West Hill Cemetery, Corning, Steuben County, New York

Cemetery transcription of West Hill Cemetery in Corning, Steuben County, New York. ADAMS Emma C., b. 31 Dec. 1828, d. 15 May 1876, ae. 47 yrs., 4 mos., 15 days. Wife of John Adams. Isaac, b. 1784, d. 1 May 1846, ae. 62 yrs. John H., b. 8 Aug. 1824, d. 23 Jan. 1886, ae. 61 yrs., 5 mos., 15 days. Husband of Emma C. Adams. ALCOTT Alvin A., b. 17 Apr. 1844, d. 17 Sept. 1862, ae. 18 yrs., 5 mos. Killed in the battle of Anteitam. Daniel, b. 1841, d. 8 May 1864, ae. 23 yrs. Killed in … Read more

Biography of Amos Fowler, M. D.

AMOS FOWLER, M. D. IN THE galaxy of Albany physicians whose professional labors have done so much toward alleviating physical suffering, the name of Dr. Amos Fowler stands conspicuous. This celebrity he has attained after long years of patient toil, deep study, and constant practice. He was born in the town of Cohocton, Steuben county, N. Y., on the 5th day of July, 1820. His ancestors were among those from the old, enterprising eastern states, who loved so much to set the wheels of civilization in motion and turn the wilderness into a garden. Removing at an early day from … Read more

Margaret M. Griffin Wishart

Daughter of the late Thomas and Katherine Griffin, of Corning, New York; wife of Dr. Wm. E. Wishart, of Charlotte, N.C. Was on the staff at the General Hospital, Rochester, N. Y., as nurse when U. S. entered the war. Joined the Red Cross Service in December, 1917, and assigned as Army Nurse to Base Hospital at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Texas. Remained in service until June 1, 1918, and was mustered out at Camp Travis, Texas, on that date.

Biography of Rev. Henry Harmon Spalding

REV. H.H. SPALDING. – Rev. Henry Harmon Spalding was born at Prattsburg, New York, November 26, 1803. In early life he was left an orphan, and was brought up by strangers, who gave him almost no school advantages, so that at the age of twenty-one he began the rudiments of English grammar and arithmetic, could read so as to be understood and write after a copy. Having become a Christian, he united with the Presbyterian church of his native place in August, 1826; and between 1825 and 1828 he went to school so much that he was able to teach … Read more

Zerah Todd of Corning NY

Zerah Todd8, (Lemuel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 13, 1813, in Hartwick, N. Y., died July 30, 1880, in Corning, N. Y., married March 20, 1834, Martha, daughter of Benjamin W. and Lois (Tillotson) Carr, who was born April 8, 1811, in Toddsville, N. Y., died June 22, 1887, in Corning, N. Y. Mr. Todd was a paper manufacturer in Toddsville, N. Y., until 1849, when his mill burned with no insurance. The ruins were still there in 1914, when the editor visited Toddsville to attend the Todd-Carr family reunion. Soon after the fire, he moved his … Read more

Biography of William B. Ruggles

WILLIAM B. RUGGLES WILLIAM Benjamin Ruggles was born at Bath, Steuben County, N. Y., on the 14th of May, 1827. He is the son of William and Mary Ruggles. At the age of thirteen he was in a Bath printing office, trying to work his way up from the printer’s case, with the determination of becoming some day an educated man. At the same period he attended a part of the time the public school of Bath, with a view of preparing himself for a collegiate course. ” We remember him,” writes one, ” when a boy, as a studious … Read more

Biography of C. G. Pierce

C. G. Pierce. A quarter of a century is a long time to be identified with any line of business in one location, and twenty-five or more years of continuous management of a country paper almost constitutes a record in itself. C. G. Pierce was the founder of the Severyite at Severy, Kansas, more than twenty-five years ago, and is still its editor and proprietor. He was born at Cobleskill, New York, January 1, 1869. His Pierce ancestors came out of Ireland and settled in New York in colonial days. His great-grandfather is buried at Fergusonville in Delaware County, New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michall F. Donovan

Donovan, Michall F.; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., 1863; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Corning, N. Y.; married, Auburn, N. Y., 1905, Margaret Holmes; learned the printer’s trade, starting when 14, and worked at it for eight years, working in large cities of New York State, Syracuse, Albany, Troy and New York City; became interested in the manufacture and sale of typewriting machines in 1885; in 1892, started the making of typewriter ribbons in Cleveland; later added the making of carbon papers; see’y and treas. The Buckeye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n

Biography of Marcus Whitman, M.D.

MARCUS WHITMAN, M.D. – A volume might be written in regard to the life and death of this man. Hence, in the brief space here given to him, only a synopsis of his life can be given. He was born at Rushville, New York, September 4, 1802, and was the son of Beza and Alice (Green) Whitman. His father having died in 1810, he was brought up by his paternal grandfather, at Plainfield, Massachusetts. There he was converted in 1819; and in January, 1824, he joined the Congregational church at his native place, of which he remained a member until … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rufus Mallory

HON. RUFUS MALLORY. – Mr. Rufus Mallory, one of the most prominent members of the legal fraternity in the State of Oregon, is of New England stock, his parents having been born and raised in Connecticut. Our subject himself was born on the 10th of June, 1831, at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, from where he moved with his parents in the fall of that year to Alleghany county, and six years later to Steuben county in the same state. In the latter place he resided until 1855, when he went to New London, Iowa, where he remained until 1858. … Read more

Biography of John Wallace Mulliken

John Wallace Mulliken. It is said that the greatest incentive to ambition for young people who have not yet discovered their proper talents and place in life are stories of successful self-made business men. Any boy might be encouraged by reading something of the career of John W. Mulliken, one of Champaign’s leading merchants. Mr. Mulliken has been a resident of Champaign County for over sixty years. He came to the county when a boy of six and he had practically no opportunities to gain an education. This was partly due to the fact that good public schools did not … Read more

Biography of Albert Barnes Watkins

ALBERT BARNES WATKINS IN THE broad and varied interests of education, and as possessing intellectual powers admirably fitted for the practical application of knowledge to the wants of our young men and women engaged in the courses of study, no man in Albany has earned a more excellent reputation than Dr. Albert B. Watkins, of the University of the State of New York. His career, marked by a supreme love for knowledge, reveals in full light the earnest, persevering and successful workings of the true educator under many pressing difficulties. He was born on the 8th of July, 1838, in … Read more

Biography of James M. Wilson

James M. Wilson has had a long and prominent official career in Ellsworth County, where for twenty years he had continuously filled the office of clerk of the District Court. Mr. Wilson is an old resident of Ellsworth, having come there as a youth thirty-five years ago. He is a lawyer by training and qualifications, though he had found his career in public office rather than in private practice. Mr. Wilson was born at Bath-on-the-Hudson, now Renssalaer, New York, September 12, 1864. His father, James Wilson, was born at Edinburgh, Seotland, in 1824, grew up and learned the trade of … Read more

Jane Todd Slover of Bath NY

SLOVER, Jane Todd7, (Eleazer6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born in Dryden, N. Y., died Feb. 1908, married in 1853, Harry Slover, who died in 1910, in Bath, N. Y. Children: I. Ruel, b. Sept. 19, 1854, in Dryden, N. Y. II. Hattie, b. Sept. 10, 1856, in Hanover, Ill.; she lived in Elgin, Ill.

Biography of Alonzo D. Haight

Alonzo D. Haight, who is one of the earlier settlers of Riverside, has been identified with the growth of the colony since April, 1876. At that time he purchased a Government claim for forty acres of land located on Palm avenue, about two and a half miles south of Riverside, and commenced its improvement. Later he was compelled to purchase the same land from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, it being claimed under their land grants from the Government. At first Mr. Haight planted largely of deciduous fruits and vines, but as experience showed the value of citrus fruits he … Read more

Biography of Belden D. Burt

The subject of this sketch is one of the pioneer merchants of Riverside, and is the senior member of the firm of B. D. Burt & Brother. This is now the oldest mercantile firm in the city, having been established in 1875, and been continuously in business since that time. The first brick block erected in Riverside was that occupied by Mr. Burt, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. For many years he conducted a general mercantile business, but in the later years, has confined his business to dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr. Burt’s partner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Roberts Stilts

John Robert Stilts, a native of Canada, settled in Steuben county, New York, where he became a successful farmer, and was highly respected for his excellent character. He married Flizabeth Hennion, and their children were : Rhoda, Mary, Ann, Rebecca, Sophronia, Jacob and Thomas Henry. The family records were accidentally burned many years ago, and information is meagre.

Biography of Maj. Willis L. Brown

Maj. Willis L. Brown, of Kingman, is one of the eminent Kansas whose records serve to illustrate and adorn the history of the commonwealth. Mr. Brown had been through nearly everything that is significant of Kansas life for forty years. He was at one time a poverty stricken homesteader and while the general public knows him chiefly through his broader business and civic relations, he is still in close touch with Kansas farming and through his work and initiative had probably done as much as any man in Kingman County to promote intensive and high class farming and stock raising. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starr Cadwallader

Cadwallader, Starr; settlement worker; born, Howard, N. Y., June 11, 1869; son of Joseph Shepard and Anne E. (Starr) Cadwallader; A.. B., Hamilton College, 1893, A. M., 1896; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1896; married Harriet E. Gomph, of Utica, N. Y., July 30, 1896; was engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, 1887, 1888 and 1890; teacher in private schools, 1892-1895; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1896; head worker Goodrich Social Settlement, Cleveland, 1896-1903 (trustee since 1903, sec’y since 1906); school director of Cleveland, 1902-1905; sec’y board of trustees, Cleveland School of Art, 1905-1908; supt. of sanitation, 1908-1910; pres. Social Service Club; … Read more

Pease, Rosanna ‘Roxy’ L. Williams – Obituary

Mrs. Roxy L. Pease, who died Oct. 31st was born Aug. 28th 1832, in Steuben County, New York. At the age of 20 she married B. S. [Benjamin Salisbury] Pease and soon after immigrated to the then territory of Iowa. After a few years residence there the family again immigrated, this time to territory of Minnesota, where they lived until 1877, when they came to Kittitas Valley where she resided until the time of her death. She was the mother of seven children, five of whom survive her. During the last year and a half she has resided in Ellensburg … Read more