Ainsworth Public School

(Lila McAndrew) School District No. 10, Ainsworth was organized August 25, 1883, E. A. Palmer was director, J. W. Alden moderator and S. G. Chaney treasurer. The first school in district No. 10 was held in a little log building, northwest of town, on the north bank of Bone Creek, in 1882. It was taught by Mrs. Mary Wade. Some of the pupils attending were Lettie Cheney (Mrs. J. D. Kirkpatrick), Millie Cheney (Mrs. Will Kirkpatrick), Joy and Bert Cheney, Dan and Mary Woodward, (the late Mrs. L. M. Short.) In 1883 school was: held in a frame building where … Read more

History of Ainsworth, Nebraska

That portion of Ainsworth lying west of Main Street was platted on the homestead of Mrs. Nannie Osborn. Leroy Hall platted an addition on his land on the east side of Main, extending as far north as Fourth Street. North of that, Henry Woodward’s addition on his homestead. On the corner of Main and Fourth was the Woodward store, the first business house in the town. It was a log building put up in 1880, and was located on the freighter’s trail. Among the early business houses were Tracy add Glover’s store managed by J. D. Crawford; Munson and Secor, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Jeremiah Bingham

Deacon Jeremiah Bingham, who has already been mentioned, was one of the original members of the Congregational Church, and was chosen one of the first deacons. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and took an active part in the battle of Bennington, and was connected with the quartermaster’s department of the garrison at Ticonderoga before the surrender of the fort to Burgoyne. He was a man of indomitable energy and unusual intelligence, a thorough student of the Scriptures, and a conscientious believer in the truths therein inculcated. He frequently wrote poetry for his own edification. He died at the … Read more

Cornwall Vermont – Eccleiastical

The Congregational Church of Cornwall, the first religious organization in Cornwall, was formed on the 1st of July, 1785, with the following members: Jared Abernathy, Stephen Tambling, James Marsh Douglass, Jeremiah Bingham, Roswell Post, Daniel Sampson, Mary Chipman, and Elizabeth Ives, and during the few weeks following August 21 Jesse Chipman, Mrs. Post, Mrs. Tambling, Nathaniel Cogswell and wife, Joel Linsley, Ethan Andrus, Isaac Kellogg, Hiland Hall, and Mrs. Ives were added to the number. On the 20th of July, 1787, a call was extended to the Rev. Thomas Tolman, and accepted on the 30th of August. Being the first … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Samson

William Samson, from Londonderry; N. H., at a very early date pitched on the farm afterward known as the Benjamin Sherwood place, now occupied by H. E. Taylor, and built his first cabin near the site of the present dwelling. He had a large family, was an early deacon of the Congregational Church, and died in 1798, aged sixty-six years. L. J. Samson, Curtis H. Samson and Mrs. R. S. Foot are his great-grandchildren.

Bristol Vermont – Ecclesiastical

The Bristol Baptist Church was organized by Elder Joseph Call, in 1794, with nine members. Rev. Thomas Tuttle was the first settled minister. The church building, erected in 1794, will seat two hundred and fifty persons, and is valued at $4,900, including grounds. The society now has one hundred and two members, with Rev. P. B. Strong, pastor, who was installed August 1, 1885. The present officers of the society are Daniel W. Durfee, Octavius Cushman and William Miller, prudential committee; J. J. Dumas and A. J. Averill, deacons; and Wallace Rider, treasurer. The Congregational Church was organized July 8, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Crane

Jesse and Asa Crane, brothers, came into town from Connecticut at an early date; both had large families, and some of their descendants are now prominently known as enterprising farmers and stock raisers, among whom are Julius J., Joseph R., Cassius P. and Byron W. Philip Searl came into town about 1791; was a farmer and lived where Oscar Kitchel now lives; was many years deacon of the Congregational Church, and reared a family of many children; died in 1852, aged eighty-four years. His son Gordon was at one time one of the leading merchants, and also a deacon of … Read more

Bridport Vermont – Ecclesiastical

The Congregational Church of Bridport, located at the village, was organized by Rev. Lemuel Haynes, of West Rutland, June 30, 1790, with twelve members. February 29, 1794, Rev. Increase Graves was installed the first settled minister. The first house of worship was a frame structure, built during the year of organization, which is now a part of the dwelling which is owned and occupied by Miss Mariette Miner and her mother, situated south of the park in Bridport village. The present commodious brick building, capable of seating five hundred and fifty persons, was erected in 1851, costing $9,000. The society … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Crane

Jesse and Asa Crane, brothers, came into town from Connecticut at an early date; both had large families, and some of their descendants are now prominently known as enterprising farmers and stock raisers, among whom are Julius J., Joseph R., Cassius P. and Byron W. Philip Searl came into town about 1791; was a farmer and lived where Oscar Kitchel now lives; was many years deacon of the Congregational Church, and reared a family of many children; died in 1852, aged eighty-four years. His son Gordon was at one time one of the leading merchants, and also a deacon of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Lamond Gray

Deacon Lamond Gray was a descendant of Scotch ancestors who, in 1612, settled in the north of Ireland, near Londonderry. In 1718 the family of which John Gray was the head, with some forty other families, emigrated through Boston to Worcester, Mass. In 1743 the family settled in Pelham, Mass., where Lamond was born in 1753, the son of Daniel Gray. He was well educated, and for a time taught school in that vicinity. May 26, 1778, he was married to Isabel Hamilton, widow of Lieutenant Robert Hamilton, by whom he had two children, Robert and Isabel, the latter afterwards … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elias Bottum

Bottum, Elias, New Haven, was born in Shaftsbury, Vt., in February, 1791, and died on February 6, 1865. He was a son of Simon and Elizabeth (Huntington) Bottum. He settled in New Haven, Vt., in 1805, and was married on February 5, 1811, to Diadama Squire, a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Cole) Squire, who were among the early settlers of New Haven. They had a family of four children born to them, all of whom are now dead — Mary A. (the wife of Julius Sprague), Charlotte E. (married Ezra Hoyt), Caroline E. (the wife of James Meacham), and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Remele

Remele, William R., was born in Whiting, Vt., on January 29, 1820. He was a son of Samuel and Linda (North) Remele. Samuel H. Remele was born in Kinderhook, N. Y., on May 26, 1780. His father, John Remele, was born in 1746, at a place known at that time as Half-Hollow-Hills, Long Island, N. Y. He was a Congregational clergyman, and was fitted for college in Elizabeth, N. J. He entered Princeton during the presidency of Doctor Witherspoon. His theological course was under the instruction of the Rev. Dr. Stephen West, of Stockbridge, Mass. He was chaplain for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Mathews

Mathews, E. J., Middlebury, was born in Middlebury, Vt., on May 5, 1827. His parents were Eli and Annis (Lothrop) Mathews. Deacon Eli Mathews was born in Stoneham, Mass., on February 16, 1794, and came to Addison county, Vt., with his father, Captain Timothy Mathews, soon after 1800, and first settled in Middlebury village, where Timothy Mathews followed his trade of shoemaking. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and commanded a company from Addison county, Vt., in the War of 1812. He died on September 4. 1857. Eli was a blacksmith by trade, and followed that business in Middlebury village until … Read more

Biography of William Silas Wright

Wright, William Silas, Waltham, was born in Weybridge, Vt., January 6, 1819. He was the fifth son of Daniel and Bathsheba (Frost) Wright, who settled in New Haven, Vt., in 1820, and at the age of sixteen years took a preparatory course at the Vergennes Classical Institute, and in 1838 entered Middlebury College, where he remained nearly two years, after which he returned to his father’s homestead in New Haven, and except the interval of four years (when he lived in Weybridge) he resided with his parents until the death of his father, and in 1867 removed to Waltham, Vt., … Read more

Addison Vermont – Churches

The Grandview House, located upon the summit of Snake Mountain, was built in 1874 by Jonas N. Smith, the present proprietor. It has an observatory sixty-eight feet in height, from which an unexcelled view of the surrounding country may be obtained, showing quite distinctly the old forts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, a fine view of Lake George, South Bay, West Whitehall, Lake Champlain from South Bay to Cumberland Head, Crown Point village and furnaces, Port Henry and its two furnaces, Moriah Four Corners, Moriah Center, Mineville, Westport, Split Rock, Point Essex, the spires of churches in Plattsburgh, Middlebury, Vergennes, … Read more

History of the Churches at Sherburne New York

The Duanesburgh colonists who settled this town arrived on the afternoon of Saturday, in March, 1793, and the second Sabbath following their arrival they met and inaugurated religious services which have been continued to the present time. July 6, 1794, Nathaniel and Bethiah Gray, Elijah and Sarah Gray, Abraham and Betsey Raymond, Timothy and Ruth Hatch, Elisha and Patience Gray, Josiah Lathrop, Eleazer Lathrop, Mabel, wife of Newcomb Raymond, Ruth, wife of Joel Hatch, Melissa, wife of James Raymond, and Ezra Lathrop and Mariam, his wife, were formed into a church by Rev. Mr. Campbell, a missionary, and denominated the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Clifford Chamberlain

Chamberlain (See Oo-loot-sa) —William Clifford Chamberlain was born April 23, in Flint Dist. He was educated at Neosho, Mo. He settled in Vinita and married Sept. 10, 1875, Lydia Ann Ward, born August 1, 1856. Se died June 28, 1882, and he married September 24, 1885 Madge, daughter of Hamilton W. and Margaret Goodykoontz, born August 7, 1859. Mrs. Madge Chamberlain taught school for seven years before her marriage, the last two being at Worcester Academy at Vinita. William C. Chamberlains children by his first marriage were: Flora Hoyt, born March 6, 1877 and died August 13, 1896; Edith Ursa … Read more

Biography of Herbert S. Gardner

Herbert S. Gardner, president of the Gardner Advertising Company of St. Louis, was born December 22, 1872, in Warsaw, Missouri, his parents being Nicholas S. and Susan Frances Gardner. The father was a merchant of Warsaw, Missouri, at one time and afterward lived at Appleton City, Missouri, where he continued in business for a number of years. In 1887 he came to St. Louis and was associated with the Brown-Dougherty Company, in the wholesale dry goods business. In later years he retired and passed away in 1891. For several years he was a member of the state guard of Missouri. … Read more

Biography of Herbert G. Tureman, M. D.

Dr. Herbert G. Tureman one of the most prominent physicians of Kansas City, enjoying a large practice, specializes on the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat and chest. He has made steady progress in his profession and holds to the highest standards in his practice at all times. Missouri numbers him among her native sons for his birth occurred in Callaway county, January 17, 1875, his parents being Robert W. and Sally (Flood) Tureman, who were also natives of Callaway county. The father has devoted his life to financial interests and was an officer of the First National … Read more

Biography of Michael N. Freeman

No history of the industrial development of Racine would be complete were there failure to make reference to Michael N. Freeman and his associates, whose important and extensive interests are conducted under the name of the S. Freeman & Sons Manufacturing Company. With this business Michael N. Freeman, who is now the vice president of the company, has been continuously connected since reaching the age of thirteen years and there is no phase of the undertaking with which he is not familiar. He was born in Centralia, Illinois, January 14, 1860, and is a son of S. Freeman, the founder … Read more