Biography of James G. Mehlin

James G. Mehlin, a pioneer farmer of Nowata county who is now residing one and one-half miles northeast of Alluwe, was born in Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, Germany, on the 21st of January, 1841. His parents were both born in that country and the father died there. Mrs. Mehlin came to America prior to her son James G. and located in New York, where her death occurred in 1870.

James G. Merlin came to America in 1854 and, landing in New York, remained there a short time, but later removed to Maryland. Subsequently he went to Chicago, Illinois, where his brother Charles was living, and he was office boy for the National Democrat for two years. At the termination of that time he removed to St. Louis, Missouri, and became cabin boy on a Missouri river steamer, flying between New Orleans and St. Louis. He was active in that capacity for two years and just before the outbreak of the Civil war went to the Cherokee Nation, locating at Tahlequah near the Male Seminary on the Fort Gibson road. He engaged in farming there for three years.

He enlisted for service in the Civil war and drove an ambulance throughout the entire conflict, driving Colonel Phillip’s ambulance at the engagement at Honey Springs. He was captured by the Confederates one day while herding mules but made his escape that same day. He was stationed at Fort Gibson when word was received of the death of President Lincoln. At the close of the war he returned to Tahlequah and farmed there until he located on his present place, one and one-half miles from Alluwe. He is one of the pioneer residents of this vicinity, having come here when Vinita was the nearest post office.

Mr. Mehlin has two hundred acres in the home place and an additional two hundred acres nearby. His home is one of the most attractive and picturesque in the county with its old fashioned house, which looks as if it had been painted only yesterday, and the beauty of the yard in which are found many fine evergreen trees, so unusual in this neighborhood. The farm boasts of a fine barn and outbuildings, and it is kept exceptionally neat, there being a place for everything and everything kept in its place.

The front exposure of the barnyard is made attractive because of the hundred yards or more of four-foot stone fencing and the various gates on the place are on hinges and kept in the best of repair. Panther creek runs through the farm. Gas is used for both lighting and heating and Mr. Mehlin is now also active in developing a number of oil wells.

In 1868 Mr. Mehlin was united in marriage to Eliza Rattlingourd, a daughter of Jackson and Elsie (Wilson) Rattlingourd, both of Cherokee extraction. Mr. Mehlin was subsequently adopted into the tribe. Jackson Rattlingourd was a native of Georgia and was for many years judge of the Tahlequah district. His demise occurred at the age of eighty-two years.

To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Mehlin one child has been born: Charles H., who married Ida Conner, a daughter of Alexander Conner. Her mother died when she was just an infant. They are the parents of three daughters, Nadie Lee, Elizabeth K. and Edna May, all attending school.

The religious faith of Mr. Mehlin is that of the Lutheran church and he is a stanch supporter of the republican party and. the principles for which it stands. He cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Since locating in Nowata county he has taken an active part in any movement for the development and improvement of the general welfare and he is readily conceded to be a representative and most public-spirited citizen. Mr. Mehlin is a man of large stature, deep of voice and neat as to his personal appearance. He has a charming personality and his friends are legion.


Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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