Biographical Sketch of John Robert Stilts

(III) John Robert (2), son of Thomas Henry and Sarah (Parks) Stilts, was born February 8, 1858. He was educated in the common schools and at Union Academy, Canandaigua, New York. He engaged in farming in the town of Hopewell for a time, and for two years was a salesman for S. G. Lewis, who had an extensive grocery business in Bath, New York. Subsequently he was clerk in the store of M. J. King, a prominent merchant of Hartland, Niagara county, New York. In 1896 Mr. Stilts purchased of Charles Moore his general store at Chapin, New York, and he has built up a large and flourishing business there. He has demonstrated exceptional ability in business and has taken rank among the substantial merchants of this section. Having a kind and generous disposition, he has made many personal friends and enjoys the esteem of the entire community. In politics he is a Democrat. He has been justice of the peace for three consecutive terms, elected on the Democratic ticket in a Republican stronghold, and he has been a capable and efficient magistrate and member of the town board. He is a member of Lodge No. 365, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Canandaigua. He married, March 15, 1893, Hattie E. Deuel, of Niagara county, New York, daughter of Alfred and Mary (Height) Deuel. Children: Paul D., born October 17, 1898; Doris. April 23, 1901; Florence, July 12, 1907.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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