Delegates of Washington Convention, July 4, 1889

The several counties were represented as follows in the convention:

Adams County, D. Buchanan Garfield, S. G. Cosgrove Franklin, W. B. Gray Columbia, M. M. Goodman, R. F. Sturvedant

Chehalis County, A. J. West

Clarke County, Louis Johns, A. A. Lindsley

Cowlitz County, Jesse Van Name

Island County, J. C. Kellogg

Jefferson County, Allen Weir, George H. Jones, H. C. Willison

King County, R. Jeff’s, T. T. Minor, T. P. Dyer, D. E. Durie, John R. Kinnear, John P. Hoyt, M. J. McElroy, Morgan Morgans County, George W. Tibbetts, W. L. Newton

Kitsap County, S. A. Dickey

Kittetas County, J. A. Shoudy, A. Mires, J. T. McDonald

Lewis County, O. H. Joy, S. H. Berry.

Lincoln County, H. W. Fairweather, B. B. Glascock, Frank M. Dallam

Mason County, Henry Winsor, John McReavy

Pacific County, J. A. Burk

Pierce County, T. L. Stiles, P. C. Sullivan, Gwin Hicks, H. M. Lillis, C. T. Fay, R. S. Moore, Robert Jamison

Skagit County, James Power, Thomas Hayton, H. Clothier

Skamania County, G. H. Stevenson

Snohomish County, A. Schooley

Spokane County, C. P. Coey, Geo. Turner, J. Z. Moore, J. J. Browne, T. C. Griffitts, H. F. Suksdorf, Hiram E. Allen

Stevens County, S. H. Manly, J. J. Travis

Thurston County, John F. Gowey, T. M. Reed, Francis Henry

Wahkiakum County, O. A. Bowen

Walla Walla County, Lewis Neaee, D. J. Crowley, B. L. Sharpstein, N. G. Blalock Yakima, W. F. Prosser

Whatcom County, J. J. Weisenberger, E. Eldridge

Whitman County, J. P. T. McCloskey, C. H. Warner, E. H. Sullivan, J. M. Reed, James Hungate, Geo. Comegys

From the Oregonian of July 4, 1889, I make the following excerpts:

Allen, Hiram E. born Aug. 1, 1857, at Crawfordsville, Indiana, removed to Washington in 1872, practised law at Spokane Falls in partnership with his brother, Joseph S. Allen. He was also a brother of Hon. J. B. Allen.

Berry, Samuel H. born in Osage County, Missouri, in 1849, received a liberal education, was principal of the Linn High School, and county surveyor, migrated to Washington in 1881, and located in Lewis County, where he pursued teaching and surveying, and was county auditor for four years.

Blalock, N. G. was born in North Carolina in 1836 on a farm, was educated in the common schools, except one year in Tusculum College, Tennessee, paying by laboring nights and mornings for his tuition; entered Jefferson Medical College in 1859, graduating in 1861, and being commissioned asst surgeon of the 115th Illinois Volunteers in 1862, and was discharged on account of ill health in 1864. Came to Washington in 1873, invested in dry foothill lands reputed worthless for agriculture, but which proved most productive. In 1881 he raised on 2,200 acres 90,000 bushels of wheat. In 1878 and 1879, built a flume from the mountains down into the valley, 28 miles, costing $56,000, for the purpose of conveying lumber, wood, and rails. His improvements greatly stimulated farming in Walla Walla valley.

Browne, J. J. born in Ohio in 1844, was brought up in Indiana, and became a lawyer by profession. He removed to Kansas and thence to Oregon, finally locating at Spokane Falls, in Washington, where he was president of the Browne National Bank, and ranked as the first capitalist of the city.

Buchanan, D. born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1820, immigrated to Wis. in 1850, and to Ritzville, Washington, in 1885. Occupation, farmer.

Crowley, D. J. born in Bangor, Maine, in 1854, of Irish parentage, came to Washington in 1880, and practised law at Walla Walla, as a partner of John B. Allen, delegate in congress.

Dallam, Frank M. born in Missouri in 1849, but raised in Ill., came to Washington in 1882, settling at Spokane Falls; was printer, publisher, and editor of several journals in Illinois and California, and established the Spokane Falls Review.

Dickey, S. A. born in Pennsylvania in 1858, was a teacher, and superintendent of schools in Kitsap County, near Silverdale.

Dunbar, R. O. born in Illinois in 1845, came to Oregon in 1846, was educated at Willamette University, studied law with Hon. Elwood Evans in Olympia, and began practice in 1870; removed to Klickitat County in 1877; was elected member of the territorial council in 1879, prosecuting attorney of the district in 1882, speaker of the house in 1885, and probate judge of Klickitat County in 1888.

Dyer, Trusten P. born in Warren County, Missouri, in 1856, graduated from the Central Wesleyan College of Warrenton in 1874, taught school for 3 years, was admitted to law practice in 1875, was chief clerk of the registry department of the St Louis post office, city attorney of St Louis in 1885-6, prosecuting attorney for St Louis County, twice elected to the legislature, colonel of the National Guard of Missouri, and member of the national convention of Chicago. He settled in Seattle 1888, was first president of the Harrison legion of that city, and married Miss Mary A. Pontius, also of Seattle.

Eldridge, Edward was born at St Andrew, Scotland, in 1828, went to sea in 1841, to California in 1849, and to Washington in 1853, as mentioned in this history. He made himself one of the finest homes in the country, at Bellingham Bay; has held various offices, was speaker of the house in 1866, president of the conventions which nominated Denny, Flanders, and Garfield for congress, one of the three delegates at large in the constitutional convention at Walla Walla in 1878.

Eshelman, Jacob T. born near Memphis, Missouri, in 1852, came to California in 1876, taught school in Napa County, came to Washington in 1878, resided in Klickitat County until 1887, removed to North Yakima where he was appointed clerk of the U. S. land office. He was nominated by the Klickitat democratic convention for services rendered to the party in that co. His profession was that of a Christian minister.

Fairweather, H. W. born in St Johns, New Brunswick, in 1852, came to the U. S. in 1865. He was in railroad employ in Wyoming for 3 years, came to Washington in 1871, was again in the service of transportation companies, and relieved D. L. Baker of the management of the Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad. In 1879, became superintendent of the Idaho division of the N. P. for 3 years; in 1883, passenger agent of the N. P. and O. R. & N. companies, filling this position for 6 years. He was president of the 1st National Bank of Sprague, and director of the 1st National Bank of Spokane Falls; was mayor of Sprague, and chief of ordnance with the rank of colonel on the staff of Gov. Moore. He married Miss Matilda Curtis in 1885.

Fay, C. T. was 60 years of age, and had for a number of years resided in the territory, and was one of the commissioners of Pierce County.

George Comegys, born in St Charles County, Missouri, in 1839, came to Oregon in 1850 with his father, educated at the Willamette University, admitted to practice law in the Supreme Court of Oregon in 1877, removed to Whitman County, Washington, in 1878, engaged in law practice, stock raising, and mining, represented Whitman County in the legislature of 1881, and was speaker of the house.

Glascock, B. B. born in Ralls County, Missouri, in 1843, came to Yolo County, California, in 1832, removed to Washington, in 1883, locating at Sprague and engaging in farming and stock-raising. Was a member of the California constitutional convention in 1878, and member of the senate for the two sessions immediately following the adoption of the new constitution.

Goodman, M. M. born in Missouri in 1856, came to California in 1870, attended the Pacific University, graduating in 1877, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. In 1880 he removed to Washington, locating at Dayton. He was the only democrat elected to the territorial council in 1888.

Gowey, John F. born in North Lewisburg, Ohio, in 1846, was admitted to the bar in 1869, member of the Ohio legislature in 1873-4-5, and prosecuting attorney of his county two terms, 1876-9. He was appointed receiver of the U. S. land office at Olympia in 18S2, serving four years, and was a member of the territorial council at the session of 1887-8. Leaving the practice of the law, be became president of the First National bank of Olympia, and mayor of that city.

Hayton, Thomas 37 years of age, came to Washington in 1876, and settled on a farm in Skagit County, near La Conner.

Henry, Francis was born in Galena, Illinois, in 1827, was a lawyer by profession, served as a lieutenant in the Mexican war, came to California in 1851, and to Washington in 1862, residing permanently in Olympia; served three terms in the territorial assembly; was delegate to the constitutional convention of 1878; served 4 terms as probate judge of Thurston County; was president of the board of trustees of Olympia; chief clerk of the legislative council of 1887-8, clerk of the supreme court, and treasurer of the city of Olympia.

Hicks, Gwin was the youngest member of the convention. He was born at Olympia, Oct. 28, 1857. He resided in Portland, Oregon, from 10 to 18 years of age; took a course in the University of California, supporting himself by his trade of printing, which he afterward followed in Portland; removed to Tacoma in 1883, and was engaged on the News as editor, and afterward was appointed deputy collector of internal revenue for Wash., serving 4 years. He was, at the time of his election, manager of the Tacoma Real Estate and Stock Exchange.

Hingate, James A. born in McDonough County, Illinois, in 1844. He first settled in Umatilla County, Oregon, then in Walla Walla, but removed to Pullman in 1880. He had served as deputy circuit clerk in Illinois, and had been county commissioner in Oregon.

Hoyt, John born in Ohio in 1842, came to Washington in 1879; for eight years was judge of the Supreme Court; had been a member of the Michigan legislature 2 terms, and speaker of the house, and was appointed governor of Arizona. He was a member of the banking firm of Dexter, Horton, & Co. of Seattle.

Jeffs, R. born in New York in 1827, came to King County, Washington, in 1857, and was justice of the peace for 15 years.

Johns, Lewis born in Germany in 1827, came to the Pacific coast in 1852, and worked at the trade of a painter until 1866, when he began merchandising at Vancouver, and was engaged in manufacturing business on Puget Sound and Columbia River. He built the first barrel factory in the territory, at Puyallup, in 1883, and in connection with others established the First National Bank at Vancouver, of which he was elected president. He represented Clarke County in the council; held the office of mayor for 6 years, and was appointed by Gov: Squire a trustee of the School for Defective Youth at Vancouver.

Joy, O. H. born in New Hampshire in 1830, came to California in 1849, where he assisted in forming the mining laws; removed to Washington in 1878, and settled at Brisfort in Lewis County, as a farmer and mill-owner.

Kellogg, J. C. Dr, born in Yates co., New York, in 1821, came to Wash. when it was a part of Oregon, settling at South Bay, Whidbey Island, where he continued to reside, and served several terms in the legislature.

Kinnear, John H. of King County, was born in Indiana, but removed to Woodford County, Illinois, at the age of 7 years. He was reared on a farm, and educated at Washington high school, Eureka College, and Knox College, where he took a regular course. He enlisted in the army during the war, and served three years as a private, being in 20 great battles. After the close of the war he took a course at the Chicago Law School, and practised in Paxton, Illinois, for 15 years. In 1883, he removed to Seattle, and in 1884 was elected representative from King County. In 1888 he was elected to the council, but the passage of the enabling act prevented his taking his seat. In June 1889 he was chosen a member of the constitutional convention, and took an active part in framing that important instrument. He was chairman of the committee on corporation, and secured the insertion of the clause in the constitution prohibiting trusts, and another prohibiting persons or corporations supporting armed bodies of men in the state, for any purpose. He received 130 votes in the republican state convention for governor.

Lillis, H. M. was a teacher in the public schools of Tacoma, and member of the city council.

Lindsley, Addison A. born in Wisconsin in 1848, and reared in New York, came to Portland in 1868; occupation, surveyor and civil engineer; removed to California in 1874; was elected surveyor of the city and county of San Francisco in 1879; removed to Washington in 1881; was a member of the legislature from Clarke County in 1885-6; and was engaged in dairying and stock raising on Lewis river.

Marly, S. H. born in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1847, came to Washington in 1882. He was a physician, and had represented Whatcom, San Juan, and Skagit Counties in the territorial legislature, where he was instrumental in placing the insane asylum in Pierce County.

McCroskey, J. P. T. was born in East Tennessee in 1828, came to California in 1852, via Panama, settled ou Santa Clara valley, made some money in wheat raising and lumber making, returned to Tennessee purchased a plantation, and set up a cotton-gin and large flouring mill; but the civil war caused serious reverses, from which he had not recovered, when in 1879 he removed to Wash. with his family of ten children, and located on 640 acres 9 miles north of Colfax.

Minor, T. T. born in Connecticut, in 1844, was educated in the public schools, and studied medicine. At the age of 17 years he volunteered as a private soldier in the 7th Connecticut Regiment, was made hospital steward, and afterward asst surgeon of the 1st South Carolina Regiment. In 1864 he resumed his medical studies, and received his diploma from Yale in 1867. The following year he came to Washington for the Smithsonian Institution, and decided to make his home on Puget Sound. He was chiefly instrumental in establishing the Marine Hospital at Port Townsend, but subsequently removed to Seattle, of which city he was mayor, and a most influential and helpful citizen. His death occurred by drowning in the Sound, together with Col G. M. Haller, son of Col G. O. Haller, and Lewis Cox, while hunting in canoes, in Dec. 1889.

Mires, Austin born in Des Moines County, Iowa, in 1852, came to Oregon with his parents in 1853, who settled on a farm in Umpqua valley, where he resided until he was 21 years of age, being educated at the different academies in Douglas and Polk Counties, and in his turn teaching and learning the printing trade. He was appointed mail agent in 1887, resigned in 1880, and went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he took a law course at the university, graduating in 1882. He was admitted to the bar in Oregon in 1882, and elected chief clerk of the senate of the Oregon Legislature. In 1883 he removed to Washington, locating at Ellensburg. When the town was incorporated, Feb. 26, 1885, he was elected mayor, serving two terms; was subsequently city attorney and city treasurer; and was elected vice-president of the Ellensburg National bank on its organization.

Moore, James Z. born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, in 1845, removed to Missouri in 1856, was educated at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, graduating in 1887, and attending Harvard Law School at Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1868 he was admitted to the bar in Owensboro, Kentucky, and had a very successful practice. In 1884 he was a delegate to the Chicago republican convention, and was elected the Kentucky member of the republican national committee. In 1886 he removed to Spokane Falls, Washington, and was member of a prominent law firm.

Moore, R. S. was born in Scotland in 1828, immigrated to Connecticut in 1831, to Iowa in 1848, to Illinois in 1850, and to The Dalles in 1852, removing in 1853 to Steilacoom. He was county commissioner of the first territorial elections for territorial and county officers in 1854, and twice re-elected; was first Lieut of Company D, 1st Regt of Washington Volunteers during the Indian war of 1835; and was one of the company that cut a wagon-road through the Nachess pass in 1853.

Neace, Lewis born in Germany in 1835, migrated to the U. S. in 1847, was brought up in Pennsylvania, and came to Washington in 1859, locating in Walla Walla County, where he continued to reside, farming and stock raising.

Power, James born in Ireland in 1849, but reared in Ohio, was by occupation a printer, and worked on the Ohio State Journal. In 1870 he removed to Washington City, where he worked in the government printing office until 1873, when he came to Washington and started the Mail at Whatcom, removing it in 1879 to La Conner. He served as inspector of the Puget Sound district for some time, and represented Whatcom, Snohomish, and Island Counties in the upper house of the legislature in 1883.

Prosser, William F. born in 1834 near Williamsport, Pennsylvania, had an academic education, taught school, studied law, emigrated to California in 1854, engaged in mining; was the first republican candidate for the legislature in Trinity County in 1860; went east to enlist in the union army in 1861, served in the army of the Cumberland, was commissioned major, and Lieut-Col and Col in the Tennessee Cavalry Regt; located after the war on a farm near Nashville, was elected to the legislature of Tennessee in 1867, and to congress in 1868; was postmaster at Nashville for 3 years, was a commissioner to the centennial exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876; was appointed special agent of the general land-office for Oregon and Washington in 1879, served 6 years, and was removed by a change of administration; located a land claim where the town of Prosser was laid out in Yakima County, elected auditor of that County in 1886, and member of the convention in 1889. He married Miss Flora Thornton of Seattle.

Reed, John M. born in Missouri in 1842, removed to Oregon in 1869, and to Washington in 1879; had been a member of the Oregon Legislature from Clackamas County, and county commissioner of Whitman County, Washington Territory; by occupation a farmer.

Reed, Thomas Milburne born in Sharpsburg, Kentucky, in 1825, attended such schools as the country then afforded during the winter terms, at the age of 18 began teaching and studying at the same time, and was clerk in a country store. When gold was discovered in California he came by sea from N. O. to the Pacific coast, mined 2 years, formed a partnership with John Conness, afterward U. S. senator from California, in a store at Georgetown; went to Fraser River in 1858, and thence to Olympia, Washington Territory, where he continued to reside, with the exception of 2 years in Idaho during the Salmon River gold rush. He was returned to the Washington legislature from Lewiston in 1862-3, and to the Idaho legislative body in 1864; was admitted to practice law in Idaho, but returned to Olympia in 1865, and qualified himself as practical surveyor and civil engineer, becoming chief clerk in the office of the U. S. surveyor-general for 7 years, after which he resumed surveying. In 1876 he was elected a member of the Washington council, was chosen president at the session of 1877, and appointed by the governor auditor-general the same year.

Stevenson, George H. born in Iron County, Missouri, came to Washington in 1882, and located at the Cascades, where he engaged in salmon fishing. He was auditor of Skamania County, and a member of the legislature of 1887-8.

Stiles, Theodore L. born at Medway, Ohio, educated in the public schools, at the Ohio University, and at Amherst, Massachusetts, college, studied law at Columbia College Law School, and entered a law office in New York as a clerk for one year, after which he began practice. In 1877 he went to Indianapolis, thence to Arizona in 1878, remaining in Tucson until 1887, when he came to Washington and settled in Tacoma.

Suksdorf, H. F. born in Schleswig Holstein, Germany, in 1843, came to the U. S. in 1858, settling upon a farm in Scott County, Iowa, where he worked until 20 years of age, when he began his studies at the Quincy, Illinois, academy and Iowa State University, graduating from the law department in 1870. Was appointed deputy U. S. marshal to take the census of Davenport, 1870; elected delegate to the liberal republican national convention at Cincinnati in 1872, which nominated Horace Greeley for president; removed to Oregon in 1872, was deputy county clerk under J. A. Smith; was appointed U. S. supervisor of census for Oregon in 1880, and removed to Spokane Falls, Washington, in 1881, engaging in farming.

Sullivan, E. H. born in Eaton County, Michigan, in 1850, migrated to Nebraska in 1855, and to Oregon in 1862, removing to Washington in 1877. He was admitted to the practice of the law at Colfax in 1880, where he continued to reside, and was elected prosecuting attorney in 1884.

Sullivan, P. C. born in Nebraska in 1859, came to Washington in 1883, settling in Colfax with his brother E. H. Sullivan in legal business, but removed to Tacoma in 1888.

Travis, J. J. born in Tennessee in 1858. He was appointed to the Colville Indian Agency during the administration of President Cleveland.

Turner, George was born in Medina, Knox County, Missouri, in 1850, and bred a lawyer. He held the office of U. S. marshal for the southern and middle district of Alabama, and was appointed associate justice of Washington in 1884 by Arthur. He was chairman of the republican state committee in Alabama from 1876 to 1884; member of the national convention from Alabama in 1876-80-84, and in the latter two, member at large and chairman of the delegation; and was one of the 306 in the convention for Grant.

Van Name, Jesse F. was born in Earlsville, La Salle County, Illinois, in 1857, educated in the public schools, taught school, went to the Black hills, to Kansas and Colorado, read law with Judge McAnnelly of Fort Collins, went to New Mexico and Arizona, and in 1882 came to Washington. Taught school in Cowlitz valley, and resumed law studies, was appointed clerk of the 2d judicial dist, and was admitted to the bar, locating in Kalama in 1889.

Warner, C. H. was born in the state of New York in 1836, migrated in 1847 to Wisconsin, and in 1854 to Illinois; was educated at Mt Morris, Illinois, college, taught school, and studied law. In 1862 he came to California, engaging in cattle raising in Sierra County; in 1867 went into flour milling in Oakland; in 1879 came to Washington, and engaged in milling at Colfax. He was a member of the legislature in 1883; appointed register of the land office at Walla Walla in 1885; was chairman of the democratic convention which met at Walla Walla in 1884, and also of the territorial democratic committee.

Weisenburger, J. J. born in Bureau County, Illinois, in 1855, came with his parents to the Pacific coast in 1862, settling in Nevada City. He was bred a lawyer, admitted to practice in 1879, and removed to Washington in 1883, locating at Whatcom, where he was city attorney and justice of the peace.

West, A. J. was born in county Roscommon, Ireland, in 1839, emigrated to Ontario, Canada, received a common-school education, taught school, and worked in a lumber-mill. When the war of the rebellion broke out he went to Michigan, enlisted, was commissioned 1stt Lieut, volunteer infantry, fought in 16 battles, was wounded while charging Fort Wheaton, was in command of his company at the surrender of Gen. Lee, and was commissioned captain in May 1865, a few days before his discharge. Engaged in lumbering in Michigan for 14 years at Saginaw, and filled several town and county offices. In 1884 removed to Aberdeen, Chehalis County, and went again into the manufacture of lumber.

Willison, H. C. was born on a farm in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, in 1845, graduated from the University of the City of New York, served on the medical staff of public charities and correction of New York, came to Washington in 1873, settled at Tacoma, was appointed physician to the territorial asylum and penitentiary at Steilacoom in 1874, and was instrumental in securing the passage of a bill establishing the hospital for the insane on more sanitary and humane principles than the former contract system. He removed to Port Townsend in 1885, where he continued to practice medicine.


Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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