Vital records, as their name suggests, are connected with central life events: birth, marriage, and death. Maintained by civil authorities, they are prime sources of genealogical information; but, unfortunately, official vital records are available only for relatively recent periods. These records, despite their recent creation in the United States, are critically important in genealogical research, often supplying details on family members well back into the nineteenth century. The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, by Loretto Szucs and Sandra Luebking.
Vital Records Services
Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7591
Fax: (307) 635-4103
Birth $12.00
MAIL-IN REQUESTS – Requests should be submitted along with the fee. Money orders or a personalized check from the person making the request should be made payable to Vital Records Services. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the application. Birth Application
Requests must include the following information:
Full name on birth record
Date of birth
City or county of birth
Full names of both parents including mother’s maiden name
Signature of parent or the individual themselves if over the age of 18
Mailing address where record is to be mailed
Birth certificates can be obtained by:
Registrant if 18 years of age
Either parent named on the certificate
Lawyer representing the registrant or parent(s)
Legal guardian with guardianship papers
Birth records are on file since 1909.
Death $12.00
MAIL-IN REQUESTS – Requests should be submitted along with the fee. Money orders or a personalized check from the person making the request should be made payable to Vital Records Services. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the application. Death Application
Requests must include the following information:
Full name on death record
Date of death
City or county of death
Relationship to deceased
Purpose for which copy is needed
Signature of person making request
Mailing address where record is to be mailed
Death certificates can be obtained by:
Immediate family members
Lawyers representing the immediate family
Bank, executors of estate, insurance company, or anyone requiring a certificate to pay a policy or death benefit on the decedent.
Death records are on file since 1909.
Note: If the date of death is unknown, a searching fee of $12.00 for every five years searched is charged, which includes either a certified copy or verification of the record if one is found. If a record is not located, your fee will be retained.
Marriage/Divorce: $12.00
MAIL-IN REQUESTS – Requests should be submitted along with the fee. Money orders or a personalized check from the person making the request should be made payable to Vital Records Services. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the application. Marriage Application — Divorce Application
Requests must include the following information:
Full names of husband and wife including prior surname of wife
Date of occurrence
City or county of occurrence
Signature of husband or wife named on certificate
Mailing address where record is to be mailed
Marriage and divorce records can be obtained by:
Either party
Lawyer acting for either party
Marriage and divorce records since 1941 are on file. Previous records must be obtained from the county clerk of the county where license was issued.
Note: If a record is not located, your $12.00 fee will be retained as a searching fee.