative. One of the earliest of these enterprises was the forming of an organization of the women of Vinita, … Read more

Biography of E. M. Revard

E. M. Revard is a progressive young agriculturist of Washington county and although but} twenty-three years of age he has already become the owner of extensive farming interests in this section of the state, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Cedarville, Kansas, December 19, 1898, and is a son of Francis and Belle (Higgins) Revard, prominent and highly respected residents of Bartlesville, the father devoting his attention to the raising of stock, in which he has been very successful. Among the most highly prized possessions of the subject of this review is a letter, dated … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Ellis, Sr.

Since 1882 Thomas J. Ellis, Sr., has been a resident of Oklahoma, coming here in territorial days, and after many years of active connection with farming and mercantile interests he is now living retired at Ochelata at the age of seventy-nine years, having accumulated a substantial competence through the capable management of his business interests. He was born in Vernon, Kentucky, January 25, 1842, of the marriage of Thomas and Susan (Wadzle) Ellis, the former a native of North Carolina, while the latter was also a native of the Blue Grass state. Mr. Ellis acquired his education in the public … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Jacobs

Although death claimed W. P. Jacobs in 1906, a year after his arrival in Bartlesville, he had already gained a well established position in business circles here, his enterprise and integrity winning for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought into contact. He was born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1866, and acquired his education in Danville College, after which he became connected with the lumber business at Toledo, Ohio. From there he went to Findlay, Ohio, where he was identified with the same line of activity, and he subsequently removed to Lima, that state, where … Read more

Biography of C. O. Ross

C. O. Ross. In a conspicuous place on the roll of men who have become successful through their connection with the oil and gas industry is found the name of C. O. Ross, a native of the Buckeye state and a splendid type of the alert, progressive and public-apirited men whose records are indications that success is ambition’s answer. His long and prominent connection with the oil business began at the time of his majority, when he started in at the bottom to make his way to a position of prominence, and no oil producer in Kansas has a better … Read more

Biography of John Mickels

John Mickels is a prominent farmer and stockman of Washington County, holding extensive interests in land, in cattle and in oil properties, while making his home in Bartlesville, where he occupies an attractive residence that is the visible evidence of his success in the management and control of his business affairs. Mr. Mickels is a native of the neighboring state of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Macon County September 1, 1877 and came to Bartlesville thirty-five years ago and throughout the intervening period has resided in this section of the state, taking active and helpful part in the development … Read more

Biography of Judge J. R. Charlton

Judge J. R. Charlton, district judge of the thirtieth judicial district of Oklahoma and one of the most distinguished citizens of Washington County, his residence being at Bartlesville, was born in Salem, Marion County, Illinois, July 21, 1858, his parents being W. J. and Elizabeth Ann (Huff) Charlton, the latter a daughter of Samuel A. Huff, who in 1873 removed to Kansas and secured a government claim near Sedan, where his remaining days were passed. The grandfather in the paternal line was Isaac Bradbury Charlton, who was a native of Virginia, whence he removed to Tennessee in 1820. In that … Read more

Biography of Charles Squirrel

Among the progressive and capable young business men of Bartlesville is numbered Charles Squirrel, a native son of the state, who is the owner of a good farm in Washington county and also has valuable oil interests. He was born at Matoka, September 11, 1896, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. William Squirrel, both of whom were Cherokees. When but a year old he was left an orphan and was adopted by Mrs. Walter Brown when eight years of age, his education being acquired at St. Joseph, Muskogee, Oklahoma, in the Webb school at Bellbuckle, Tennessee, and in Kemper Academy … Read more

Biography of George B. Keeler

There is no man who has taken more active and helpful part in the development of Bartlesville and Washington county than George B. Keeler. He has resided in this section of the state from early pioneer times and was adopted into the Cherokee tribe in 1872. He understands the sign language of all of the Indian tribes and speaks the Osage tongue. He has been in a way a connecting link between the Indian life and customs of an early day and the modern civilization and progress. His business activity has covered a wide scope, leading directly to the improvement, … Read more

Biography of Addison Fox McCaleb

Addison Fox McCaleb, one of the most prominent and prosperous citizens of northeastern Oklahoma, where he first took up his abode forty-three years ago, was elected mayor of Bartlesville in April, 1920, and has since capably discharged the duties devolving upon him in that important position. He was born at Harrison, Tennessee, on the 10th of January, 1861, a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Gardenhire) McCaleb, the former a native of east Tennessee and the latter of Hamilton county, that state. The father held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Civil war and was wounded in battle, but his … Read more

Biography of J. O. Crane

Among the popular and efficient public officials of Washington county is numbered J. O. Crane, who since 1914 has capably filled the office of county surveyor of Washington county. He is a native of Kansas, his birth having occurred in a log cabin in Labette county. His paternal grandfather, William Crane, successfully followed agricultural pursuits in Illinois, becoming the owner of large property holdings in that state. His son, J. H. Crane, was a native of Illinois and followed the trades of painting and wagon making in that state. In 1854 he left Decatur, Illinois, and journeyed across the plains … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward E. Hedges

Edward E. Hedges has built up an extensive and profitable business as proprietor of the Bartlesville Decorating Company of Bartlesville, which he established in 1909 and has successfully conducted throughout the intervening period of twelve years. His birth occurred in Weston, Missouri, on the 15th of June, 1890, his parents being William and Jennie (Bammer) Hedges, who now make their home in Leavenworth, Kansas. He obtained his education in the public schools, passing through consecutive grades to his graduation from the high school, and on leaving his native state he made his way to Leavenworth, Kansas, but a year later … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Tayrien

From pioneer times until the present the name of Tayrien has figured prominently in connection with the development and up-building of Oklahoma and Alfred J. Tayrien, who represents the third generation of the family in this state, is actuated by the same spirit of progress and enterprise which dominated his for-bears, worthily bearing his part in the work of progress and advancement here. He was born in Osage County on the 17th of May, 1899, and is a son of Andrew, and Francis Tayrien, the latter May of Osage extraction. The father is also a native of Osage County, his … Read more

Biography of L. P. Carpenter

L. P. Carpenter, who has been a resident of northeastern Oklahoma for a third of a century, was actively identified with agricultural interests here until he put aside the work of the fields in 1919 and has since lived retired in an attractive home at Bartlesville. His birth occurred in Clay County, Indiana, on the 11th of November, 1867, his parents being Adam and Anna (Reamy) Carpenter, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively. Both are deceased. He acquired his education in his native state and on attaining his majority left the parental roof to come to Oklahoma, settling … Read more

The Delaware in Kansas

Black Beaver, Delaware

In 1682, the seat of the Delaware government was at Shackamaxon, now Germantown, Pennsylvania. There Penn found them and made his famous treaty with them. Although extremely warlike, they had surrendered their sovereignty to the Iroquois about 1720. They were pledged to make no war, and they were forbidden to sell land. All the causes of this step were not known. Because of it the Iroquois claimed to have made women of the Delaware. They freed themselves of this opprobrium in the French and Indian War. The steady increase of the whites drove the Delaware from their ancient seat. They were crowded … Read more

Biography of G. O. Hall, M. D.

The career of Dr. G. O. Hall, a leading physician of Bartlesville, is proof of the fact that it is only under adverse conditions that the best and strongest in the individual are developed, for he is a self-educated, self-made man whose indomitable purpose and untiring effort have enabled him to overcome all obstacles and difficulties in his path and work his way steadily forward to the goal of success. A native of Texas, he was born September 1, 1882, and is a son of Dr. P. B. Hall, who for the past twenty-one years has been engaged in the … Read more